Author's notes

Remember how I said chapter thirty isn't the last chapter? Well guess what, this one is! *Cries a little* oh my god I am so sad but also happy. For everyone who stuck with this story even though I am 100% sure that I kept repeating some things through the chapters I love you all!

DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING; Not Higurashi or its characters or anything that deals with the anime!

A strange beeping sound reached Takano's ears. She tried to move her arms and legs but found she did not have the strength to do so. She tried to twist my head but she could not complete that simple action. Will I be like this forever, paralyzed and unable to move until I die? The strange beeping sounds grew faster and louder. She strained my ears to listen to them. She began to hear voices as well shortly after. One was feminine and sounded quite nice, she wanted to hear her more but another masculine voice spoke up. Even though she could hear them, her brain could not make out what they were saying. Takano racked my brain to come up with answers for this, Dead? No, I don't feel the flames of hell so I can't be dead. Hmm what happened to me?

A childlike voice called out as clear as day, "I already told you. I forgave your sins and allowed you one miracle."

Another spoke up and growled at the unconscious woman, "Don't fuck it up. Oh and if you plan to kill me again I won't hesitate in killing you."

Takano gasped and her finger twitched, Oyrashiro! Rika!? What is going on!?

Hanyuu sighed and looked at Rika, "Do you think I should wake her up?"

Rika nodded and looked at the door where Rena and Dr. Irie have been arguing. It has been an entire month since the battle on the mountains and much has changed. The government became aware of the Hinamizawa Syndrome which forced Tokyo to tell all of its secrets. Rika looked back at Takano but spoke to Hanyuu, "Why did you allow her to live?"

Hanyuu shrugged, "I have already told you, I forgave her sins. She had a change of heart Rika I swear. And besides Rena saw her, do you really want to try and take Takano away from her after all she's been through. I don't think she could live with herself if Takano doesn't wake up."

Rika sighed, "No I don't." She pointed at Takano even though her eyes were still shut, "Listen here you bitch! Everyone might have forgave you because they saw how you were scratching your throat and said it was the Hinamizawa Syndrome that caused you to do all these things, but if you dare lay even a finger on one of my friends I will go to you in your sleep and smother you! Got it?" Before Hanyuu could do anything Rika walked out of the room and slammed the door, startling Rena and Dr. Irie.

Hanyuu floated closer to Takano, "She didn't like the fact that I made the bullet not kill you, although you cant really blame her. You did try to kill her nurmerous after all." She stopped talking and thought about what to say. After a bit he decided to tell the truth, "Dr. Irie wants to pull out your feeding tube."

Takano's eyelids twitched, NO! That will kill me!

Hanyuu gave a little chuckle, "Don't worry, I will grant you another miracle but please don't waste this one. I did not tell Rika this but I have saw your past, including the orphanage and your parents. After that I took pity on you and I know some of the others do not like the fact that you lived but Rena needs you." She looked at the woman's face, "She comes to visit you everyday after school you know. Every week she comes and brings you new flowers to replace the old ones. Humans have very short lives Takano, so don't make Rena waste all that time she spent waiting for you to wake up."

Takano's heart beat slowed, Sh-she still loves me? Even after all I have done?

Hanyuu nodded and touched Takano's chest, right where her heart was, "Yes. Now you have to get up and tell her that you love her as well."

As the last words left Hanyuu's mouth the door opened and sobbing reached Takano's ears. To her horror she heard Dr. Irie, "Miyo Takano, even after all the pain you've caused I still cherish the friendship we once had. Please forgive me."

Takano struggled out of her coma. No not when I am so close! Please move body, please! Through the pain she was able to wiggle her pinky, then her middle. She heard a gasp as a hand clasped her own and redoubled her efforts in showing Dr. Irie she could still wake up. After awhile she was able to move her head, if only a little bit. After a few minutes she was able to peek out of one eye and saw Rena's crying face, "M-miyo!" Rena wrapped her arms around Takano's frame and cried into her shoulder, "Oh thank god you're awake! Thank you, thank you!" She pulled back to kiss Takano's lips and Takano felt her head spin, "I-I love you Miyo!" She buried her head into her shoulder and continued to cry.

