This is it, everyone. And I'm sorry, there will not be any more sequels. I need to finish other fanfics that are long overdue. And plus I'm going back to college to study animation, so I won't really have time.

Epilogue: Restart

"The guys at the Bad Anon suggested I should keep a journal to record my activities and emotions. It's supposed to help with my "hate issues" or something. Well, I promised Taffyta I would attend all the weekly meetings and listen to their advice, so I might as well give this a try. Today I feel… pretty tired, so I'll continue this another day."


"I finally suppressed my gag reflex and managed to apologize to Vanellope for stealing her throne and trying to kill her and her friends. But it was worth it because she thanked me and got rid of my ankle monitor/shock collar! I'm still serving the arcade inhabitants, but the orders are getting less frequent and ridiculous. So I'm happy about that, at least."


"I'm actually becoming more comfortable with the Bad Anon group. They're like a family, which is something I never really had before. I mean, I was friends with Shift and Drift, but I treated them more like annoying younger brothers. To this day I wish I had shown them more respect. Taffyta's definitely the closest friend I have right now, and I'm so glad she didn't give up on me."


"I'm still living in the Fungeon, but at least I just got a much better cell. Vanellope saw how my old one was covered in chalk drawings (which she said looked like a crazy hobo had lived there) and moved me to a cell with a bed, a radio, and one of those chair-desk things. I thanked her and actually meant it, but she still insisted that I remain locked up and keep away from the code room. She even made "No Turbo" signs, complete with my mug making the same expression the "No Glitches" ones used to. Apparently she still thinks I'll start a revolution. I don't really mind, though. I've lost all interest in taking over Sugar Rush again, seeing as how much of a blunder that was."


"Today I had no jobs to do, so I watched the Random Roster Race. It was a little frustrating not being able to participate in it, but the race itself was pretty exciting. After that I hung out with the racers and I told them my awesome adventures in Turbo Time. And they listened and asked questions! They actually paid attention and were genuinely interested in what I had to say! You know, I never thought I'd say this, but those kids are all right. …Now that they've dropped their torturous pranks."


"The rest of the Arcadians still don't show me the same respect as Vanellope's friends, but I guess that's no surprise. I still need an escort when I go through Game Central Station. Usually it's Wynnchel and Duncan, who have gotten a little friendlier, even though they still like using their batons on me at times (I think it makes them feel important). Other times it's Ralph, like when we both attend the Bad Anon. And sometimes it's Calhoun. Felix told me about her programmed tragic past, so now I understand why she's so strict. Still, I wish she would stop giving me threatening looks and pushing me around. Important note: Her first name is Tamora. Not Tammy. Never, ever, EVER call her Tammy, unless you're Felix. I need to go change my ice pack now."


"My nightmares are becoming less frequent, thank goodness, but I'm still afraid of fire. Everyone's been pretty supportive about it, though, so I don't feel so bad. Now if only I could find materials for my fireproof suit."


"It's been almost six months since I started the 'straight and narrow' path. I think the Bad Anon meetings are working out for me. I know I still have a long way to go before I can reclaim my popular status, but it doesn't seem so impossible with the villains and Taffyta helping me. As for my place in society, I feel a little closer to finding where I belong."


"Note to Vanellope: Stop reading my journal!"


"Sour Bill went back to asking me if I needed anything. I guess he got used to serving me after all these years. Which is great, because I don't have to fan him anymore. What's even better is that now I'm not forced to slave for the arcade any longer! Of course, I'll still do stuff for them if I feel like it. You know, so that they'll like me."


"Today I got my Turbomobile back! I was so excited the first thing I did was hop in and make donuts on the road. Automatic rules, baby!"


"Free at last! I don't have to stay in the Fungeon anymore! Vanellope finally said I could build my own garage. The only thing is, I'm limited to building it in the far Ice Cream Mountains. Oh well, it's a start."


"My garage for the Turbomobile is now complete! I managed to find a place in the mountains that was as level as possible, though the ground still slopes enough to have my tools move around. There's not enough room for a mattress, so I just hung a hammock to sleep in. It's actually pretty cozy. Well, I'm off to put the finishing touches on it right now."


