I wanted to try and stretch my writing comfort zone so here is my first foray into Doccubus smut. It is what it is. As always, I appreciate the comments

*All characters and rights belong to Prodigy Pictures and Lost Girl. I own nothing.

Adventures in Advertising

It's four thirty on a Monday afternoon and the sultry brunette accompanies the client to the VIP area next to the stage. She signals to the waitress for her usual round of scotches as she pulls out a chair for him. The older, overweight, bald man is dressed like a mob boss in a black Armani suit with flat black dress shirt, black and white tie and topped off with a Rolex. He laughs obnoxiously loud as he slaps her gruffly on the back to signify his approval. He pulls out a couple of Cuban's and offers one to her as their drinks arrive promptly. Knowing the way this game is played, she smiles courteously and accepts the cigar. She seductively wets the end as she allows him to light it for her even though it means he will lean in far to close, like they usually do, and try to touch something inappropriately. She ignores it, pulling back and deeply inhaling the sweet, smoky taste of money well made.

Bo Dennis is the top advertising executive in the city and she pays the owner of the Dahl and his employees very generously to make sure this spot, the best seat in the house, is always available to her with never ending drinks and special attention from the dancers to schmooze her clients. As if her own charms and busty assets weren't enough, free stripteases, lap dances and drinks never fail to win over clients, be it male or female. Bo makes it a rule to never sleep with her clients, but that doesn't mean she can't flirt a little. She got to the top with hard work and an uncanny ability to read and charm just about anyone. The way she makes clients uptight about spending their money feel at ease with a look or a smile, they just spill their secrets to her as if under her thrall. "It's so easy it should be illegal," she always tells her boss.

Running from her past, it dawned on Bo that she had a particular talent of swaying people to her favor, so she headed to the big city to puts those talents to great use. Coming from out of nowhere just a few months ago, her boss, Hale Santiago, quickly recognized her talents and put her right into the large accounts department. Now, whenever he happens to run into Aoife, the head of one of the other advertising firms in town who turned down Bo's application due to lack of experience, the look she gives him would melt someone's face. He just grins victoriously and tips his hat at her as he continues to his destination. Every client is her prey and each time she closes a deal her eyes flash from the thrill of the hunt. Now it's time to kick back and enjoy another successful day as the man finally signs the papers following his second lap dance.

She tips well and occasionally gets a lap dance but mostly she watches the women dance and enjoys her drink, ignoring whatever disgusting thing the client maybe doing with the dancers. She comes to the Dahl often enough, that she knows all of the girls. Tonight, however, there is a new face on stage and Bo's gaze is fixed upon this woman. She is wearing a long white lab coat and six inch heels. Teasing the crowd by unbuttoning the coat slowly, the blonde takes note of the beautiful brunette dressed in a finely tailored pinstripe women's power suit with a red tie. She knows that is the table that Trick said needs extra attention, but she didn't expect this gorgeous woman who appears to be totally enamored with her. The brunette's intense gaze made the dancer gasp slightly but she hid it well. Sliding the coat slightly down to reveal one silky smooth shoulder, before uncovering the other to the crowd she kept the coat pulled tight just above her breasts as she swayed in time to with music.

Bo didn't know when she ever thought a lab coat was sexy, but there was nothing that has ever made her wetter than what was taking place on stage right now. She didn't even hear the introduction, she rarely pays attention anymore, but now you couldn't peel her eyes away with a crowbar as the blonde drops the coat to the floor revealing a perfect, sexy body moving sensuously across the stage. She expertly maneuvers her lithe body around the pole and the client not so quietly yells over "I'd love to let that one ride my pole." An unexpected pang of jealousy rises in Bo's chest. She feels her fists clench a bit at the remark, which brought the blonde's eyes over to their table. If it disgusted her, she didn't show it. Her face was the definition of emotionless professionalism. Bo could relate to the old saying "never let them see you sweat" but she doubted she could put up with crude comments on a regular basis. She is free to confront anyone that insults her or makes her feel uncomfortable. She has done it on several occasions, even for people she didn't know. She may walk the line, but she is no slut, and neither are most of these girls. This one in particular didn't look like she should be here and Bo found herself wanting to know more.

