This hilarious story was roughly influenced by Flowers for my Valentine, a Pewdiecry fanfic by Pewdiecry. It was really adorable, and I think Snow and Lightning are the perfect duo to try this out with. Hope you enjoy it!

The day went by as usual for Lightning. She sat down and looked at the TV, switching channels. She was so bored.

"There is nothing good to watch on TV." She slumped in her couch, groaning.

"Hey, Sis!"

Lightning sighed. Not this man again…

"What, Snow?" She didn't even turn around to look at him.

"I'm bored," He said. "Let's go do something."

"Like what?"

"Well…I have a camera, and I have an idea."

Lightning sat up with a look of disgust. "WHAT!?"

"Not like that. I have an idea for roleplay. Wanna help me?"

Lightning sat back, taking the idea into consideration. She didn't know what type of roleplay he was talking about.

"Specify the type of roleplay," She demanded. "I don't want Serah getting pissed off at both of us because you 'suggested' something."

"Please, it's from a harmless book I read. Trust me."

"…Okay." She stood up stretching. "You go get your camera so we can get started."

"Alright! I'll be right back!" He raced out of her house, overcome with joy. Lightning sat back down and sighed.

"…I need to change my locks."

(Later on)

They rehearsed their parts, which Lightning wasn't amused about in the first place. They had to act like they were in love.

"Snow, why can't Serah play this part!?" She yelled. "This is crossing boundaries!"

"Because…she asked me to do this with you."

Lightning did a facepalm. She couldn't believe this. Her sister set her up. What was she thinking?

"I'll talk to her later. Right now, let's just get this over with."

"Okay, I'll start…"

Snow took a deep breath and began speaking in a narrative point of view.

"Ray's heart clenched in his chest as he stood in front of the woman he loved. He didn't know how to express it, but the last thing he wanted to do was look like a complete idiot in front of her."

He switched over to the dialogue.

"Sonia…I'm sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances, but…this was the best I could do."

It was Lightning's turn to talk. The dialogue was simple, but slightly emotional. She didn't think she would be able to keep going after the next few lines. After all, this was Snow, not a random guy.

"It's alright, Ray," She said. "What did you want from me?"

"I…I know this is so sudden and the wrong place for this…but I have to tell you this."

The pause seemed endless. Lightning's heart was thrumming in her chest as she waited for Snow to speak.

"Will…" Snow looked directly into her eyes as he spoke. "You be my girlfriend?"

Lightning's eyes flickered around before saying, "…Hell no."

"WHAT!?" Snow looked distraught before snickering. "Pfft…dammit, sis! It was going so well!"

Lightning laughed uncontrollably. She didn't mean to say that. It was more out of instinct than anything.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that," She said. "Let's do that again."

"Nah, we'll stop here." He stopped the camera and saved the footage. "We'll use the ending as bloopers."

After she stopped laughing, she got serious again.

"Why did Serah want me to roleplay with you?" She asked.

"She wanted you to accept me before we got married. Kinda like an ice breaker."

She scoffed. "I don't know whether you know it or not, but since we were L'Cie, I got used to you and your silly antics."

Snow smiled and hugged her without warning. "I feel so loved!" He ran out the house again; no doubt going for a victory jog. Lightning sat back down after shutting her door.

"…Still have to change my locks."

I hope you liked it! It was my first time writing a fluffy SnowLight fic. (Heck, a Final Fantasy fanfiction, period.) Snow x Serah is my OTP, though. Either way, leave something if ya liked! Lulu is out!