The past and the present


This story is all about how gumball and his family have a argument all because of one thing. And now his family didn't want him he ran away and joined a large group of good looking men called the " elite swagg crew". Please read and enjoy:)(first fanfic ever)

Chapter 1: the puishment

Gumball and his adopted pet brother/best friend were sitting in the lounge of the Watterson house hold. Suddenly when they both saw a enraged mother (nicole) come through the door and slammed it behind her. Both Darwin and gumball got scared by this, jumped of the couch to see their mother glaring at both of them, wondering what had happened to her, when gumball asked her " Mom are you okay?" said gumball frightened by his mothers presence . Nicole answered his question by saying " GUMBALL DO I LOOK OKAY!?" Gumball let out a yelp of fear looking at Nicole and said " S-sorry m-m-mom I just wanted t-to see if your o-okay. Nicole looked at gumball with guilt in her eyes for yelling at her son. She sighed and said " im sorry gumball, but principle brown called me and said that you punched a boy named tobais I believe?" gumball sighed and said " mom I know it was wrong to punch him but he deserved it. I cant dwjust stand there and watch him kick Darwin in the face repeatedly? Nicole sighed and said " honey I know you were trying to help your brother but you cant hit a boy in the face you could have just told him to stop it or you will tell the teacher no matter how much anger you had in you" said Nicole. Gumball started to get angry at his mother and said " oh really? If you saw your best friend getting kicked in the face multiple times would you just stand there?! Well you wouldn't because you just have ANGER ISSUES AND WOULD DO THE SAME I DID TO TOBIAS HUH!?" said gumball with rage. Nicole couldn't believe what she was hearing and her face started to get bright tomato red and fury in her eyes grinding her teeth she then said to gumball " GUMBALL DON'T YOU DEAR YELL AT ME!" said Nicole now clenching her fists tight together, but Darwin buts into their conversation then says " g-guys p-p-please stop f-fighting ?" gumball does nothing but glare at darwin, same with Nicole . Darwin said " okay im going upstairs now" said Darwin with a shuddering voice. Gumball the continued his argument with his mother " I DON'T EVEN CARE WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE TOBIAS THE B*STARD DESERVES THE SH*T HES GETTING AND WHEN I HAD A GOOD REASON TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!ALL I TRY TO DO IS GET MY BROTHER TO THE NURSES OFFICE AND THEN HELP HIM OUT!THATS ALL I DID! Gumball yells. Nicole stood for a second face blank when she got all red and steam coming out of her ears her face so red like she ate thousands of peppers then sucked in a lot of air as if she going to say a long speech with out breathing for a while then she yells " GUMBALL TRISTOPHER WATTERSON YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A WHOLE YEAR GOING WITHOUT VIDEO GAMES NOR TELEVISION UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED ALL YOUR HOMEWORK AND TO TOP THAT OF YOUNG MAN YOUR NOT HAVING SUPPER TONIGHT!" yells Nicole, her scream was so loud that it travelled all the way to elmore jr. high making the glass shatter and peoples ears hurt so much it started bleeding. Gumballs heart was pounding and he was breathing heavily looking at his mother with such fear in his eyes. Its like he couldn't say anything but stare at his mother who stood there glaring at him, it was silent for a whole minute until she said " now go to your room" she said without any emotions at all. He walked up stairs still shattering with fear when Darwin walked out who stood there looking at gumball with sad eyes and said " dude are you okay? What happened down their?" said Darwin, gumball said " yeah whatever leave me alone Darwin." Said gumball glaring at Darwin while walking into his room, Darwin thought to himself " what did I do?".


Gumball went without food nor water for the last five hours, all he did was mumble to himself about how bad his family was, especially his mother. Everytime he thought of the word mother he couldn't help but grind his teeth and clench his fists really tight (which hurts), but he did not care at all, all he was thinking about was tobias getting punched in the face, gumball simply just smirked at the thought that he punched that ugly colourful ball of fluff in the face, but when he heard how much fun his family was having without him he got really angry, so he threw the pillow onto his face and screamed in it for a good whole minute. After gumball had fisnished screaming into his pillow, he thought about how much fun and how much laughter the family were doing without him, when he thought about it he just broke down in tears knowing that they had forgotten him, that night all gumball did was cry him self to sleep.