The blonde, who was now topless, made her way slowly to the table, glancing over the man and landing her soft brown eyes on Bo's chocolate ones. She continued moving her hips slowly to the music with no real expression on her face. She falls to her knees, legs parted in front of the client as she lay back with her hands over her head moving along in time with the beat. The whooping and whistling is blacked out as she focuses on the music, her mind somewhere else less degrading. She comes back up, sliding over slightly to a mesmerized Bo Dennis locking their eyes again, the blonde offers a small sexy smile as she grabs Bo's tie and pulls her forward harshly for a chaste kiss on the lips causing Bo to shiver from the contact. The man cheers and the blonde pushes Bo back playfully in her chair before standing up and continuing her seductive dance. The blonde is caught off guard by the electricity she felt when she kissed the brunette. It was hard to maintain her composure, but she covered by flipping her hair back to cast another glance at the brunette whose mouth is agape in awe and throwing her a wink before working the other end of the stage.

Bo can only watch in stunned silence. Admiring the body and moves of the gorgeous blonde with long legs and toned arms made her sex throb. She can't help but notice that the dancer didn't smile or kiss anyone else during her performance and the brunette was still feeling goose bumps on her skin at the thought of their brief kiss. Surely it meant nothing. The dancers know where the money is, yet she can't help but wonder if the blonde felt anything like she did when their lips met.

The next hour is a blur as she continued to entertain her client, but Bo could only think about the blonde dancer that has completely captured her mind. She kept surveying the scene hoping to catch a glimpse of the blonde once again.

Finally able to ditch her drunk client into the limo with instructions to get him back safely, Bo hurries back into the Dahl to find the owner.

"Trick! Trick" she calls out over the music, running across the establishment to grab his arm.

"Bo, is everything alright? Nobody offended your client did they" he looked around accusingly.

The brunette shakes her head no as she tries to get some air after running to find him, "They were great as usual." Breathlessly she demands, "I have to know who the new blonde is?"

The old man just smiles widely. His eyes twinkle, knowing Bo would like that one. "Oh, that's the doctor."

Her brow furrows in confusion as she looks around for the blonde, "The doctor" she asks confused "well, is she still here? Can I meet her?"

Chuckling at Bo's response to the new dancer, Trick takes her hand and leads her to one of the back rooms. "Wait right here. I will send her over. You know the rules" he smiles and heads out.

"No I…" Bo begins to yell before realizing that he is already gone "didn't mean like that" she finishes to herself quietly.

"Didn't mean what like that" a sultry voice asks, startling the brunette as the topless blonde enters, then turns to pulls the curtain closed.

"Nothing, I uh…nothing" Bo responds sheepishly looking to the floor. "Smooth, real smooth. Get it together Dennis before she thinks you're one of those weirdo's or something" she chides herself.

The blonde watches the turmoil play out on the brunette's face in amusement. With a sexy smile she surprises Bo by straddling her lap and wrapping her arms around her neck. "I didn't figure you for the shy type" she says, her warm breath ticking Bo's face.

"Umm…I'm not usually" Bo replies preoccupied, trying to figure out where to rest her hands. She didn't intend to meet her this way, she just wanted to talk, maybe ask her out, but now she's afraid the woman will think she's just another creep looking to get off on a private lap dance.

Noticing her discomfort, the dancer reaches down and places Bo's hands firmly on her ass. "There. Now you can relax" she chuckles at the brunette's awkwardness. "What would you like" she asks as she returns her arms to the position around Bo's neck and she leans back.

The feel of the blonde against her causes her heart to race and it's hard to think clearly. "Well, I uh… I'm sorry. I didn't really plan to meet this way. I don't usually do this…I just wanted to, you know…get to know you. I'm Bo. Bo Dennis." Feeling a little pervy holding the stranger's finely shaped behind, Bo slowly shifts her hands up to the blonde's back and laces her fingers together.

Something in the way the brunette looks at her with those adoring brown eyes and the sincerity in her voice told the woman she was looking for more than copping a feel, but still, she was a professional, and she didn't date customers. She was just trying to put herself through med school and didn't need any distractions. Still she was having difficulty denying the attraction she felt towards the busty brunette.

