AN. helllllooooooooo! How are you? Good I hope. I now have my own laptop and i have some more time to write this year YAY! FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER! i hope you enjoy it! :)

Sanguine's POV

It killed me to say those things to 'er. Seein' the hurt and betrayal in 'er eyes made the the pain a million times worse. I went to that castle and told Dusk that I was playin' 'her, that I didn' love 'er and that I just wanted to hurt 'er. He believed me thankfully. I hope my plan works. My palms are sweaty with nerves. Dusk asked me to go buy her a weddin' dress while I was out to get a priest. None of these dresses will do. I know Val and she'd hate these. Thats when I see it. It's perfect for 'er. I grin. Now jus' one more stop before I go get 'the priest.'

Valkyrie's POV

Once Sanguine left Dusk came back in and tried to comfort me, unsuccessfully. He finished feeding me. Now he has just returned after leaving to washed the dishes from my food. He sits across from me. "He is an idiot for not loving you. I am not. He is out getting you a wedding dress and a priest. Soon we will wed. I will treat you and our daughter like princess'. Despite what you may think i will never harm either of you. I know i have harmed you before but during that time I was toruring you I realised I love you. I know you may not love me now. But you will learn to love me. " I say nothing. I keep my eyes on the ground. I feel him kiss my forhead while rubbing my belly softly. I feel him frown. "You're freezing. " With that he unties me and picks me up. He carries me to a bedroom. He locks the door after laying me on the bed. There is a lit fire facing the bed. Next to the fire is an open door which leads to a bathroom. The bed is very comfortable. The sheets are red and the wood of the bed is dark oak woods. At all four corners there is a swirling post from which red curtains hang from. In the room there are also chest and draws, a waredrobe and a desk and chair, all also made of dark oak wood.

Dusk goes into the bathroom. I hear the sound of falling and splashing water. Steams floats out of the bathroom. I wrap the blanket around my cold body. After some time he comes back out and brings me into the bathrrom. In the bathroom there is a hot steamy bath made with lit candles all around it. He sits me on the toilet, the toilet lid is closed. "I will leave you to undress ourself. Wash and relax. There's pajamas and night dresses in the chest and draws outside. I'll knock before coming into the bedroom so you can leave the bathroom door open so you can hear." He leaves.

After a while of staring at the wall I undress slowly and get into the bath. I rub my belly gently. I wash my hair and body. I see an unused womans razor and pad and tampons on a shelf by the bath. i get the razor and shave. When I'm finished i sit back and try to relax. I end up crying for some time. I think about everything Sanguine said and the everything Dusk said. Maybe he's right. Maybe i will learn to love. At least if i marry him my baby will have a father. i sigh and fall asleep.

When I wake the water is cold. I hear someone knocking on the bedroom door. I get out of the bath calling out, "Just a second!" My voice is void of any emotion, dead. i dry myself off quickly and put on a bathrobe. i go to the door and open it to see Dusk. He smiles. He hands me a huge white box with a shoe box on top. He tells me where the hairdryer and straightner and make up is. He then leaves. I go back inside and dry and straighten my hair. i do my make up simple. A little bronzer and conceler with maskara and eye liner and red lipstick. I open the shoe box and see plain black high heels. I then open the big box and gasp. It's the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It's black! and it has beautiful decorative sequences on it. The bodice is tight so it shows my curves. (( search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=643&q=secret+love&oq=secret+love&gs_l=img.3..0l10.3959.7722.0.8..1270.0j5j2.7. ...0...1ac.1. ..2.9. 5Y#tbm=isch&q=beautiful+black+wedding+dresses&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=ftsOXfalj-sIyM%253A%3Bmt-s1RSyFX02xM%3Bhttp%253A%252F% %252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2010%252F06% %3Bhttp%253A%252F% .com%252Fliving%252Fgirls-what-color-is-your-dream-wedding-gown%252Fquestion-2306917%252F%3B507%3B864 )). I get dressed and i go outside. Sanguine is waiting there. He eyes me up and down. I ignore him and start to walk on. He sighs almost sadly? No. Impossible.

He leads me to a big hall. Dusk is standing next to a young looking man with a white collar, showing he is a priest. Sanguine and i approach. Sanguine stands behind Dusk. Dusk and i stand in front of the tall young priest. Dusk whispers in my ear, "You look amazing." I blush but say nothing.

The priest begins. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matramony." I tense. Skulduggery? It couldn't be. "Now i like to get this part out of the way, does anyone have any objections to this man and this woman marrying?"

As quick as a flash Sanguine has his blade on Dusk's throat. He snarls, "I object!"

i gasp. The priest reaches into his clothes and touches his collar bones and Skulduggery appears. Skulduggery slaps a pair of handcuffs on. Sanguine sinks into the ground with Dusk and not long later reappears without him. Skulduggery leaves us alone.

Sanguine hugs me tightly. "Oh Valkyre.I'm so so so sorry about what i said to ye. I didn' mean it. You have to believe me. I just said it in case Dusk was listenin' in an' I had to make you believe it." He pulls back and looks into my eyes. Tears fall down my face, I burst into tears and kiss him deeply, passionately and lovingly. "I love ye so much," he says into the kiss.

"I love you so much," I say back.

After a while of embracing he pulls back and gets on one knee. He takes my hand and kisses it. "Valkyrie. I love ye with all my heart and soul. I've been thinkin' about doin' this for some time but i was scared ye would think it's too soon. But while I was out gettin' your dress i was thinkin' of us and thought as long as we love each other as much as we do then it don't matter how fast we're goin'. I mean for Christ's sake we're already havin' a baby!" He chuckles while i giggle. He kisses my belly and takes out a small black box, "So Valkyrie Cain, the love of my life, will ye marry me?" He opens the box revealing the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. It's a silver engagement ring with a huge saphire surrounded by small diamonds (( search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1188&bih=559&q=gothic+engagement+rings&oq=gothic+engage&gs_l=img.1.0.0l9j0i5.2563.7360.0.9..2621.0j9j1j1j6-1.12. ...0...1ac.1. ..0.13. 0tyBqt0#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=AhzPvG1qVvz3NM%253A%3BgDJ-etEO1Qn7TM%3Bhttp%253A%252F% %252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F08%252FScreen-shot-2011-08-02-at-1.10. %3Bhttp%253A%252F% % %3B258%3B246 )).

I nod quickly and kiss him sobbing, "Yes!"

He smiles and slips the ring on my finger. He picks me up bridal style and we kiss, "Lets get married now. There's a small church near by. I have a marriage certificate here from this weddin' and we're both dressed for a weddin'. I'll have Funny bones call close friends and family to come. "

I smile widely and nod. "To our wedding!" We leave to get married.

AN. FINISHED THIS CHAPTER! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I hope you liked it! Please R&R!Take care! I shall update soon! Until next time :)