December: The Ending
Sherlock woke to darkness with a crick in his neck and a pain shooting down his spine. He groaned and opened his eyes. The living room started to blur into place as did the laptop with the bright white screen in front of him. He squinted at it, an email to a client left half-finished. He looked to the corner of the screen. 05:03 He must have slept for four hours. Enough.
Though he was not tired, he made his way to the bedroom. He was angry at himself for pushing his body so far that he had sacrificed sleeping next to John, his husband. Still, at least he could watch him til he woke.
He walked to the door and as predicted, when he opened it John was lying peacefully beneath the covers. Sherlock smiled and closed the door quietly behind him before making his way over to John's side of the bed. He lowered himself onto the floor so that his knees were bent, balancing on the balls of his feet. He looked into John's face.
There was a sleepy smile flickering over his mouth, his lips vibrating as he slowly breathed in and out. His nose was curved and had a small kink in it, obtained through falling down the stairs when he was five. John had told him. Just one of the many things that made John so utterly and wonderfully... human. His eyes were closed but they flickered as black shapes morphed under his lids in his sleep. His short eyelashes flickered with them, dancing in the darkness. His light hair was flopping gently over his forehead, washed only last night, it seemed to shine before Sherlock's eyes. Even this messy, it was the best Sherlock had ever seen it. Then again, John always seemed to look the best Sherlock had ever seen him.
Sherlock continued to watch him like this for another five minutes - studying every aspect of John's features.
He sighed happily.
John's eyes flickered open slowly, revealing the brilliant blue of sky and sea. A swirling entity of the natural world.
Sherlock cursed inwardly.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
John smiled sleepily and moved his head from side to side. He let his eyes drag luxuriously over Sherlock's face, giving his extravagant beauty the time it deserved.
Sherlock's hair seemed sparkled with the glossy texture it had always possessed, as though some mythical creature had spilt a potion over his curls. His face had a beautiful structure, with cheekbones unlike anything he had ever seen - and yet they suited him so well. And his eyes. Constellations of thought spun through them like silken threads floating in tinted resin.
Silently, he released his hand from the covers and placed it against Sherlock's jaw. He pulled it forward and leaned over the side of the bed to kiss the man's lips.
Sherlock let himself lean forward, breaking the first kiss for a minute before going back in for another. John dragged him on to the bed, not letting the second kiss be released until the man was silently draped over him and even then only letting go for a second before pulling Sherlock to him once again.
He could live like this forever.
He could live like this forever.
His Sherlock.
And His John.
Author's note: I cannot express enough how grateful I am for all the follows, favourites, reviews and views that this story has received. The idea of many different people in so many different places all across the world reading this one little johnlock fanfic that i've written on a beanbag under my bed is just so amazing. It might not seem like a lot, but it is to me. I hope you liked what I see as the summing-up chapter ^^ I know it was short, but I guess I'm treating it as more of an epilogue than anything else. I am currently working on the smut version of the chapter I mentioned and will probably let you know via an updates chapter or something just so you know if you wanted to read it. :) I may be updating these to sort out the typo issues which i know are in quite a few chapters. I'm also considering writting a sequel to this one in the same 12 month style - possibly a parent!lock one but I am very open to suggestions as it's only an idea at this point in time. Again thank you so much to everyone who has read this fic (and to Kandyblood who has been amazing this whole time and who this fic is actually dedicated to) and I hope you enjoyed it. So this is me signing off for now! Thank you! Whovenclaw-holmes