Disclaimer: Naruto, not mine.

Summary: In wave, Sakura mistakenly kills Haku and activates a hidden kekei genkai. Her kekei genkai is a strange one that takes the memory, jutsu's and even kekei genkai's of the people she kills. But she soon finds out that her kekei genkai is a double-edged sword. "...I'm going to die."

The mist was thick. It was hard to see through, had to breathe in and gave Sakura a sense of being surrounded. Even her hearing was dulled thanks to the chakra laced mist. Still, she hear Naruto.

"You killed Sasuke. I'll kill you." His voice echoed around her.

No, no. he couldn't be dead, he couldn't. Sasuke was strong, so strong, he couldn't possibly be dead, it wasn't right. Sakura liked Sasuke, so much. Given time with him she was sure it would be love. But she would get no more time with him, not another second, he was dead. She would never get to see that smirk again, never hear his voice. What she wouldn't do to hear him call her annoying again. Anything at all as long as he was alive. They were so young. They shouldn't have been here, only genin, and if even Sasuke couldn't survive what hope did she have? She'd never taken being a ninja seriously, at first she join for her father and to be close to Ino, then she stayed for Sasuke. She was always selfish, she never had dreams bigger than being with Sasuke.

Anger took hold of her, consumed her. These people were the ones who had taken Sasuke away. Had killed him. And they did it all, for what? Money? How petty, to take someone's life, the life of someone so young for money. A few Ryo was not worth someone's life, not Sasuke's life.

When the mist cleared slightly she saw a figure, she acted without thought, the kunai that had been held so tightly in her hand, was now flying towards them. Sakura realised, just as the weapon left her hand that she didn't know who she threw it at, the person looked big, too big to be Naruto or even the boy that killed Sasuke. She was relieved, and slightly satisfied, that the boy got in the way, Sasuke's killer. The mist was soon gone, she saw Kakashi with his hand in the boys' chest, but what caught her eye, but no others, was the kunai lodged right in his heart. That kunai was mine, Sakura realised, Kakashi-sensei may have had a hand in his chest, but there was no denying that Sakura had killed him. A kunai to the heart was an instant death, if Kakashi would have hit him first, he would live for a little while. Not enough time to save himself unless he was very skilled in medical ninjutsu, but he wouldn't have died instantly. But the kunai caught no one's attention but hers, even Tazuna hadn't seen it being thrown.

I had kill someone. I had darkened my soul by killing someone who did nothing to me. My eyes hardened, no I had killed a killer, Sasuke's killer. He would have died anyway.

I suddenly feel to my knees. A terrible searing pain shot through my head, I felt as if someone was messing with my brain. I felt something dribbling out my nose and mouth. My mind was overloading, new information was filing in, keys felt like they were being unlocked inside my brain. Memories that were not mine flashed, knowledge that I'd never known was now accessible to me. Names, dates, jutsus, people, places, recipes, a whole life shoved into me, into my head. Haku, the boy, I had his memories. Frantically I tried to sort it out, this new information was going to short-circuit my brain. I'd die.

I won't let us die. I'll sort it out. Shannaro.

Both my Inner personality and I worked, sorting information as it flowed into my mind.

Found something interesting, it might help. Inner supplied with something.

It was an ability, a kekei genkai of Haku's, the boy whose memories where now being crammed into my head.

I can't use that, I don't have a kekei genkai. I told her.

Try it, if we don't get at least a little more time to sort through this we might die. She said as she was still frantically sorting.

I nodded and tried, worst case it didn't work. I manipulated my chakra like in the memory, letting it flow, I felt as if I had done this many times before, and, to by surprise, it worked. Everything slowed, the stream came in slower, much slower and it was easier for us to sort the new memories. But I also noticed other things, like my chakra, it was changing, growing, it was painful, I felt my coils altering. My reserves were over flowing, stretching to a painful degree. My chakra and my mind. They both were painful. It was too much, slowing it didn't make it any more bearable.

Then, I couldn't handle it any more. I passed out.