Give A Man A Chance

Chapter 1:The Rose Festival

AN: Hey there everybody my name is newguy100 and I am a major Tipo fan! I have been on fanfiction for a few months but I have not wrote a story until now. So no flames but constructive criticism is appreciated. Anyway on with the show.

Everything was normal in the Valley of Peace. Everyone was enjoying one of the valley's many festivals, known simply as the Rose Festival, a time where hardworking citizens of the valley could blow off work and have fun with the ones they loved. A truly happy time for all except for Master Tigress, who found no joy in anything not relating to training or kung fu, but this was to be expected. Everyone was doing something:Crane was making a painting of the whole scene from high up on a nearby rooftop, Viper was amazing people with here ribbon dancing skills, Mantis was stuffing his face with food, and Monkey was telling some little kids some jokes he just made up. Even Tigress was providing her services as a bouncer, in case anything were to go wrong. All the while Po was occupying his time helping his dad with selling food from his dad's noodle cart.

Po's P.O.V

The Festival is in full swing, people are dancing, laughing, and having a good time and my dad is making a ton of money selling his noodles it warms my heart to see everyone having a good time but it just makes me wish I could be part of the action instead of being stuck doing something that I wish I could quit so I could have fun, because when will I have a chance to have time off (A.N: The valley literally has hundreds of festivals and holidays every year it's ridiculous ;)). "Dad can I please go to the festival" I begged. "Of course Po you have fun I want my big Dragon Warrior to have a little fun" said ."Thanks dad". So I ran to the village square it was beautiful the bright neon colors of the lanterns the delicious smells of savory fried foods and the sweet aromas of the thick doughy pastries. It was almost too much to take in and with everything exciting going on it was very hard to choice what to do first. But then a slow song was playing and people were pairing up to dance and this brought me back to a talk I had with Monkey and Mantis earlier today.

Flash Back (4 hours ago)

Po was walking through the hall as he heard voices in the kitchen he walked in and saw Mantis and Monkey laughing and obviously talking about something hilarious, "What are you guys talking about"? Po asked. "Were talking about what were going to do at the festival tonight" Mantis replied with a huge grin on his face. "Well what do plan on doing tonight?" Po asked. "We plan on bagging us a good one" Monkey said with a evil grin. "What?" Po questioned. "Were going to get dates." Mantis explained. That brought Po back to all the times he tried doing the same thing…but with unsatisfying results. "Has it worked for you guys?" Po asked. "Yes" they said in unison "Wait a minute Po have you ever had a girlfriend?!" Monkey asked. "No, I haven't even been on a date" Po said looking at the floor. "Wow we have to help him out" Mantis whispered into Monkey's ear. "Yeah let's help a brother out" Monkey agreed. "Now Po when you want a girl to notice you all you have to do is do tons of nice things for her and be yourself" Monkey explained. "But I already do that I am kind gentleman to every girl in the valley and I am friends with all of them but for some reason they only see me as the there friend" Po explained. "You got friend zoned!" Monkey and Mantis laughed. "What?" Po replied obviously confused. "Well you see Po when you like a girl but she only likes you as a friend then there is this invisible zone that you cross into called the friend zone and once your there it is almost impossible to get out and the way I see it you have been friend zoned by every chick in the valley" Monkey explained unable to lose the large grin on his face. "Well what should I do? I don't want to be in the friend zone." Po begged. "Well Po there might be only one option just walk up to any girl you like and ask her out on a date we would give you better advice but it just seems that you are running out of options" Mantis replied. "Well it's worth a shot" Po said. And with that Po ran to his room to get ready for the festival. But what Po didn't hear was what Monkey and Mantis were still talking about in the other room. "Man I hope he finds someone." Monkey said who was now bummed out from Po's story. "Yeah that guy is pushing 30 there is only a certain time frame that a man has before he dies alone" Mantis said also bummed on Po's situation.

Present Time

Po decided to take his brothers' advice and ask a girl out. He noticed that in the corner of his dad's shop was a young-looking panther with black fur golden eyes with a blue dress with sliver trimming her named was Virginia but he called her Jenna for short they became really good friends at a kung fu convention and Po felt like some kind of connection could be made so he decided to go talk to her. "Hey Jenna what's up?" Po asked "Oh hey Po how are you doing?" she replied "I'm okay I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date sometime" Po asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Po I am touched but I only see you as a friend , plus you're a great friend and I don't want to lose that and also I don't want to hurt your feelings is it okay if were just friends?" Virginia said with a nervous smile. "Yeah sure no problem" Po said with a smile. "Well I got to go bye Po" and with that Jenna left. Po just stood there with a goofy looking smile on his face he seemed okay on the outside but on the inside he was in a ton of pain his heart was broken into a million little pieces all Po could think about was what she said and what it really meant to him. Even though Jenna was really nice in trying to spare the panda's feelings;But if only she knew that bad news like that no matter how it's worded would have the same affect on Po's mind and heart what Jenna said was I want to be friends what Po heard was I am not worth your time to get to know you. All Po asked was to spend maybe an hour of her time with him and Po knew if only she said yes she would've seen that he was a smart, nice, romantic guy. But no Po was still heart broken and with that he ran through the village with his face in his paws trying not to cry. Po ran towards the palace unbeknownst to Po he headed straight for a rather annoyed Tigress. They hit with plenty of force to slam through a food vender's stand Po stood up, trying to maintain whatever dignity he had left. Tigress on the other hand knew that this was the last straw. "What the hell were you thinking! Watch where your going fatty! God panda can't you be normal for one day!" Tigress yelled letting her temper get the better of her. Po could only look at her with a sad face and tears in his eyes and after everything that happen that night this was one thing he wasn't going let happen. "You don't know me! You don't know what I have been through and until you do you can go screw yourself!" Po yelled back still trying to hide his tears which were now tears of hurt and anger and with that Po ran all the way to the palace whimpering the whole way until he got to his room where he soon cried himself to sleep like he did every night because though Po put on a mask of a happy,goofy, and lovable panda the real Po was a more darker person an untrusting, heartless person who would occasionally cut to release the stress always covered by the darkness that always surrounded his heart of gold. (A.N: We all have that mask we hide behind :( ). All these feelings transpired through a lifetime of loneliness starting from his lack of real parents to the constant rejection of everyone in his life. Po knew he needed help but he didn't know if that help would ever come.

(A.N:So will Po get the right "help"in time? Find out in chapter 2. Well what do you think? Review when you can I will write the second chapter if I feel people like the story so far)