In a garden far far away we watch. My dearest Kushina.

In a garden that holds no flame to your beauty we live peacefully.

In the garden oh so far away I remember your beauty as you walked the aisle. Your eyes had a light that was oh so much brighter than the sun.

My dear Kushina with a temper as fiery as your hair I hold your hand. We cry tears as one. When we created him, I knew that was the best memory we would share.

In the garden far far away, surrounded by the most beautiful plants I have two things that hold so much more beauty.

My dear Kushina as beautiful as you are there is someone even more so. This person holds a place in my heart you could never grasp. You would say the same.

My dear Naruto. My heart, my life, my soul. You were my reason for living. For you I would welcome death all over again. You my son deserve all I can ever give.

In a garden far far away we will wait. My son take your time. Don't come too soon okay?

In a garden far far away your Mommy and Daddy have planted the seeds of love long ago. Naruto you are that seed.

In a garden far far away, we will watch as our proudest creation grows and blossoms in till you join us.