Maintaining her professionalism, she moves her face closer to Bo's ear and whispers "Hello, Bo Dennis. It's very nice to meet you. You can call me the doctor." The feel of the blonde's breath and silky hair against her skin sends chills down the brunette's spine. She is unable to speak so she inhales her scent relishes the closeness of their bodies.

Bo can't believe that this woman has rendered her so catatonic. She is used to being the one in control, comfortable with sexual situations and taking advantage of her gifts. Now she knows just what her clients feel like. If the woman asked, she would probably even give her the PIN to her debit card.

Finally coming to her senses, Bo clears her throat and leans back trying to take off her jacket. The Doctor removes her hands, watching the brunette carefully with curious eyes.

"I was hoping that we could get to know one another" Bo places the jacket around the blonde's shoulders, hoping that covering her breasts will allow her to focus better "I think you are stunning and I would like to take you to dinner."

Dropping her head to allow her blonde locks to hide her blush, she slips her arms into the jacket. She may be outgoing and confident when she performs, but in reality she is shy and insecure. She lifts her eyes back to Bo's and smiles appreciatively, "that is very kind, but I don't date customers." The brunette feels her confidence return after making the woman blush. "I can understand that" she holds the woman's gaze "but I am not a typical customer. I just bring my clients here to close deals." Adjusting her hold around the blonde's waist, she pulls her a little bit tighter to her. So many thoughts running through the woman's head, telling her she shouldn't do this, yet she can't pull away.

The Doctor doesn't resist the motion and wraps her long legs around the back of the chair to get even closer to the gorgeous brunette. She leans in again, her eyes moving down to follow her finger as it traces a path down Bo's jawline to her collar bone. "You're beautiful Bo" it was barely a whisper. She is hypnotized by both the woman's beauty and this pull she feels to her. She can feel Bo tremble slightly under her touch and it causes her to grin slightly, loving the effect she has on this otherwise confident and powerful woman.

The blonde dancer pulls back rolling her eyes "You know nothing about me, so why do you want to take me out? Are you going to try and save me from this life" she asks seriously.

Bo arches an eyebrow and smirks, "Somehow, I don't think you need saving."

The blonde throws her head back and laughs heartily, "And you would be right Bo Dennis. I don't need saving."

This time Bo leans in, brushing her lips against the blonde's ear making her shiver. She waits, letting her breath tickle the woman's neck and she can feel her gasp slightly. The brunette smiles knowing that she is back in control. With a husky voice she tells the woman, "I don't want to save you. I don't want to own you. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss every inch of your body and make mad, passionate love to you over and over until you begged me to stop" she pause to let the images play in the blonde's head "but right now, I'd really just like to start with taking you to dinner."

Satisfied with her pitch, she places a gentle kiss on her cheek and then pulls back to see the woman with her eyes closed, obviously trying to regain control of her emotions.

The blonde slowly opens her honey brown eyes, staring intently into Bo's, worry creasing her brow. The woman's voice cracks when she asks, "You could have anyone, why me?"

Struggling to make sense of the blonde's feelings, Bo feels her heart break a little for this woman. Does she not know how amazingly beautiful and funny she is? Is there some reason she doesn't feel worthy of affection?

The brunette's look demonstrated how serious she was when she answered in a sincere tone, "You leave me breathless."

"Breathless" the dancer questioned, confused by the response.

"Completely" Bo reiterated as she cups the blonde's face and pulls her in for a heated kiss, hoping to make her feel how much Bo wants her.

The blonde pulls back, taking a deep breath she leans back and looks to the ceiling, still fighting her urge to give in. "I don't know Bo. It's complicated."

Bo acknowledges her hesitation and adds, "Noted, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. I am just asking for dinner. What can I do to make this decision easier for you?"

Shaking her head that she had no idea, she fought back tears that were threatening due to her internal struggle. She has never had anyone to rely on but herself, and she is so determined not to fall into the trap that so many of her friends did by getting involved with someone and losing their chance at successful careers. That's why she keeps her head in her books and out of the drama. She has made it this far by herself, and just one more year she would graduate med school and start her residency, and now here's Bo. Bo, the beautiful, intelligent, charismatic brunette that is desperate to take her out. Bo that looks at her like no one else in the world exists. Bo that she can barely resist taking right here and now in this disgusting, unsanitary sex den.

