I do not own anything from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Ninjago. I own Alex. I'm going through my ninja phase right now and so that's why I'm working on three different Ninjago stories. I came up with this one while reading something online. Also if you watch carefully in Day of the Great Devourer (not Rise of the Great Devourer it doesn't show it) then you can obviously tell that Pythor didn't get eaten. He slithered away and turned invisible. I'm sorry if I just made you feel stupid for not realizing that. (Plus if I'm wrong then here's my argument, if Sensei survived Pythor would of too.)

Ninjago has been in a state of peace. Alex has decided to take a break from it all and left. The other ninja remained. And as usual, they were arguing about something stupid. That's right, a normal day of peace. Until some dark smoke came from where the Dark Island was. It was the last bit of dark matter. It went across Ninjago looking for one person. Someone who should have been long gone. The smoke found it's way to a city, thought buried. It went through the building searching for it's new master. At alas it found him. Pythor stood with a smile as he saw the smoke. The smoke went strait into him causing Pythor to laugh an evil laugh. Pythor turned a grey purple color and gave a wicked smile. Then he slithered into a whole in the ground to prepare his forces.

Nya giggle a little when Jay tripped over the cord to his controller. Once again he put his concentration into impressing Nya and forgot what was going on around him. Kai rolled his eyes. The rest of the ninja let the two be and went back to playing their video games. "So Nya," Jay said trying to sound cool. "How would you like to go see a movie tonight." Nya smiled and was about to answer when an alarm went off.

"Finally!" Cole cheered and was the first one out the door. The others followed and they went to the bridge.

"What?" Lloyd said looking at what sounded the alarm. There were serpentine spotted in over a dozen places all over Ninjago. One place in particular caught Zane's eyes.

"My father, Wu, Garmadon, and Misako are all there!" he said pointing at the south side of Ninjago City which had about fifty serpentine.

"Then let's go," Kai said grabbing his elemental blade. The others grabbed theirs and they all headed to the upper deck. There were over twenty serpentine aboard.

"Great. For once they had a plan," Jay complained.

Nya ran to her room and got her Samurai X suit. She returned and the ninja were already fighting about six serpentine each. When the snakes saw Nya some of them ran over to attack. She just flung them aside with her arm. Then some of the Fangpyre broke away and went to the bridge. One grabbed the wheel and another pushed the button to activate the rocket boosters. The snake turned the wheel and the bounty tipped to the side. The ninja and Nya fell off.

"How did we lose to them?" Cole asked getting up.

"Their taking the Bounty!" Zane yelled trying to catch the Bounty that was flying away.

"I'm still confused on what just happened. The serpentine that vanished a few months ago, return, kick our butts, and steal the Bounty?" Jay asked.

"Pretty much," Kai replied.

"We can worry about the Bounty later. There are serpentine sightings in over a dozen places and only six of us," Nya pointed out.

"Alex returned to the USA a week ago. How long did she say she'd be gone?" Cole asked.

"About a week," Lloyd answered. "We'll go get Alex. You guys go warn my mom, dad, and uncle." With that the two took off. They headed into the woods.

"So where did she say the device was?" Cole asked. Lloyd looked around and saw a tree with a black stripe.

"There," he said running up to it. There was a small round device taped to the tree. He pushed the 'GO' button and a blue portal opened up. Cole and Lloyd exchanged looks, and walked through.

Alex was entering the lair with Leo, Donny, Raph, and Mikey. "This was a fun week. A lot more fun than what it would've been in Ninjago," Alex said. Then she noticed two people in the lair. The turtles prepared to fight but Alex stopped them. "What are you two doing here?" Alex asked.

"You know these two?" Leo asked.

"Yep. The one in gold is my brother and the one in black is my friend."

"So why are they here?" Raph asked disappointed he couldn't pumble them.

"That's what I'd like to know."

"Ninjago is under attack by the serpentine," Lloyd blurted out.

"What? I thought they disappeared before the Overlord was defeated," Alex said shocked.

"What's the Overlord and what's a serpentine?" Mikey asked.

"Mikey this is no time to play dumb questions!" Alex said grabbing her bag.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Leo asked.

"I don't know. How bad is it?"

"They kicked our butts and stole the bounty."

At that Alex just began laughing. Then she saw the seriousness in their eyes. "You were serious?"

"So should we get ready for inter dimensional travel?" Donny asked.


Boom! There we go! A great way to start a story! You have the problem! Review!