Chapter 7-Kenny's POV

I want to give some thanks to people: PinkPikachu13, Emolga237, Snivy0105, maycontestdrew, six-sides-of-the-dice, Hilda-and-N, Fieryspark, and pkmn11! phew! lots of names! YAY! they all read my story then reviewed/PMed me about my story! thanks guys! oh and I really think you should read Emolga237's stories cuz they are really good and recently updated! now, without further ado, THE NEXT CHAPTER IN REJECTION'S PHOENIX!*applause*

He let the idea of being related to dawn sink in. He was in shock. He walked back to his bed and sat on it. Then a woman walked in. She looked at him then turned to dawn and said, "Wake up, sweetie pie! Time for breakfast!" Dawn sat up and said, "Thanks nanny Chantelle!" Kenny made a mental note to call her Nanny Chantelle. But if she is our nanny, wouldn't that mean we were rich? He was confused but he followed the girls. Once he got out of the room, there was a sight to behold. He lived in a mansion now! It was beautiful. Dawn kept giving him weird looks as he looked at everything. She must have thought it was weird because the Kenny this Dawn knows has lived here his whole life. After the LONG walk to the dining room, he was even more impressed by that room. It was HUGE! There was a stained glass roof! It was amazing! After having breakfast with what he assumed were his new parents, dawn asked him a question, "Let's go in the pool!" He couldn't help but say, "We have a pool?" "Why are you acting so weird?" she asked. "I'm not acting weird!" he said. "Well, I'm gonna go in the pool "she said and she ran off to get changed. "Wait for me!" he called after her. He knew he would get lost if he tried to go anywhere on his own and ran after her.