Bo reaches up and caresses her cheek with a tender thumb, trying to understand what is causing the woman such distress. Suddenly the blonde presses her lips to Bo's. It takes a moment for the brunette to relax and return the kiss. Slowly, gently their mouths explore one another. The blonde runs her fingers through wavy brown hair and Bo grips her waist tighter. The doctor glides her tongue along Bo's bottom lip asking for entrance and the brunette so happily grants her wish. The kiss deepens but the pace remains slow and sensual as tongues touch and tease for several minutes. The women barely break for oxygen choosing instead to savor the taste and feel of the other.

Finally breaking the kiss, the blonde pulls back, placing her forehead to Bo's. Both women breathless, chests heaving with desire. A smile spreads across the blonde's face and she opens her eyes to see Bo with a similar expression.

"I can tell you are used to getting what you want" the blonde says softly, chuckling lowly. "Meet me at the Italian restaurant on the corner of fifth and Main at eight o'clock tomorrow."

She slowly unravels herself from the brunette. Immediately both women miss the contact and sigh in disappointment.

Bo's smile reaches her eyes, "I can't wait, but will you tell me your name?"

Removing Bo's jacket, the dancer hands it to her and with a cheeky grin replies, "I'm not making any promises. Let's just see how dinner goes."

As she turns to leave she calls back over her shoulder, "And Bo? Don't make me wait!"


Bo arrives at the restaurant five minutes early wearing a sleek black dress and holding a single red rose in hand. Her eyes scan the crowded room for her date when she spots a blonde at the bar wearing sexy teal dress with an open back. She approaches quietly from behind and stops a few feet away.

"Hello Doctor" she sing songs. The blonde turns to face Bo with drink in hand. Their eyes rake over one another hungrily before Bo presents the rose and places a gentle kiss on her cheek. "You look delicious, doctor" she grins.

"I could say the same for you" she blonde replies with a sexy smirk. "Shall we?"

Bo nods. Placing her hand on the woman's low back, she ushers her forward to be seated.

After enjoying a nice dinner with easy conversation, both women were amazed at how comfortable they felt and neither were ready for it to end. They agree to take a walk and enjoy the beautiful summer evening. Strolling the park, they find their hands interlaced and their bodies gravitating closer. Bo motions to a bench overlooking the pond so the women take a seat close together. The blonde rests her head on the brunette's shoulder bringing a smile to both of their faces. Bo gently rubs her thumb over the top of the woman's hand. The silence is comfortable, and they feel so right.

The blonde tilts her head up a places a kiss on Bo's cheek. "My name is Lauren. Lauren Lewis."

Bo smiles brilliantly. "I have really enjoyed the evening with you Lauren Lewis."

Sitting up Lauren turns to face Bo, a soft smile gracing her features. "Me too, Bo. I umm…never really felt a connection with anyone like this before" she looks away embarrassed "I hope that doesn't sound cliché."

Bo uses her hand to move Lauren's face back towards her "Not at all, I feel it too." She closes the space between them and their lips meet softly at first, but it quickly becomes heated as tongues duel, teeth clash and hands pulls desperately at one another. Bo can hardly restrain herself, but she doesn't want Lauren to think she is just another person fulfilling the dream of fucking a stripper. No, she wanted more than that, and she sensed that Lauren was much more than that.

Bo is the first to pull away holding both of Lauren's hands in her own. "I don't want you to think that I just want to get in your pants. I think you are amazing and I really want to get to know you" she said gazing into warm, honey brown eyes.

Lauren touches her cheek "I appreciate that and I want to get to know you, too…but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss every inch of your body and make mad, passionate love to you until you begged me to stop" she smiled mischievously as she took in Bo's expression of shock.

"Well, no one likes a liar" Bo smirks as she pulls Lauren up by the hand and rushes them towards her apartment.


The women are barely in the door of Bo's swanky penthouse apartment before Lauren pushes her back against the wall and starts peppering her neck with kisses and nips. Chuckling at the blonde's enthusiasm, Bo struggles to shut the door and drop her purse before turning the tables and flipping Lauren's back to the wall.

Bo presses the blonde's shoulders to the wall and leans back to look into hungry eyes. The desire in Lauren's gaze makes her wet beyond belief as she turns her lips into a wanting grin. She is loving every second of watching the blonde pant with want, her hair messed and her lips slightly swollen from making out in the elevator.

