Peeta and I walk hand in hand to his house which is also the his dad's bakery. We're going on a date tonight we just need to decide tonight. When we are about to his house Peeta tells me " she might be there " . I don't ask who cause I know who he talking about . When we get to his house I see an older woman who has graying blond hair and had on clothes that are for some at lest ten years younger than her.

Peeta holds my hand tighter as we walk to the door that go in to house part of the bakery . " Peeta " .The older woman says . Peeta does not answer he just hades to the door his hand still holding on to mine ." Peeta you little shit listing I am your mother".she yells. Peeta still doesn't say anything . He open the door leads me in to his house .

Once we're inside we sit down in his living room . Peeta doesn't say anything . He walks in his kitchen and gets us a snack . I keep on feeling like I should say some thing , But what would I say to him . I

Aways imaged what his mom would look like . When I was five I thought she look like the wicked witch from The Wizard Of Oz or any Disney villain . Now that I saw her she looks like a normal person . How could some one abounded the own son .

Peeta places two cans of Dr pepper and a bow of a popcorn on the coffee table in front of me. Peeta sit next to me on the couch.

" I should have told you what she is like " he says . I turn the face him since his mom came back he has been stressed .

" I'm sorry " Is the only thing I can think of saying . He turns to face me so that our eyes can met .

" There nothing for you to be sorry for" He says and grabs my hand . I lean in and give him a light kiss on his lips .

" Peeta just remember I will always love you" I say . He puts his hand one my cheek and kiss me agin .

" Always " he replays to me .


After we do a homework and talk about what we should we do for are date . I get ready to leave home to get ready for our date . Peeta is going take me to dinner at a new Italian restaurant that just open .

" let me take you home so you don't have to run in to her " he says as finish packing me backpack .

" Peeta its okay and anyways you going pick me up and 6 . " I say and kiss him on the cheek .

" okay just be careful " he says. I nod my head then hade out the door. Once I get out the door his mom starts call out to me . I just start to walk away blocking her out .

Then I fell her push me to the ground cause to fall face first on the sidewalk . " you little slut listing to me .I know what you where doing with my son " she yells at me . I get from the ground and start walking aging . As she yells stuff to me .

After a few blocks she gives up on stops following me . When I get home I notice the house is empty . I find a note from my parents.

Katniss ,

Sorry that we forget to tell you that we where taking prim to a ballet . I knew you wouldn't wanted to go . Cause even your father is dreading about going . Agin I'm sorry about telling you earlier , But we will be home about midnight .

Stay Safe Love , mom

From dad : I don't know I got in to this But I get spend time with two of my girls which mean . me , you and mom have do something together soon .

Love dad.

My parents have always make sure me and prim got quietly time with them by out self . I put the note back on the table . Then look at the clock and says 4:30 . I run up to my room to get ready for me and peeta's date.

Sorry its been along time since updated this story . Sorry about that Ill update this story more soon and sorry the chapter is short .