After watching the newest episode of Pretty Little Liars I got this story idea! Since we don't offically know who was under the black hoodie and beat the crap out of Connor's car I've decided that it was Ezra!

"Everybody knows you and weren't just Scrabble Buddies." I felt my heart stop for a second when I heard the teen boys voice echo down the hallway followed by a chorus of laughs. I quickened my steps trying to get to the boys locker room.

"Excuse me?!" I stood infront of the blue doors when I heard the teen boy open his big mouth.

"How many points for the word Slut?" I was stunned at the words that left the idotic boys mouth.

I wasn't ready for her to turn around, I felt my breathe leave my body when she looked at me. Her gorgeous brown eyes cut into quicken than a knife, her shocked look made me open my mouth before I even thought of something to say.

"Miss Montgomery you..shouldn't be in here.." I let my voice trail off as I felt my throat tighten. She pursed her lips at me before hurrying out of the room, heels clicking down the hall. I kept a steady gaze gone the kids face, picking up all his features. My mind fog cleared and I felt the pure anger rising in me. I felt my hands clench and my jaw tighten but, I knew I couldn't do anything to him. I quickly turned away, walking down the hallway I stalked off to find Aria. I needed to know if she was ok, I just...needed to know...

I opened the grey door which lead to a bottom floor in the school, few people used this way to go to class. I looked over the rail and saw Aria drop her head onto her arms, I heard very faint sniffiling and I knew she was going to break soon. I quickly walked down the steps and crouched on a step below her. She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes, for just a split second I saw her watering eyes and she and I knew that she just wanted to fly into my arms as she sobbed.

But after a second she snapped her eyes and that vunerable look was gone and was traded in for a hard mask. She shook her head and wiped her eyes quickly before turning to me. I quickly opened my mouth wanted to comfort her so badly.

"Aria nothing that those boys in there said is real, you and I both know that." I lifted my hand and gently held onto her forearm, running it up and down in a comforting manner. She pulled her arm away from me before grabbing her stuff and slowly standing up.

"You can't be the guy that helps me anymore. Just stay away from, please!"

I let out a breathe before staring after her as she walked down the dim hallway. I wanted to jump up and grab her, turn her around, pull her close and kiss her with all my being. I watched the sway of her hips as she disappeared farther, her baby blue skirt hugged her perfectly and made me think of all the wonderful times we had and could have had. If I had only fought harder to keep her, it was going to be the biggest regret in my whole life.

I walked down the dark streets when I saw the front of the coffee shop. I walked past the large window when I saw Aria and Spencer standing in the middle of the room as they looked at the door, I stopped as I stared at Aria. I took in her slightly rounded face, button nose, rosy pink lips and her glossy black curled hair. I let out a sigh as I wondered;

'Why would anyone treat her like that, she was one of the sweetest and fiercest women I knew.'

I walked past the window and back into the alleyway when I saw the Connor kid walking to the back with a huge trashbag. I pulled out a pair of black gloves from my bag before throwing it farther down the alleyway, I picked up the bat which I had planted near the large dumpster earlier. I pulled up the hood on my hoodie before gripping the bat as tightly as I could, I swung it down on the glass as it shattered. I kept hitting and smashing in the glass as I felt the anger boil in my blood.

I had heard all the boys snickering in the halls and some in my class as they talked about Aria, wondering how good she was in bed, at blowjobs and more. And I knew it was all because this stupid boy Connor couldn't take rejection.

"What are you doing! That's my car!" I smashed in the front window in before I ran off into the dark and foggy alley. I picked up my bag that landed in a pile of garbage before continue my fast pace.

3 Days Later

I walked down the hallway with a cup of coffee in my hand, avoiding the sea of students as the chattered on about their weekend and the lastest gossip. I pushed past the group of students hanging out in front of classroom before shutting my door halfway. I walked to my desk and sat my mug down before writing on my chalk board for second period. I was halfway done when I heard shouting in the hallways, I furrowed my brows before setting the chalk down and walking to my door. I peered my head out just as Mike Montgomery punched Connor in the face. I smirked before I realized I needed to atleast stop the altercation. I walked out of my room and walked over to Mike, I pulled Mike away after he hit Connor again.

Another pair of students held off Connor as I loosly held onto Mike. Connor had a bloody nose and a split eyebrow.

"First you beat the crap out of my car and now me!" I held back a smirk at the car comment, knowing it was me who ruined his car.

"Maybe next time you'll think before spreading stuff about my sister!" I saw Connor smirk at Mike and I had to bite the inside of my mouth so I wouldn't say anything.

"I wouldn't have to say anything if your sister didn't spread her legs for any breathing male. She's just a common whore." I let my grip on Mike go completely slack at the words that left his mouth, I stared at him with such furry. I didn't even realize I was walking towards him before Mike elbowed me in the ribs. I quickly stopped before I grabbed onto Mike's arm and pulling him down the hallway.

"Go to the boys bathroom and stay in there for fifteen minutes, if they don't call you to the office by then Connor didn't say anything." We stopped infront of the boys bathroom and I let go of his arm. He opened the door before stopping and turning towards me.

"Thanks for beating the shit out of Connor's car." I just smiled at him before waving and walking away.

"Oh and Ezra!" I stopped and turned back to him giving him a confused look.

"Thanks for protecting my sister, I know she still loves you and you love her. You have my blessing to be with her." He smiled at me before entering the boys bathroom. I turned away from the bathroom and walked back to my room, smiling.

I knew Aria and I would be together again maybe not now or next month but when the time was right..we would be together. I couldn't wait for that day when I would finally be happy.