Thanks a bunch to emc14 for providing me with the art and CrazySue05 for editing this baby! Big ass author's notes at the bottom

Disclaimer: I do not own either.

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May 2013

There was a Ball announced at Hogwarts in honour of the second war which was over on the 2nd of May, 1998. It had been fifteen years, and though not all wounds had gone back to normal, they had become scabs and so could be touched. Flitwick especially missed Dumbledore because he would have loved dancing at an occasion like this. He continued addressing invitations out, one of which went to "Mr. Kurt Hummel- Anderson and Blaine Hummel-Anderson". Even though he was still a teacher, formal invitations always made it easier to see how many were invited.

As everyone danced around the great Hall, there were still murmurs about the Hummel-Andersons, the two boys who had started dating even though one was the professor of the other and there were four years between them. The age gap didn't bring as much gossip as did the rumours that Kurt pulled Blaine into a relationship so that Blaine could pass his NEWTs. Luckily, no one spoke of these rumours in front of the aforementioned couple, seeing how one was a Hogwarts professor and the other a curse-breaker.

Blaine and Kurt danced around the room as Blaine tried not to step on his fiancé's feet. Kurt muttered, "After eight months of practice and you still can't stop stepping on my feet." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ears, "My legs want to be wrapped around you, but they can't, so this is what they do instead." Kurt just blushed as he said, "Don't you dare turn me on, Anderson. It's not even an hour since we've been here, and I am a chaperone, so we have to stay at least till twelve." Blaine murmured, "Well, if we time it right, and if Carl helps us, and I know he will, we can escape for a quickie around nine. Savvy?" Kurt laughed at Blaine's impression of Jack Sparrow, and said, "Yes, you can plunder my booty then."

Blaine caught Kurt's lips then, happy that he could finally do this without caring who was around them. Even if the way he and Kurt met was slightly unusual, they now had a forever together. And that's all that mattered.


I wrote this fic within a month because I wanted to finish it before my finals. I love it and I hope you did as well. So, here are my thanks.

Thanks to Emc14, who made the awesome art and approved of the fic choice I made with it and was the first one to read this story.

Thanks to Maria, my beautiful sister, who helped me along the way with encouragements, WCs, and helped me decide the title of the story.

Thanks to Amber, Sarah, Becky, Rob and Spring who helped me with Kurt's reaction to Blaine's confession.

SO many thanks to CrazySue05, who edited this story for me just before her laptop went bust. I love you baby.

And thanks to the admins of Kblreversebang, because of whom I wrote this in the first place. Let me know how you felt about the story. Love y'all!