Kana Saito was one of the many orphans left behind. She could have been a great ninja.

Like many others, the nine-tailed beast took her parents away when she had barely opened her eyes. Her parents weren't well known as the fourth hokage or his wife, but they were still decent shinobi. Yet the only recognition they had were their names being engraved into the memorial stone. That was all. Nothing else was left of them for her to remember.

Kana had nobody to take her in and so she was sent to Konoha's orphanage. There, she grew into a fine young woman and was only viewed as another villager. She lived through depression, loneliness and didn't want the future orphans to experience the same. So she chose to be a caretaker instead of the ninja life that states: kill or be killed.

He was always viewed as the boy who kept to himself and his bugs. It was only almost three years ago that his weakness in team bonds was diminished. He knew what the meaning of "friends" meant and what it takes to protect them. Still, he was on a different level than they were; the way he calculated things were seen as him being "nitpicky" or just overly concerned. There was a big gap between the ways he viewed things and how people understood him. This was the reason why he would rather spend his time examining a beetle's life cycle than to meddle in any affairs his acquaintances created for themselves.

Shino Aburame received second glances when he walked down Konoha's streets. The Aburame Clan was known to be a mysterious bunch after all. Shino was the only one who dared to walk around while the rest of his family hid themselves from common villager's eyes. At times, some folks even walked up to him and asked why he wore so many layers of clothing and why he concealed his eyes even during the rainiest days.

Of course, his constant slanted eyebrows, which made him seem so angry, would be their only response. The villagers would only silently stare at their own reflection on his dark glasses and leave him be.

As he continued his way down the path to meet up with his team, a ball bounced and rolled in front of him. He stopped and watched a young redheaded girl run up to it. The ball that stood in between the insect user and her waited for her to pick it up but she only stood there. Her face lifted up to stare back at his tall stature. Shino blinked behind his glasses and decided perhaps the girl wanted him to give it to her. He calculated that is was probably the only reason why she didn't pick up the ball and run off already.

He bent down and grabbed the ball, giving it to her. The little girl's blue eyes still stared at him as she slowly took it from him; her eyes remained on his movements when he stood up again. He shoved his hands back into his jacket's pockets, a little nervous under this girl's gaze.

"Why are you all covered up?"


"Are you ugly? Is that why barely any of your face is showing? You're wearing a hood too, are you bald?"

He proceeded to step to the side and walked pass her. Time was being wasted and it would be troublesome to answer the young child's questions. Normal children that aren't enrolled to the ninja academy would never understand.

It's quite obvious that Shino was a man that focused on only one task at a time and one thought at a time. When the day ended with him finishing up his training with Hinata and Kiba, he walked back home and resumed to thinking about that little girl early in the day. Most children's eyes fill with fear when they see a person like him but she only looked at him with curiosity. It was rare.

He passed the same location of their encounter and noticed that it was the same area of Konoha's orphanage.

Was the girl an orphan perhaps?

He shrugged off the thought, not wanting to think himself as a creep. The insect user stopped walking though when her voice coincidentally broke his thoughts.

"Look! Kana-neechan, that was the boy I met earlier today!"

He turned to see the same girl pointing at him while she held onto someone else's hand. The red haired girl bounced up and down as she excitedly pulled the older girl's hand. From what it seems, this older girl was about his age but she too, had already developed a high level of maturity. She acted like a mother while she attempted to calm the girl down as they both walked up to him.

Is she her sister? No, because they have no similar features…

He didn't know why he was still standing there; waiting for them to approach him, but it was too late when the little girl grinned up at him.

"See? I told you! He looks weird huh? I think he's blind too because he's wearing such dark sunglasses!"

The girl named Kana laughed a little and ruffled the little girl's hair, "You shouldn't be insulting strangers like that, Suki. Besides, it's rather normal for him to dress like that as a shinobi from the Aburame Clan."

He couldn't believe his ears. The woman didn't look like she was a ninja. Not that he judged people based on their looks, but he just knew. She was just a common villager and it was surprising that she even knew the types of clan. For some reason, he had a strong feeling she knew much more than the average commoner.

The golden eyes that met his confirmed his thoughts.

Just a story I wanted to make for our favorite bug lover. He's always viewed as gross, it's sad to hear that when he brings a funny sense of humor. And that face! We only know a glimpse of his eyes but you can tell he's quite handsome.

I've only recently found out many people ship Shino and Kiba's sister, Hana, together (I forgot she even existed too). Well, that's unfortunate for Kana since their names are only off by one letter. ._.' I've also made her mother's name Hana too...Ugh! Well hope nobody minds that. So just a heads up about that complication.