Hello internet.
So, I'm writing this other story called Brothers where Superman is kind of a jerk—by canon, not by design of my own—and I tried my hardest to get both sides of the confrontation into the story so he didn't look like such a jack-a**, but the fact of the matter is that Superman's the bad guy in that story.
And I really like Superman, so my conscious is a bit bruised from having to bash him like that.
So, I decided to quell those thoughts by finishing up this little story that's been on my hard drive for forever. It's very Clark-centric, told from Lois Lane's point of view, which suits me perfectly because I think she is awesome and woman-empowered and whatnot, yet have never written something from her point of view and it's long overdue.
Anyway, there's that. I guess-timate this will be about three chapters, the first and last being painfully short, and the middle ridiculously long so…
"So…" Clark spoke up as he started shutting down his laptop for the night, or morning really seeing as it was 1:30 am. The Daily Planet was, for once, quiet and bustle-free in the early morning hours.
Except for the obvious: Lois Lane refusing to give up before her work was done. She was determined to finish her article in the next hour for the morning print, and only grunted in acknowledgement that her partner across the desks from her had spoken at all.
Clark paused, but seeing as he wasn't about to get an answer, continued on. "I'm going home to visit my parents tonight, maybe have breakfast or something and then I have a few things to take care of… I won't be in to work tomorrow."
"Fabulous." She dismissed half-heartedly, not really paying attention. "Did you tell Perry, or were you planning on forcing me to save your hide?" She snipped.
"Oh, Perry will be busy tomorrow. He won't notice." She picked up on the smirk in his voice and finally looked up to the desk across from hers. He was indeed smirking superiorly at her.
"Deviousness doesn't suit you Smallville, what's the deal?" She demanded, her curiosity turned a bit to anger at being left out.
"Nope, I want to surprise you. Just, don't plan on writing anything tomorrow: you're going to have a massive story to work on starting at 9:00 tomorrow morning." He said playfully, obviously enjoying himself. Lois glanced around the office and realized they were alone. Jimmy had just left… and then Clark had started talking… oh, he'd been waiting for this, hadn't he?
"This is hero stuff, isn't it?" She concluded. "How long have you been waiting for a moment alone to tell me?"
"All week." He grinned, standing up and slipping his things into his messenger bag.
"And what, I'm supposed to just sit here twiddling my thumbs and do nothing until nine tomorrow?" She demanded.
He rolled his eyes as he made to leave. "Relax Lois, I'm giving you the biggest story of the year, right into your lap with no one else any the wiser until you're good and ready to spill it to the world. You're going to have the biggest scoop of your career, and you can't be patient for a few hours and play busy until it happens?"
She stared at him for a full minute, trying to take that in.
She forced herself to look objectively back at her computer. "Well then get going already. If I'm going to be doing nothing for a full eight hours you better hurry up." She mumbled, but couldn't quite help the pleased grin spreading across her face.
She heard him chuckle as he passed behind her, and felt the gentle kiss placed atop her head as a parting gesture.
"Goodnight Lois." He laughed.
"Whatever, Smallville." She snarked right back, grinning in excitement to the empty office.