"I guess you're no liar" Bo continues to smile until she lunges forward to run kisses along the blonde's strong jawline. Working up to her ear Bo whispers "Let's get rid of those annoying little panties" as she continues to kiss and suck her way around Lauren's neck.

By now the blonde's hips are moving on their own and she is overcome from the feeling of the brunette's lips tasting her skin. Something about the way this woman touches her makes Lauren feel strong, empowered, sexy. Emboldened by the pure look of lust in Bo's eyes she decides to step out of character. "I was hoping dinner would go well" she whispers breathlessly "I'm not wearing any."

She felt Bo's breath hitch and the slight pause in her movements causes Lauren to smirk, knowing that she has the upper hand once more. She pushes Bo forcefully across the hall causing a loud thump as her body collides with the wall.

Bo can only smile at the dominance. She is used to being the one in control, but right now she is more than happy to relinquish control to the sexy blonde ravaging her body.

Long, toned arms reach around the brunette and slowly unzips her dress. Bo allows her body to move so that the fabric falls to the floor. Stepping back so that Bo could see her, Lauren slowly slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders, allowing it to drop and revealing her soft curves to her lover.

"So beautiful" Bo manages to choke out, mesmerized by her beauty and the knowledge that she was the one causing that look in Lauren's eyes.

The words cause Lauren's confidence to surge as she dives back in, her soft hands caressing Bo's breasts and squeezing her nipples causing ripples of desire to travel to her core. Lauren runs her tongue from Bo's collar bone up to her ear ending with a warm suck on the ear lobe.

Warm breath tickling the brunette's ear as their bodies writhe against one another, the blonde sighs "I wanted you like I have never wanted anyone before from the first second I laid eyes on you. And last night, all I could think about was what you would taste like."

Bo's knees nearly gave out as Lauren drops to her knees parting the brunette's legs and sliding her tongue up the soaked folds of Bo's hot sex.

"Oh my fucking God, Lauren. What are you doing to me" Bo gasps out, barely able to keep herself standing. She has never, ever been taken like this and she has completely come undone.

The blonde tilts her head up to see Bo's head thrown back in pleasure. After a few more sucks and licks from her mouth, she stands back up, running her long slender fingers up Bo's voluptuous body before she responds, "Making love to you until you beg me to stop" she grins devilishly before placing a hot suck on one of Bo's nipples that drives the brunette nearly insane.

Needing to regain control before her legs turn to jello, Bo suddenly engulfs the blonde with her arms, wrapping her tight against her body and engaging her in a searing kiss. She slowly walks them back across the hall while she assaults the blonde's mouth until Lauren's back is stopped by the wall. The brunette moved her hands down until she had a firm grasp of the blonde's ass, causing her to moan into the kiss. With a subtle motion, Bo signals for the blonde to hop up as her long legs wrapped around Bo's waist. Using the wall for support both hips grind against one another as moans and whimpers echo through the room. Bo mouth roams from Lauren's lips to her jaw to her pulse point and finally settling on her breasts. The feeling of the brunette's tongue, teeth and mouth on her nipples make the blonde's core ache for more. Pumping harder and whimpering, the blonde considers begging Bo to be inside her.

Bo finds her legs and carries Lauren to the couch where both bodies collapse in a heap and the brunette's strong hands part the blonde's legs wide. As her hips push down into Lauren, she can feel the wet desire of her lover against her. Unable to wait any longer, she licks two fingers and slides them easily into the blonde causing her to scream out.

Lauren rides Bo's hand hard and long. When she asks for more, Bo enters a third finger that is met with loud approval. Not to be out done, the blonde sits up and positions them so that they are straddling one another as she plunges two and then three fingers deep into Bo causing her to scream out in pleasure. They mercilessly pump into one another, both burning for release until the both come together with screams of passion.

After several minutes trying to catch their breaths, they each turn to the other with a satisfied smile and a glimmer in their eye that said "we are not done yet." There is a silent appreciation between them knowing that they just rocked the other's world. Several rounds later, neither woman relented. Agreeing to call it a tie, they collapsed on the bed and fell asleep in each other's arms, the first of many nights together.