Hello again! Chapter 3! Relationships are going to start forming this chapter you guys. There are references to lemon's in this chapter just to warn you. Major Nalu in this chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 3-Relationships

O~O Lucy O~O

I gasped. "I didn't think that was even possible!" I said in shock. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"It's not, I'm his sister. But not by blood. I guess you could say I was adopted into the spirit world." Amethyst said.

"I don't remember you ever telling me this." Gray said

"Well I wasn't supposed to. It happened right after I left you and Lyon. My father found me again, but at that time a girl with pale green hair was pacing by. She brought out Loke here and he took me to the spirit world."

"Do you mean Karen?" Natsu asked, ahhh sweet Natsu...whoa, keep your thoughts in check Lucy. Now isn't the time to be having dirty thoughts about Natsu.

"I guess, she never told me her name. Anyway, I was still young so I was raised and taught how to use my full magic in the spirit world. But after a while, the world began to reject me. So I came here to Fairy Tail. The next thing I knew, I was being kid napped by my fathers henchmen and taken away." she said visibly flinching. Loke pulled her closer to his side as she began to cry.

O~O Gray O~O

I hated to see her cry. When she came back she was so confident and strong. Mira had told me what happened, and it shocked me. She had never talked about how the physically hurt her. I guess she really was hiding in a shell. Mirajane had also told me the extent of her wounds when she first arrived. Let's just say there is now a whole in the wall that is now conveniently cover by a picture of the guild crest. We had grown up together,she was like a sister I never had. But some how it felt like more. When I kissed her that night at the party it was a pure impulse. But there was another part of me that said it was for a different reason. When she was staying with my, Lyon, and Ul she fit right in. Now that I thought about it...the last time they 'saw' each other was at her funeral. I think he would love to see her. I got up and walked over to the Master.

"Is there a way to send a message to Lamia Scale?" I asked

"Maybe, why?" the old geezer asked

"I wanted to send a message to Lyon. Say that we had a surprise for him."

"Hmmm, I'll send the message. They'll be here soon."

"Thanks, Amethyst would probably like to see him. But I'll keep it a surprise." I said

"Okay, they should be her in a couple of days." I began to walk away but he grabbed my arm "Gray, I don't know much about your past with Amethyst...but make sure you take good care of her." he said giving a knowing wink. Was I that easy to see through? Or was the master just that perceptive? Either way I needed to keep this away from the more...talkative people. I walked back over to the table. I could see Lucy staring at Natsu, but he didn't notice. I might try to help them along, with help from Mira of course. She loves that kind of stuff. I would have to talk to her later...

O~O Lucy O~O

Oh. My. God. I have no idea how the hell this happened. It had just been yesterday that we found out Loke was Amethyst's 'sister', but this was completely unexpected. Today had been boring. When I had come home after hanging out with Cana, Natsu was sitting on my bed cross-legged waiting for me. That wasn't to unexpected. With out opening his eyes he said "We need to talk, Lucy."

That had me worried, "Is some thing wrong Natsu?"

He sighed, then stood up. When he opened his eyes the were dark. He walked towards me. I walked backwards until I was backed into the wall. "I don't really know...I heard some rather interesting rumors from Mira, Gray, and Gajeel. I came here to check them out." he whispered against my ear making my shiver.

"N-natsu?" I asked frightened

"They said that you had been giving me...interesting looks. So I pain attention today. Sure enough, they were right. Tell me how you feel Lucy, and tell me how you want me to make you feel." he gave my ear a nibble this time, making me gasp.

"When..." he asked

"What are you talking about?"

"When did you first start developing feelings for me..."

"When I jumped." now it was his turn to be confused.


"When I was kidnapped and jumped off the building. I could hear you voice, so I knew that you would catch me." I said looking away as I remembered what happened that day. I had been so scared. I looked at his face from the corner of my eye. He looked shocked.

"That long?"

"That was when I realized my feelings, but I think I felt them ever since I met you..." there was a silence through out the room. Then he smashed his lips to mine. The kiss was full of heat and passion. When he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine, it all made sense. My world had always revolved around Natsu ever since I met him.

"I love you to Luce..." He whispered. Then he kissed me again. "Please, let me make you mine...forever..."

"Is that even possible?" I gasped as he began to kiss my neck.

"It is for Dragon Slayers...all you have to do is say yes..." I could tell he was trying to hold back for my sake. My heart swelled at his words and actions

"Natsu..." he looked into my eyes "make me yours..." I said

"As you wish, my princess." he said before hit bit down onto the side of my neck, drawing blood...

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Ow. After last nights...activities, Natsu and I had taken a shower and went to bed. I was sore all over. My neck was stinging a little and...down there... was sore as well from all of the...um...pounding. I winced as I stood up to get dressed. He really did a number on me last night. When I looked at the clock it was two P.M. Damn. I dressed in my usual attire and looked in the mirror. When I looked at the place Natsu bit my neck, there was a salmon pink tattoo of a dragon twisting into a circle instead of bite marks. I suddenly felt had wrap around my waist.

"Good afternoon, I see you're looking at the mark I gave you last night." Natsu said smirking.

"There isn't a wound though. Why?"

"When Dragon Slayers claim their mate, the two change some magic energy. It creates a mark on the person bit that shows who you belong to." he turned me around and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "You will always be mine and mine alone from now on okay?" he asked

"I've never belonged to anyone else in the first place." I kissed him back. He took my hand and we headed off to the guild.