"Wow, I just reminisced a lot of stuff," said Turbo as he finished skimming through the pages of his journal. He put it down on his desk, then grabbed a paintbrush and some food dye. Outside, he meticulously painted "Turbo's Garage" on the door, then stood back to marvel at his work. He had to admit, it wasn't as impressive as his old garage had been, but at least he now had one.

"Yeesh, looks like you built it yourself," he heard Vanellope's snarky voice behind him. Turbo spun around to glare at her and she added, "Only kidding. I'm surprised it's actually standing."

The older racer crossed his arms as Ralph, Felix, and Calhoun came up beside the president. "Where's the party?" he asked sarcastically.

Ralph kept lifting his bare feet in and out of the cold ice cream snow and explained, "We just wanted to officially welcome you back to the arcade."

Turbo blinked in surprise. "Really? Why?"

At first, Vanellope kept her hands in her pockets as she stared at the ground. When Ralph nudged her back, she reluctantly answered, "I guess I'm kinda sorry I let everyone be so mean to you. I just wanted you to know how I felt, but I guess it got out of hand."

"You can say that again!" Turbo remarked, putting his hands on his hips. He caught himself before he could add anything more crudely. "I mean… Thanks," he said, a little surprised at himself.

Vanellope grinned and slipped her hands out of her pockets. "Plus, you've come a long way so we decided to reward you."

"We've even made you a cake!" said Felix with excitement, pulling out a cake from behind his back. It was a medium-sized cake covered in white frosting with red icing letters that read: Welcome back, Turbo! "And the best part is, no candles!"

Turbo stared in amazement. He really never expected them to do this for him. "Wow, this is… I mean, it's just… Sorry, I don't know what to say." He shuffled his feet and glanced at the ground. "Er…Thank you," he decided, clearing his throat. "I appreciate it."

Felix smiled. "It's sure great to have you back, brother."

Calhoun nodded, her face surprisingly soft as she said, "Everyone deserves a second chance, even you."

Did she just say something nice to me for once? Turbo smiled up at her and began, "Gee, thank—" until the sergeant suddenly grabbed him by the collar.

She whispered darkly in his startled face, "But if you ever try to hurt Vanellope or anyone else again, I will disintegrate you on the spot. Am I clear?"

"Clear, perfectly clear!" he choked out and she let him go. Turbo rubbed his neck, glad that he wasn't envious of Felix.

A kart engine revved and Taffyta drove up to them. "Hey guys!" she greeted, wiping her frosted visor.

"Taffyta!" Turbo gestured to his garage and asked proudly, "How do you like my garage? And yes, I built it myself, but it's the effort that counts."

Taffyta admired his creation, from the crooked door to the uneven back wall. "Wow, Turbo. It's so…you," she replied genuinely with a smile.

"See? She likes it," said Turbo snobbishly to Vanellope, but the president only rolled her eyes.

Taffyta started turning around and said, "Come on, Turbo! There's something we wanna show you."

"We?" the pale racer repeated.

"Me and the other kids." She looked over her shoulder at him. "You coming or what?"

Turbo smiled and ran to get his signature car. "Just a second!"

The six of them rode through the kingdom until they met up with the rest of the Sugar Rush racers in an area that Turbo didn't recognize, which didn't make sense since he'd explored all of Sugar Rush. He thought that this spot was just a remote part of the land that no one went to because it had nothing special about it.

Then he noticed the track built in its place: a huge, perfect oval. There were a few stands set up beside it, similar to the ones at the main racetrack. And written across the front of them was "Turbo Time".

He gaped in astonishment, staggering out of his car and slowly walking up to the track. Am I…dreaming? "Is this what I think it is?" he breathed.

"Yep!" replied Candlehead happily. "It's a racetrack!"

"It's your racetrack," Snowanna said accurately.

Jubileena twirled one of her pigtails and confessed, "We felt bad about making you do all those dangerous stunts, so we thought we'd make it up to you."

"The remote-controlled kart through the sour cactus patch was going a bit too far," Gloyd admitted.

"We didn't realize we were being as bad as you used to be." Crumbelina said earnestly, "We're really, really sorry, Turbo."

Turbo looked at them softly. "You did all this for me?"

They nodded. