This is going to be a PruAme with a slight of Germerica.
Alfred was transferred to England, going to his new school. He was afraid, but he never showed it. He always tried to be a hero. He knew heroes weren't afraid of anything. But inside. He was scared..mostly about the other students and even bullies. But when he saw his P.E Teacher... Gilbert Beilschmidt. It all changed for him. He fallen for the handsome albino teacher! What will he do?
Alfred looked out of the plane window, seeing the view down below. "..." He gently hugged his Captain America plushie. The one he looked up to when he needed it. His Father got a new job at England and they had to move away from America to England. Alfred turned his head, looking at his father and his brother, Matthew. Alfred's mother wasn't here. She was ill and they couldn't transfer her. Alfred turned his head again, looking out of the window. He was scared. He hated moving away, it made his stomach turn. "Father..." He muttered as he looked at the man once more. "Are... we nearly there yet?" He asked, His father responded. "Yes, Nearly there. Don't worry Al." He ruffled the blonde's hair.
After a few hours, They landed at the Airport. "You know Alfred... You're 17 now, You shouldn't be hugging that thing like a damn child." He said as he glared weakly at Alfred. The American blonde pouted as he kept hugging it. It was his favourite hero, He couldn't abandon him in his time of need. "I... just like it... it comforts me dad.. you know that." His father just sighed, rolling his eyes as he got their bags and started to move outside, near to the road, calling a cab.
They got into the cab and drove to their new house. It was a nice, beautiful modern house. Alfred didn't really liked it though. The other house he lived in was much bigger and greater than this. "..." He nudged his glasses a bit as the three walked into the house. "Wow..." Matthew gasped as he liked the house, outside and in. "This is lovely!" He squealed. His little brother ran around the house like a little adventurer. Alfred chuckled at his little brother's squeal. So cute~
"Alright you two, Stop playing and pick a room. This house has three rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room and a dining hall." Their father said as he placed their things down. Alfred sighed, picking his stuff up and walking upstairs. "Hmm.." He quickly chose the biggest room. "Aww.. Al! I want this room!" Matthew whined as he tried to get into the room. "No you can't dude! Finders, keepers! Losers, weepers!" He pulled out his tongue at his brother, watching him cry and run away. "Idiot." He laughed softly.
He was now in his room, looking around. "This is big.." He mumbled to himself as he quickly put his things away. His aqua eyes glanced at the bed. It looked so inviting. "Might as well~" He launched forward, the front of his body landed on the bed. "So soft!~"
"Alfred, Hurry up. We're going to your new school. We need to set some things for you, like books, artbooks, a kit for P.E. Etc etc, Now get off your ass." Alfred looked at his father that was at the door. "Sure..." He didn't want to go, but he couldn't deny what his father wanted.
Alfred got off the bed and went out with his father, walking up to his new high school. "When you start high school, remember to do your best and at the end of the day, Pick up Matthew from Primary school. Alright?" He explained, looking at his son. Alfred nodding. He was fine with picking up his brother. "Okay, I will do that father, don't worry." He smiled as he got to the school. Now he felt a bit nervous. It was big and new, butterflies started to appear in his stomach.
'Hetalia High' That was his new school that he was going to go to now. They entered the building, Alfred's eyes looked left and right, seeing the classrooms, the cafeteria, the hall and outside. It looked new and strange. His father got him his uniform, school books and other things he will be needing for school. "A... Uniform?" He was surprised. He never got to wear a uniform at his old school. "Great..." He didn't like this one bit. "Get use to it..." The man said as he walked around the school, looking around; stepping into the classrooms. The last room was the boys changing room; where the boys changed into their P.E outfits to go outside or run around in the hall(If it was raining, they had to go into the hall and practise there)
"Hallo?" a voice spoken out. The man with the white hair and the red eyes looked at the two. Alfred looked at him, up and down. 'Wow...Hes fit...' That was the first three words that came in mind. He suddenly blushed. "U-Uhm.. Hello~" Alfred shyly said as he looked away, feeling nervous. "Hello." His father said to, shaking the albino's hand. "I'm Richard and this is my son, Alfred F Jones... He'll be going to this school soon and you are?" Richard asked for the man's name. "Gilbert Beilschmidt, But you little fellow. Can call me ~ Kesesese~" He laughed at the end, smirking at the blonde. "A-Alright ." Alfred quickly nodded. "Come on Al, we have to go now. You're little brother is probably getting hungry for pancakes at this time." Richard grabbed Alfred's hand, pulling him away from the changing rooms and out of the school. "B-Bye..." He waved at Gilbert, blushing pink as the Albino smiled and waved back before going back to do his work.
As they got home, his father, Richard opened the door, stepping inside and going to the kitchen, hearing Matthew whine shyly for food. "Pancakes are coming up, don't worry Mattie." Richard chuckled as he started to cook. Richard poured the pancake mix onto the frying pan, making golden brown pancakes and putting them on a clean white plate. "Here you go." He gave the plate to Matthew. "Thanks papa!~" His little brother smiled and rushed to the chair, sitting up and putting the plate on the table, he got his fork and knife, trying to hold them properly as he started to eat them. "Nom nom nom~"
Alfred got a plate as well and he started to eat quickly before heading up to his room, laying down onto his bed. Monday was coming and that was the day he will be going to his new school. 'Remember to be awesome...Don't be scared... You'll make good friends... good friends...' He shut his eyes closed tightly, trying to think that over and over again so his nerves would calm down.
It was now night time and Alfred couldn't sleep that much, he tried counting sheeps but that didn't help him. He thought about the german guy... His teacher. He hoped he was nice, He did seem nice when they first met...but maybe he was just being nice in front of his father? He'll never know until he sees him again.
Al finally went asleep when it was 1AM. He snored away, dreaming about burgers, french fries and all the other food he loves. Minus the vegetables, YUCK!
The next day, Alfred was up. His uniform was on him. He was at his mirror, trying to put his tie on. "...fuck sake.. I hate this!" He nearly screamed as he tried to do it once more. "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaather!" He called out for him. Richard got up and tied the tie for him. "There..Now get down stairs quick and eat before going to school." Alfred nodded, rushing downstairs and going to the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast, eating it and drinking some sweet tea before getting out of the door. "Shit! Forgot my bag!" He stopped and rushed back in, grabbing his bag and swinging it over his shoulder before running to his new school.
He was at the gates, watching other students walking in. "..." He gulped as he walked in as well. He wanted to mingle and talk and make friends but he felt scared. He didn't want to make a bad impression of himself in front of people. So he decided to be quiet. He got up to his new classroom's door. Where he would go in to register himself so he was in. He peeked inside, seeing his new teacher. He slowly approached him, looking up. "U-Uhm.. Hello?" He spoke as the teacher looked at him with a smile. "Hello there... You must be Alfred right?" She smiled. She seemed nice and good. "Y-Yes I am.." He nodded. "Alright then... Class!~" She yelled so she got most of the students attention. "This is Alfred F Jones. He moved here from America. So be nice to him and maybe even show him around the school." She looked at the boy. "I'm Mrs. Braginski, I'm from Ukraine, nice to meet you." She chuckled. "Nice to meet you to... Miss~" He slowly got to his seat, sitting down next to a taller, muscular blonde. "Hello there." Alfred looked at the man. "Hallo there... You must be Alfred then? I'm Ludwig... Ludwig Beilschmidt." He pulled out his hand, quickly shaking Alfred's hand. "A-Ah.. Hello dude~" He blushed a bit as their hands shook. "Wait.. Beilschmidt... So I guess is your older brother?" Ludwig nodded. "Yeah..." He sighed, He didn't seem so glad that his older brother was here. "I always had a feeling that he got this job to look after me und make fun at me at the same time... Oh well.. thats Gilbert. Hes an idiot." Alfred chuckled in a cute way. "I see~"
called out the names on the register, everyone was here, expect a few people; they must be sick, maybe with hayfever. You never know, Hayfever can get bad... "So, alfred. Do you know what class you have first?" The german kindly asked, looking at the blonde. "Uhm.. No I don't...Wait! I have a schedule through..." Alfred rummaged through his bag, pulling out a slip of paper. "Here~" He gave Ludwig it. "Ah... I see, ve have most classes together, even sports. The only class that ve do not have is art... I don't really do art... not my kind of thing und i'm bad at it sadly." Ludwig gave the piece of paper back.
"Vell, Ve have sports first anyway, so... Lets go." He got up and Alfred quickly followed him to the boys changing rooms. He got up to a free locket, putting his bag in and grabbing his kit. The shirt was good and big but the shorts... Oh no... they were kind of small. "Oh no..." Well, they had to do until he got another pair.