-The next day-

It was 6:00 am in elmore city when gumball woke up early, reasons why because he didn't want to walk with his siblings since they wouldn't cheer him up last night and pretty much ignored him. So he decided he's going to walk so he wouldn't have to sit next to his brother. Gumball got out of bed stretching his arms with a yawn, and went downstairs to make breakfast for him. He got a a bowl and poured himself some daisy flakes (or whatever their called) and poured some milk in and started getting spoonfulls of cereal. When gumball had finished eating he went upstairs to have a quick shower and get dressed, after he did all that he went to go pack his stuff and watch television. When he heard his siblings coming down gumball mumbled " f*ck them im leaving by myself" said gumball and quickly left to walk to school before they could see him. By the time gumball got to school and saw school was still not open, he sighed and forgot he left for school early, so he went to sit on one of the benches at the entrance got out his ipod ad listened to a few songs. After listening to dear mama by tupac the bus arrived with a bunch of kids (maybe about 30 kids) rushing out towards the school doors until he spotted Darwin and anais both giving him worried looks. Gumball saw them walking towards him, he knew what they were going to say to him, he knew very well. Darwin walked towards him with anais and said ". Gumball where have you been? We got worried about you. Gumball said ". Oh poor poor Darwin and anais, why were you worried? ." said gumball with a smirk on his face. Anais answered by saying ". Gumball we didn't know where you were and you would usually wake up the same time as us, why didn't you wait for us!?." Said anais giving gumball a angry glare to gumball, gumball didn't pay any attention but kept listening to music. Anais got angry and snatches away gumballs ipod and smash's it on the ground. After she did that move gumball got of the bench and screamed ". YOU LITTLE B*TCH YOU SMASHED MY FUCKING IPOD!YOUR GONNA PAY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!." Screamed gumball. Anais got scared and shaky aware of what her brother would be capable of doing do her, she then said ". Im s-sorry g-gumball I didn't m-mean t-to _


before anais could finish her sentence gumball had slapped her really really hard in the face and that's when Darwin came in and said ." WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT FOR!?." Said Darwin, gumball said ". SHE SMASHED MY IPOD THAT'S W-


before gumball could finish his sentence Darwin had punched him in his face leaving gumball with a bleeding nose and black eye. Darwin then said to anais ". C'mon anais lets go home and tell mom what gumball did to you." Said Darwin not caring if gumball was lying on the ground knocked out. Anais replied ." o-okay then, bye g-gumball." Said a weeping anais. Leaving gumball still lying on the ground.

~ 5 hours later~

". YOU DID WHAT!?." Screamed Nicole


". Oh that boy is in so much trouble." Nicole muttered

".im sorry mom, but anais smashed my ipod a-and I didn't know what to do, I was just angry mom, I know it was wrong bu-

Nicole interrupted and said ". Gumball, tonight the family is going out for dinner and your not coming." Nicole said trying to keep calm. Gumball was shocked at what she said to him, so hes not allowed to watch television until he finishes homework, grounded for a whole year, not allowed to play video games, and now no dinner, AGAIN? Gumball thought to himself. Just then when he thought she was done she talked again and said ". AND, you will be sleeping in the attic for a week and your not allowed to come out only if I say until you have learnt your lesson." Gumball suddenly felt his heart not beating anymore then said ". WHAT?!SO YOU GROUND ME FOR A YEAR NO VIDEO GAMES NO TV TILL I DO HOMEWORK I DIDN'T EAT YESTERDAY AND I WONT EAT TONIGHT AND NOW YOU TELL ME IM LIVING IN THE ATTIC FOR A WEEK?!WHAT THE WHAT?!." Gumball yelled

Nicole said with no emotion ". That's pretty much it gumball, now go to the attic were leaving right now for dinner, and don't try opening the door because im locking it ." said Nicole surprisingly still keeping her calm. Gumballs eyes were getting as wide as plates and said ". WHAT!HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO TOILET!?." Yelled gumball." Well then I guess your going to have to find a place to do your business."

Said Nicole. Gumball couldn't help but cry and run to the attic . Nicole felt guilty for punishing him to hard, but it was for his own good so she did it .

Gumballs POV:

I cant believe she just did that to me. Now I have ended up in the attic with no food no blankets and no toilet, all because of a slap? That's just ridiculous gumball thought. ". I'll show her what I can do." Said gumball *sniffles* ". Damn its cold in here." He said. It was now 7:00 pm and gumball had cried himself to sleep again. Gumball couldn't be bothered thinking about what will happen tomorrow, so he went to sleep. He wasn't looking forward to a day tomorrow, and neither did he want to see his family.

End of chapter one:

yeah not really good but I promise I will make a better chapter ASAP please review, thanks:)