Dr. Irie stood in the corner staring at the scene before him. He waited until Rena's sobbing quieted down before speaking, "Takano, you are awake."

Takano was only able to give a very tired smile and a frightening weak voice she said, "Yeah I am. What happened?"

Dr. Irie explained, "After you uh" he glanced at Takano's head, "shot yourself the Banken found you. We saw the scars on your neck and we concluded that the Hinamizawa Syndrome was the cause of your um rash behaviors. Takano, you've been in a coma for a month, it is nothing short of a miracle that your brain received only minor injuries, not to mention you're even alive after doing something like that!" He looked away before admitting, "Even after I learned of your betrayal and plans I still did everything I could to help you."

Takano gave a small nod, "I didn't deserve it but thank you." She looked at the still crying Rena and weekly rubbed her shoulder, "Rena I-" Rena lifted her head and the sight of her caused her to break down. Takano sobbed, "I'm so sorry!" She grabbed onto Rena and hugged her as hard as she could as she sobbed repeating her sorries over and over again. The two cried into each others arms for thirty minutes. When they were finally able to stop the tears from flowing Takano peaked over her shoulder and gasped.

Mion Sonozaki was standing in the doorway with her twin right behind her. Even though Mion had a small smile on her face, Shion glared at Takano. Mion walked into the room and touched her shoulder, "How ya doing Takano?"

Takano shook her head, unable to believe that the woman she tried to kill actually asked her how she was doing, "Um okay I guess."

Dr. Irie shook his head, "You are not okay Takano. As I explained before you were affected with the Hinamizawa Syndrome, you were a stage six."

Takano raised an eyebrow, "I thought there were only five stages of the disease."

He nodded, "There were until we did an MRI on your brain. Takano the Hinamizawa Syndrome caused a tumor the size of a grape to grow inside of your brain. If that wasn't bad enough it was destroying the part of your brain that told you right from wrong. I informed officer Ooishi and even though he didn't like it, the law states that you were unfitting to make the right decisions and couldn't be hold accountable. All the charges against you have been dropped."

Takano stared at the doctor. Slowly she reached up and touched her head. Her fingers brushed against her skin where she guessed she shot herself and she tapped it, hearing a clang whenever her fingernails hit the object. She looked at Dr. Irie but it was Rena to explain, "Dr. Irie had to go inside your head to remove the bullet and the tumor." She reached up and touched the piece of metal, "He had to drill a metal plate where your skull broke."

Dr. Irie added, "In a very weird way, if you'd never shot yourself, we would never had known about the tumor and be able to remove it or about stage six of the Hinamizawa Syndrome."

Shion walked inside to stand close behind her twin, "Even so some of us still don't forgive you for what you did."

Rena looked at Shion, "It's not her fault!"

Mion sagged her shoulders and looked at Takano, "Sis still thinks you should have been arrested for what you've done."

Takano stared at the elder twin, "Don't you?"

Mion looked at her twin and sighed, "To be brutally honest no, I don't. If what Dr. Irie says is true then you wouldn't know what you were doing was wrong." She looked at the woman, "That being said you need to apologize to everyone else and thank Ooishi. Because of him your name was never mentioned in the news."

Takano's eyes widen, "News?"

Rena nodded, "After the Banken captured the bad guys they interrogate them. They told them everything, from Tokyo to Nomura."

Takano growled at the name, "What happened to that bitch?"

Mion laughed, "Well it seems that you weren't the only one who was paid to be screwed over. Apparently Tokyo blamed everything on Nomura but she knew that was going to happen. She had evidence to prove she wasn't the mastermind behind everything and needless to say all of the organization including its supporters were arrested. Nomura still got the bad end of the deal though, she's waiting on death row as we speak."

Takano couldn't help but smile as she processed the words. She looked down at Rena who was content with laying on half her body. She looked so cute that it made Takano laugh which ended in a grimace when Rena put a little too much weight on her.