Alfred slowly stripped the clothes off his body. Now he was in his underwear, he shivered slightly at the coldness of the room. Ludwig was next to him and he couldn't help but stare at the body. "I see you have some muscle. That's good... bruder doesn't like weak people." He said as he instantly put his shorts and shirt on. "Oh..." He wore his shirt and looked at the shorts before putting them on, tugging them up. "U-Uhm.. Ludwig...Are these shorts a bit small? And be honest with me...dude..." He was concerned about his shorts. Ludwig went behind him, looking at him. His cheeks suddenly went bright red. The shorts were short, the German could see Alfred's ass cheeks, but only a bit. "U-Uhm...Just pull them down a little bit..." Alfred's hands were at the bottom now of the shorts, tugging them down slightly. "Better?" "Ja... Better." Ludwig tried to get rid of the blush that was lingering against his cheeks. "Lets go outside before the teacher... vell, before my bruder gets mad at us." He grabbed Alfred's hand, holding his as he pulled him outside to the field.
The boys stood in a line, looking at Gilbert pace back and forth on the field. "Alright you little whelps!" He yelled as he glared at them. "Today, You'll be running around, this entire field and do not take one damn break! Now go!" The field was big but Alfred could make it. "Lets go Al." Ludwig started to run with the rest of them. Alfred looked at Gilbert before running, looking behind Ludwig. "I guess hes strict when hes doing his job?" He questioned but Ludwig nodded running faster. Alfred just took it easy, watching the others run fast. He was alone now... "..." He heard a little squeak... Like it was from a little bird or something. "Hm?" He looked down, seeing a baby yellow blue. He quickly stopped and looked down at it. His eyes averted up, seeing the nest. Alfred gently picked up the bird. "Don't worry, this hero has up." "Oi! Jones! I said don't take a...- Vait the..." Gilbert stopped as he watched Alfred climb up the tree, He saw a little bird in his hands. "There you go buddy, home sweet home~" Alfred smiled before jumping off the tree, landing on his feet and running again. That heroic moment made Gilbert's heart beat a bit. "Huh..." He blinked as he saw most of the boys were tired from running. He growled. "Come on! Run faster!" Ludwig was by Gilbert's side, finishing first, then it was Alfred at second. "Hey Ludwig~" "Hallo." They both smiled at each other. "Not bad..." The Albino said, looking up and down at Alfred. "Heroic and steady on his feet, good work boy." He ruffled Alfred's hair, smiling. "T-Thanks ." Alfred's cheeks glowed pink, he liked being praised. "Hehe~"
Somehow, Ludwig saw this and he didn't like his older brother touching Alfred... He didn't know why. "Come on Alfred...Lets go get changed and go to English class." He wasn't happy any more and forced Alfred to go back to the changing room. Alfred saw this but didn't complain. He got undressed, naked once more. Ludwig took a peek, looking at the well-tanned body. He quickly looked away as he got his uniform back on. Alfred got his uniform on as well. Alfred smiled and hugged Ludwig, feeling that he was going to be his first new friend. "Thanks for everything Ludwig...Seriously dude. Thanks." He gave Ludwig cheek a kiss before heading off, Ludwig was following behind, rubbing his kissed cheek. 'H-He.. kissed my.. cheek... No one has ever done that... except Bruder...'Ludwig's heart was beating but he tried to ignore it. He couldn't be in love?! He just met this American boy!
Alfred hummed happily. The butterflies went away now as he was near Ludwig. He felt so good not to be scared any more. Well, a hero does need a side-kick and Ludwig was that.
The Blonde duo got into the English class, sitting down next to each other. Sadly, The teacher hissed at them, They had a classroom seating plan. Alfred felt sad now as he got up out of his seat and going to the back of the class. That was where the seat was... It was next to some big guy. He gulped as he sat down... this wasn't going to go well. "Oi." The big guy nudged Alfred's arm, trying to get his attention. Alfred was trying to work. "What?" He whispered as he looked at him. "Are you some kind of nerd or something?" The guy took Alfred's glasses. "O-Oi.. Give them back." The guy ignored him. 'Fuck.. I need those glasses!' He thought as he glared at the guy who was acting like a bully. "No." The bully stood up, getting the class's attention. "Whatcha going to do about it?" He smirked as Alfred growled as he tried to get his glasses back but the stupid bully pushed him away. Ludwig noticed this as he couldn't pay attention in class any more. He wanted to help but he didn't want to get in trouble. He was a good person who didn't break the rules. "Just give them... back!" He shouted as he punched the bully in the face, knocking him back and grabbing his glasses, quickly putting them on.
