Legend of Zelda: High School

"Zelda, Time to wake up!" Tetra shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm already awake!" Zelda shouted from the living room.

"Oh, you're over there." Tetra said as she looked in the living room.

"Yeah, and I'm wearing my new uniform so don't tell me to get dressed." Zelda said.

"Ok, are you excited?" Tetra asked.

"About going to a new school? Yep. About wearing this uniform? No." Zelda said.

"What's wrong with the uniform?" Tetra asked.

"It smells like armpit." Zelda said.

"Eww, you're right." Tetra said after she smelled the uniform.

"If this uniform smells like armpit the whole school must smell like armpit." Zelda said.

"I have an idea!" Tetra said, then she walked to the bathroom.

-A few minutes later-

Tetra came back holding a bottle of perfume and said, "Close your eyes."

"Ok." Zelda said as she closed her eyes.

Then Tetra made Zelda's uniform smell like flowers and other stuff.

"Mom, I think you made my uniform a bit to smelly." Zelda said.

"Oh, sorry. But look on the bright side; you will make the whole school smell nice." Tetra said.

"Yeah I will!" Zelda said cheerfully.

"Why is a yellow bus outside?" Tetra asked.

"It's a School Bus Mom." Zelda said.

"A School Bus? Amazing!" Tetra said excitedly, "In my youth I had to walk for half an hour to get to school, did I ever tell you how-"

"You met dad? Yep. Why you always make me fall asleep when you tell me these old stories? No." Zelda said.

"Fine I'll never tell you these stories again." Tetra said, "Now go and get on the School Bus"

"Ok, bye!" Zelda said cheerfully.

"Bye dear." Tetra said.

Then Zelda got on the school bus.

-On the school bus-

"Are you Zelda?" The bus driver asked.

"Yep, I'm Zelda!" Zelda said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you Dudette. There's an empty seat over there." The bus driver said.

"Ok." Zelda said, then she walked over to the seat and sat down.

A boy was sitting next to her, Zelda wanted to make a new friend so she decided to talk to him, "Hi! I'm Zelda, and you are?"

"Link," Link said, "It's nice to meet you Zelda."

"Nice to meet you too!" Zelda said cheerfully.

"Are you the new girl?" Link asked.

"Yep, how did you know?" Zelda asked.

"The teacher always tells us when a new person is coming." Link said.

"Oh," Zelda said, "Who are those girls that are staring at you?" She asked when she noticed two girls were staring at him in a flirty way.

"They're Ruto and Nabooru." Link said.

Ruto and Nabooru walked over to Link and Zelda.

"Hi Link!" Ruto and Nabooru said, "Who's that girl?"

"I'm Zelda." Zelda said, "Nice to meet you two!"

"Are you the new girl?" Nabooru asked.

"What new girl?" Ruto asked.

"You know, the one the teacher mentioned yesterday." Nabooru said.

-Flashback- (The flashbacks are bolded)

Ruto was texting her BFF's secretly and Nabooru was listening to the teacher.

"Class, tomorrow a new student will come here." The teacher announced.

"Oh goodie." Nabooru whispered to herself.

"What did the teacher say? Probably something that isn't important." Ruto whispered to herself.

-End of flashback-

"Oh, the teacher was talking about a new student." Ruto said.

Nabooru facepalmed, "You need to stop texting in class, Ruto."

"But class is boring, I need to do something fun!" Ruto said.

"Wait for school to end if you want to do fun things!" Nabooru yelled.

"POW P-POW POW! The School Bus has arrived at; Hyrule High School!" The bus driver shouted.

"Uh, why did he say, "POW P-POW POW!"?" Zelda asked.

"He really likes music, he was probably singing a song when he said that." Link said.

"Oh," Zelda said, "Well, time to go to class!"

"You aren't the boss, Zel." Link said.

"Why did you call me Zel?" Zelda asked.

"Zel is your nickname." Link said.

"Oh," Zelda said, "I like it!"

"Guys, hurry up I wanna finish school!" Ruto said. Then she decided to push them into the school.

"Ruto stop!" Zelda yelled.


"What a wonderful first day of school." Zelda said sarcastically.

"Stop yapping, keep walking." Ruto said, "It's really hard to push you when you don't move your feet."

"Ok, rule number one of going to a new school: Never ever become friends with an annoying fish." Zelda whispered to herself.

Then Ruto stopped pushing them and they walked into the school.

So, how was this chapter? Reviews are appreciated! As a thank you for taking your time to read this story you get five cookies (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)

I'll update this everyday if possible.

I've read other High School stories (Most of them are pokemon ones) And that made me want to write one, I haven't seen a lot of Legend of Zelda High School stories so I thought I'd write one!

Thanks for reading, until the next chapter, goobye!