Dr. Irie hurried to the bed, "Say Rena, how about you get Takano her welcome back present?" Rena's eyes instantly brighten and she hurried out of the room. Dr. Irie looked at his friend, "Now that she is gone I can give you the full details. Because you were in a coma for so long your-"

Takano beat him to it, "My muscle mass has decreased dramatically, I will have to relearn how to walk among other things, and my brain will not be at full capacity for the rest of my life?" To the surprise in his eyes Takano smirked, "Don't forget that I was your nurse for a couple years now, I am not some helpless patient."

Shion scoffed, "Doesn't look that way to me."

Mion gave her a look and was about to say something but Takano sighed, "It's okay, I deserved that. I forgot my situation momentarily and I promise not to be cocky again." She looked at Mion, "What about the others?"

Mion smiled, "You can ask them yourself." She looked at her twin, "Can you please go get them?" Shion huffed but did as she was asked. Mion looked back at the woman, "Only when Tomitake found out about your um condition did he say that you weren't thinking straight when you committed all these crimes. Ooishi, well, the only reason why he hadn't arrested you is because of all the fame he's getting from having 'exposed' the Tokyo organization."

When Mion finished talking Keiichi, Satoshi, Satoko, and Rika filed into the room. Satoshi looked at his boyfriend and with a reansuring nod from him, he walked up to the bed, "Uh hello Takano. I hope you're feeling better."

Takano nodded, "I am thank you."

He looked at Takano's head, "How does your head feel?"

Takano shrugged, "It will get some time to get used to having a metal plate inside my head but I'll be fine." She looked at others who were standing at the foot of her hospital bed, "What about you guys? I know I don't deserve to ask for this but have you forgiven me?"

Satoko smiled, "It was scary sometimes but you gave me a chance to play with all of my traps and not hold back. I think I should be the one to thank you for that opportunity."

Takano looked at Keiichi who simply shrugged, "Nobody got hurt and as long as you got your head straight I'm fine with you not being arrested."

Takano looked at Rika who huffed, "You already know my position Takano so don't ask for it again." Everyone except Takano stared at the little girl in surprise.

A cough was heard and everyone looked to see Rena standing in the doorway. She walked into the room and stood in front of Takano, hiding something behind her back, "Miyo, you have to close your eyes and hold out your hands."

Takano did as she was told and felt something that felt very heavy in her current condition being handed to her. She struggled to keep it up and opened her eyes. She gasped as she read the title, Hinamizawa Syndrome, the Disease of Hinamizawa. She opened the folder and read a few of the pages, "Th-this is my grandfather's work."

Rena nodded but she fidgeted with a sad expression, "I was able to hide it from the police but because of the rain most of it got wet. I tried to rewrite everything but some of the pages were completely ruined so I - mph!"

Takano used all the strength she had left to grab Rena and pull her into a kiss. Everyone in the room, even Shion and Rika who could still not find it in their hearts to forgive Takano yet, smiled at the scene before them. Takano pulled back and smiled, "Thank you Rena, I really mean it, but the research funding expires in less than a year."

Dr. Irie shook his head, "Don't be so sure about that."

Takano raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Mion smiled, "Well since Tokyo came crashing down, all of its dirty secrets became known to the government, including the Hinamizawa Syndrome. We were all sworn to secrecy about it but some big drug company wants to find a cure for it after 'somehow'" Mion did air quotes, "finding out about it."

Dr. Irie explained in more detail, "They believe that if we continue researching this disease, we may find other cures for others as well, maybe even one for cancer!"

Takano couldn't believe what she was hearing, "How much time do you have to complete the research?"

Dr. Irie smiled, "That's the best part! Until we find a definite cure they will continue to fund our research."

Takano blinked in surprise, "Ours?"

He nodded, "When you get better I want you to help me but this time I am going to be your superior. To make everyone feel safer about me letting you near the disease again I will have security watching over you until I know you are truly safe."

Takano smiled as new tears filled her eyes, "I'll be able to finish my work." She added with a look at Rena, "The right way."

Author's notes

God this is a short and crappy chapter. I told you guys I am not very good at endings.