While they were busy fighting. The teacher already called for some help and the P.E teacher quickly got into the classroom. But it was to late, the Bully tackled Alfred down, punching him. "Haha~ Weakling! When I'm finished with you, Your mummy wont be able to kiss your fucking boo-boos better!" Alfred got a flashback about his mother in the hospital. "How can she... When...Shes in a coma..." His voice trembled. "Oh to bad, I don't fucking care about your stupid mental mother! I wonder why she was in that coma? Maybe it was your fault for being so fucking stupid and weak!" Then he snapped, He felt the energy of angry flowing in his veins as he punched the bully off him. Gilbert rushed and grabbed Alfred, pulling him back as another teacher pulled the bully back. "You bastard!" He shouted as he tried to struggle, tears flowed down his cheeks. The bully was pulled away and Alfred's head limped down, tears dropping to the floor. Gilbert sighed as he saw those crystal tears hitting the floor. Ludwig got out of his seat. He pulled Alfred away from Gilbert. He didn't know what to do but he knew a hug would be a good thing to do. So he hugged him, petting his back.
"Shh..." The blonde hushed Alfred, trying to calm him down. "Take him somewhere nice and safe... Maybe outside, give him some fresh air... I'll go speak to that-..." He was going to swear but he decided not to, because he was a teacher and swearing in schools weren't allowed. "Bully..." He finished as he walked off, looking behind him quick, watching Ludwig take Alfred away. "..." Gilbert looked down, thinking. 'Poor kid...' He walked down the hall, rubbing the back of his neck. He got to the room where the bully was kept. Gilbert had fury in his eyes now as he glared at the boy. He felt like cracking his knuckles in front of the boy and beat him up for making Alfred cry. He didn't know he could care so much for a boy that he just met. He hated that the bully made Alfred cry and he wanted to comfort Alfred, kiss it all better. Gilbert had a nice chat with the bully, scaring him with his own words.
The breeze brushed against Alfred's and Ludwig's blonde hair as they sat on the grass, looking up at the blue sky. Ludwig didn't know how to comfort a person. He wasn't a person to hug and make people feel better. He looked at the American, thinking. His eyes looked to Alfred before looking back up to the sky. He smiled as he pointed to a cloud that nearly looked like a stick. "Look~" He kept pointing to the cloud. He heard Alfred's cute giggle. "Cool~" He said. "Oh!" He pointed at another one, this time, He found a cloud that looked like a maple leaf. "Maple leaf~ hehe, My little brother love thoses. And Maple syrup." He was feeling much better now as they continue to point at different shape of clouds. They laughed together, smiled together. They were having a great time together.
They laid down next to each other, a bit tired from pointing from cloud to cloud. They both had smiles on their faces. "That was fun~" Alfred mentioned while the German nodded. They heard a bell ringing. "It must be time for lunch now." He said as he got up, Ludwig held out a hand for Alfred and he grabbed it, Ludwig pulled him up and they both got to the cafeteria. It was packed with people. "Wow... I hope the food is great..." He mumbled as he heard his stomach growled. He looked at Ludwig, waiting for an answer. "Its alright. Some of its very nice." "Some of it? Wait.. So the rest is like demonic bad food? Is... there a mystery special or something?!" He gasped in horror, of course he was pretending through and Ludwig laughed. "No. The only bad food in this school is the scones." "Haha!~ Demonic scones! Niiice..." Alfred giggled as they both got to the front and grabbed their food quickly and going to some seats and sitting down. Alfred was happy that this school made any type of food. He looked at his burger, licking his lips. He started to eat it. "Mmm~ Not bad." He munched onto the burger while Ludwig was cutting up his wurst, stabbing it one of the pieces with his fork and putting it in his mouth. "Mmmhmm~" He nodded as he ate in a polite manner.