O~O Amethyst O~O

When Lucy and Natsu came into the guild they were holding hands. I would think so considering their 'activities' made it so that I had to stay at Gray's last night. not that I didn't like...it was just a little awkward. Then I heard Gray mutter something along the lines of "Damn, I didn't think he would go after her so quickly." but I ignored it. I looked around and noticed Juvia was missing.

"Hey Gray, were's Juvia?" I asked. He looked around and smiled.

"I think she'll be back soon, I'll be right back so stay put, okay?" Than he got up and went over to talk to the master. Suddenly the door's burst open and some weird people walked in. I didn't really pay attention to who they were, but Gray took my hand and dragged me behind him towards the group.

"Well you're the last person I'd expect to come first, Gray." a voice said. It sounded oddly familiar.

"Well, there's someone I want you to see, that is if you want to."

"Why wouldn't I? Did you get a new member or something?" the mystery man asked. Gray was making sure we couldn't see each other. Damn him, I was curious now.

"You never know, you might be scared of her. Or you might scare her. Just to double check, do any of you have knives or whips?" he asked addressing the group.

"Are you ready?" he asked the mystery man

"Yeah, I mean they're just some new recr-" He stopped mid-sentence when Gray stepped out of the smiling. When I saw who he had been talking to I automatically knew why the voice sounded so familiar.

"Lyon?"I said in shock

"Amethyst?" the silver-haired ice mage questioned. We stepped closer together. Then he pulled me into a tight hug. I felt a slight wetness. I realized he was crying, but so was I.

"I thought you were dead...when Gray said there wasn't a single trace and they declared you dead I was devastated. We both were...then Gray tried to kill himself and everything went downhill. We went our separate ways. But here you are again..." he said. I hugged him tighter.

"Lyon..." I whispered

O~O Gray O~O

I smiled at the reunion. When Juvia came over and nudged me, I knew she misunderstood.

"Gray, Juvia is wondering why they are crying and hugging. Did they used to be lovers?" I almost burst out laughing.

"Far from it Juvia, trust me. She won't get in the way of Lyon and your relationship. They were really close when we were kids. He's like the older brother she never had at the time."

"Hey, Gray. Get your ass over here for a group hug." Amethyst said

"But I don't want to! Not with Lyon" I said

"Gray you know what'll happen if you don't." Lyon said cringing.

"You would have thought we'd learn our lesson, but we never did." I said walking over. Amethyst pulled me into a group. Our heads were touching.

"Just like the old days, huh." Amethyst said

"You got that right, except you didn't have to make us this time." Lyon said

"Come on, let's go sit down. We have a lot to talk about." Lyon said dragging Amethyst to the bar. Juvia was shocked.

"It's okay Juvia, Lyon loves you a lot. But leave them alone for a while. In a way they were closer to each other than I was to her. She actually made him promise when we were kids that when she got married, he would give her away. He always took care of her. Although our relationship took a slightly different turn..." I said

"Is Gray, in love with Amethyst?" Juvia asked. I blushed at her remark.

"I'm not sure yet..." I mumbled.

Just then Amethyst dragged Lyon over. "Juvia, why did you never tell me you were going out with my older brother?" she asked shocked

"Juvia never thought it was important..." she said blushing a little.

"Wow, it seems like everyone has someone they're with or they should be with except me and Gray..." Amethyst mumbled. I almost coughed on my own spit (Happens to everyone). I saw Mira burst out laughing.

"I think your answer is right in front of you Ame, you just don't realize it yet." Lyon said. She gave him a questioning look. "Oh hey, I forgot to introduce you to my traveling companions!" he said suddenly. "This is Sherry and this is Ren. They're seeing each other." he said pointing to the couple. They began to blush. I looked over to Amethyst, and for a split second I saw longing in her eyes. But than it was gone. Then they showed with an evil glint. She hopped on top of the table.

"Attention everyone!" the guild went silent. "The Master, Gray and Myself will work together with this idea. Everyone who wants to join in will put you name on a piece of paper and then put it into a bowl. I will decided who will get who. The goal is to get that person to go out with you at least once with in the course of the next to weeks. Everyone who already has someone is welcome to help as well or just have fun watching. What do you guys think!" She said. people began to cheer. But Juvia stepped up.

"Why don't I and the rest of the couples work on it while you and Gray participate?" she said. That made me smile.

"Ah what the hell, if Gray wants to I'm in." She answered. She looked over to me.

"I don't see why not." Every one began to cheer. Mira pulled out a bowl to put the papers in.

The master cleared his throat. "I think a few changes should be made thought. I'm extending the time to two months and no one will know who everyone else got. they might have the other person they may not. Let the games begin!" He yelled over the cheers. Little did we know, the couples were already planned out.

They were as follows-

Gray and Amethyst

Jellal and Erza

Gajeel and Levy

Mirajane and Freed

Happy and Carla

Romeo and Wendy

Elfman and Evergreen

and Laxus and Cana.

Those who are already couples are-

Lucy and Natsu

Alzack and Bisca

Sherry and Ren

and Leon and Juvia


Okay, things are starting to heat up! And here's some info-This story take time at not particular place in the story line, Zeref is here (he'll come in latter), people are older yet at the same time not (thus the Romeo x Wendy), Sherry and Ren are together but not engaged, Alzack and Bisca are Married but don't have a child, and each chapter from no until this 'game' is done will be focusing on one couple. Thank you guys for reading. Please review like, and follow. You will get cookies. Also, you will get cookies if you can spot the Princess Bride reference in this chapter and the Naruto reference in the previous chapter. Chou!

Crystal Bleach...OUT! (Might change Pen name latter if I can come up with something better, any suggestions?)

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