Hey guys, this is a story based off of two obessions, The Heroes of Olympus and The American Civil War. everything in this story is a rewrite of an old story that was a spur of the moment.
If you don't get this story, then your not really supposed to, not much is figured out in the first few chapters and be patient I am juggling Fanfiction, school, summer and life in general.
Enjoy :)
Chapter 1
Annabeth POV
I am sitting at the small desk in my tent looking at maps of the U... Sorry the Americas. This is the thirteenth time someone has Iris Messaged me about battle strategies. I know I should be working but I have this strange feeling in my gut. I should probably listen to it and go outside says my instinct while my brain is telling me to stay put and finish the trail map for Reyna.
I decide to listen to my instinct and stand up. Outside there is a light layer of frost on the ground since it is October and nearing the winter. I watch as the town, Durango, becomes quieter as the sun nears the Horizon. I look around our campsite at the creek on the edge of town when I hear one call go up in the air.
"He's dead!"
Then calls start coming up saying stuff like 'This doesn't look good' and 'what happened?'
A man runs in on a black horse while waving a letter above his head. He is covered in blood and dirt and his arrows and bow rattle on his back while a Gladius hangs at his side. He is dressed in a Roman helmet and leather armor. His helmet falls off and I see the familiar military cut black hair and the nearly boyish face of Frank. He stops right in front of me and jumps off the light footed messenger horse.
"General Chase, something happened that you might want to see." He says with a frantic voice, handing me the letter.
"Calm down Frank, no need to use formalities." I speak in a firm voice, although I feel like melting through the floor or hiding in my own shadow.
I just want to go back to my tent and work on the map. I decide the better and follow Frank as he pushes through the crowd of soldiers around the Infirmary. My blonde hair falls into my eyes as I look at the letter Frank handed me. I decide against opening it and push through the crowd after Frank. He reaches a stretcher that the Apollo kids have covered with a sheet. Blood has already seeped through the sheet and weighted it against the body of a soldier.
I pull back the sheet to find the body of my trusted Lieutenant General, Dakota. His body was covered with gashes and a long one on his arm. He has a red and gold toga on over a purple SPQR shirt and a pair of jeans. I don't dare to look up at his head until Frank says look up.
I expect to see his head covered in gashes like his arms.
I don't. His head isn't there.
I scream and back away from his torn body. Someone lays their hand on my shoulder. I turn around and expect to see Tartarus. It is just Frank. He looks at me with sadness in his brown eyes.
I share the silent message of 'Don't cry, be strong' With Frank.
I expect myself to burst into tears but I stay strong and pull the sheet back over his body. I shiver as my fingers pull the sheet over were the head used to be. I stand after I cover him and walk out of the Infirmary.
The cold night air hits my face like an evil ghost is watching me. I reach for my coat and realize that I was only in my purple tee-shirt and jeans. I run inside my tent and grab my coat and Imperial gold dagger. I will have to go outside in a few minutes anyways; we must burn Dakota in proper burial rites.
I walk outside and bring a few denarii to help him pay Charon. Dakota is brought out on the stretcher and the Apollo soldiers lift him on to a wooden platform. I walk up to it and place the coins in his hand. I close his fingers around the coin and wish he had a pulse. Frank comes up and gives a small, choked up speech on how brave Dakota was. Finally, a Warrant Officer comes up after hours of speeches and silence and leads the Prayer for The Dead.
"Quaesumus benedictam vir requiescat in insulis in fine agri tritici. Requiem sit anima mundi et habeto pacem "Everyone prays in union.
I stand up and look at the sky, it is nearly midnight. I go to my tent as they light fire to Dakota. I don't bother to change, I just lay down on my cot and fall asleep almost instantly.
I wake up to find light streaming through my tent and the note in my hand. I decide to open it before the world messes more things up. I tear it open with my teeth and pull the small piece of paper out of the envelope.
The paper reads; Annabeth,
You are in charge of assassinating the well known General, Perseus Jackson. He killed Dakota and must pay for his crimes in full extent.
General of the United States Legions
I drop the piece of paper after reading it a few times and change out of my messy purple tee into my purple long sleeve shirt and Centurion armor.
Murdering the General of the entire Republic army will be hard… but not impossible.
I run out of my tent up to where Frank and Gwen are discussing the death of Dakota. I run up to Frank and tap his shoulder.
"Frank, there is something we need to discuss." I say in a commanding tone, letting him know that no is not a good answer.
He tells Gwen he needs to go and runs up to me as I walk to the Office tent. I walk inside and sit in the Commander's seat at the desk.
"As you can see, I was in a conversation with Gwen; why did you interrupt?" He says in a light but slightly annoyed voice.
"Do you know a Percy Jackson, the name sounds familiar." I ask, trying to remember where I had heard the name.
He looked at me, perplexed then set his elbows on the desk. He started mumbling that he knew it and that he should have told me sooner.
"What?" I ask," What are you talking about?"
He took a deep breath and stared me in the eyes," Can you remember anything from when you were twelve to seventeen?"
I start pulling back my memories but as soon as I try to remember being a teen, my mind blanks. I remember one thing though; a man holding my hand while he says silent words to me. He lets go and my mind blanks again.
"I-I can remember one thing." Frank looks at me with a questioning expression," A man holding my hand and saying silent words."
Frank looks at me in shock and confusion. I must have scared him with the weird memory. I can clearly remember one thing, though. I am Greek, not Roman.
"You remember that? Well, I guess scary memories are the ones that stick…"
"What? How is that scary?" I ask in confusion," I remember hanging over a hole then falling."
"Into Tartarus." finishes Frank as I stare at him in shock.
I should be dead, then. No one survives that fall, much less the deepest pit in hell.
hope you enjoyed, next chapter is up on monday, to let ya know. There will be new, important characters in this story. each character has a story and background and they will be revealed as the story carries on.