Alfred continue to munch on his burger, getting ketchup sauce on his cheek. "Hey... Alfred..." He looked at his cheek and quickly licked the sauce off. "Hm?" Alfred's cheek glowed bright red. "E-Eh.. O-Oh thanks.." He rubbed his cheek where Ludwig licked. "No problem." Ludwig smiled awkwardly. 'God damn it.. I shouldn't of did that... ah you Dummkopf!' He shouted at himself in his own head. Alfred munched on his french fries now, eating them all, tasting the salt on them. "Mmm.. Delis!" He said, licking his lips as he was finished with his dinner, so was Ludwig. "Lets go. We have about 10 minutes left until we part..." He didn't like the sound of that. But Ludwig had wood crafting class and Alfred had art. So there was no way that they can be together on the last period. "Oh.." Alfred got up and the trio got out there, sitting on the grass again. "This has really been fun... I was really scared... you know being new and all. But... Now I have you... I-I feel much better now, Like a hero!~" Ludwig nodded, smiling at him. He was happy that he made Alfred feel better in this school. "No problem. It feels.. good to have a friend. Thanks for coming here Alfred." "No.. Thank you Luddy~ I can say Luddy right?" "Of course..." Ludwig kissed Alfred on the forehead.
The bell rung at that moment, making both Ludwig and Alfred blush. "U-Uhm... I don't think we can walk home.. I-I have to pick up my little brother after school has finished." Alfred explained as they started to walk back into school. "Its okay, ve can go together then ve can valk together?" "That sounds great!~" Alfred waved goodbye to his friend and rushed to Art class. He sat down next to his Art partner, Feliciano Vargas. "U-Uhm.. Hello~" Alfred didn't know what to do, whether to bow or shake his hand. "Si, Hello there~" Feliciano smiled as he kindly shook Alfred's hand. "You are the new kid? I'm Feliciano~ I'm Italian." "Oh cool~" This Italian kid sounded nice and sweet, So this was going to be easy making friends with him.
They chit and chatted while doing their art work, They had fun, they laughed and smiled like he did with Ludwig. The final bell rang, telling all students that school was over and it was time to go home. Alfred grabbed his bag. "Well, Nice to meet you Feliciano, I had fun and I'll see you tomorrow!~ Byyeeee!" Alfred swung the bag over his shoulder and walked over to Ludwig's class. He looked inside of the room, seeing people packing up to go home. His eyes glimpsed at the blonde German. "Hey Luddy!" He said out his nickname for him. Ludwig smiled as he got his own things and went up to Alfred. "Lets go friend." Alfred smiled back and walked with him to Matthew's primary school. Cute little Matthew was waiting outside. He saw his brother and squealed. "Alfie!~" Matthew skipped towards him, hugging his brother's leg. "Glad to see you to bro. Oh, this is my friend, Ludwig~" Matthew smiled and suddenly it went as he looked at him. "Scawy..." He said in a babyish voice. "Dude, Hes totally not scary. Hes fun and awesome. Now come on, Dad will get angry with us if we're late." "Ja.. Not scary at all." Ludwig huffed, chuckling to himself as the three walked down the pavement. "Where do you live Luddy?" Ludwig pointed to his house that was a couple blocks down. "Oh, So we don't live that far, Awesome!" He hugged Ludwig before parting. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Ludwig waved goodbye before going to his house.
Alfred had a huge smile now as he pushed the front door open. Little Matthew went in first and Alfred last. Alfred got his and Matthew's things, putting them away, Little Matthew rushed and hugged Richard, their father. He smiled and laughed, Looked like Matthew had a good day to. "How was school? Made any friends?" Alfred nodded. "Three so far~" He said, Counting Gilbert to. Gilbert wasn't that made and he felt like he was his friend. "Thats good- Wait.. is that a bruise on your cheek?" Richard's fingers touched Alfred's cheek. "Yeah... Kinda got into a fight in class... Bully took my glasses...But it was all sorted out, don't worry. I didn't get into trouble, the bully did though." He claimed, defending himself so he wont get in trouble with his father. "Well.. At least your fine...Anyway, Have something to eat and go to your room and do whatever you like. Its your free time now." "Yey!" Alfred cheered, rushing to the kitchen, he grabbed a packet of chocolate cookies and headed upstairs, connecting his xbox and playing a few games while Matthew watched.
"You know Matthew. I hope tomorrow will be awesome. I made two friends and.. I'm hoping my P.E Teacher, Gilbert will be my friend to." Matthew nodded, smiling. "Just do your best big brother~" He kissed his cheek and hugged him. "I will. I'm a hero, I will make it and I will do my best. For you, Father and my friends."
Slowly it turned night and Alfred yawned, getting into bed. He drifted off to sleep, hoping... It was going to be a good tomorrow.
Well, I hoped you enjoyed that! Chapter two will be soon.
Chapter Two: The Mystery beneath the floorboards.