A young boy with spiky blonde hair stands outside in the rain holding a stuffed vulpix plushie with tears in his eyes as he watches a older man with the same spiky blonde hair walk away from the house. The boy cries as he watches the man leave but he shouts out to the man. "Why Dad?! Why are you leaving Mom and me?! Don't you even love us anymore?!" The young blonde haired boy now glares at the man. The man stops walking and doesn't look behind him. "Naruto, go back home... Now." The young boy, Naruto shakes his head and cries more. "Dad! Please! Don't go! What about Mom?! What about me?!" The man shakes his head and walks away.

Five years later the same blonde boy sits on a swing in his yard as he stares at a ninetails who stares back at him. "Why did he leave?" "Nine... Tails ni tai ninetails..." The nine tailed fox looks at the ground. "Its beacause of him that Mom cries alot... I hate him..." Naruto gets up now and walks up to the ninetails and pets him. "Kurama don't worry if I ever see him again... I'll drag him back and Mom happy again okay?" THe now named ninetails, A.K.A Kurama nods and Naruto walks away to the house. "Mom? Today I start my pokemon journey are you shure you don't want me to stay?" Naruto asks his Mother, Kushina Uzumaki. "Naruto its okay. I'll be okay... You need top go on this journey..." Naruto sighs as he looks at his mother. His mother's once bright red hair is now dim red and her skin is sickly pale. "Mom..." "That's enough Naruto! I said go and I mean it!" Naruto doesn't show emotion and he then sighs. "I'll call you every day with my pokenav okay..." Naruto's mother smiles and nods as she then hands Naruto his backpack with everything he needs. Naruto hugs his mom before he goes to head to Prof. Sarutobi the pokemon professor of Kohona. Naruto's mother stops him from leaveing. "Naruto wait... I want to you to have this egg because every Uzumaki should start out with this pokemon but seeing how your dermanned to start off with one of the three starters here I guess you will just have to hatch this egg to have as you next pokemon." The egg Kushina hands Naruto is slightly bigger than a normal egg, the egg has deep blue streaks on it and has white on most of the shell but the egg has six of the streaks three on each side. "What kind of pokemon egg is this?! Its bigger than most Mom!" Kushina grins at Naruto. "Not telling~! You're just gonna have to wait for it to hatch Naruto." Naruto smiles at his Mom and sighs slightly. "Okay. Crap I gotta get to Prof. Sarutobi's lab!" Naruto safely places his pokemon egg in his backpack and waves to his mom as he runs to Prof. Sarutobi's lab.

A/N Alright I promis to all that is pokemon and Naruto that I WILL update when ever I CAn. and I need help on what starter Naruto should have! leave sugestions when you review!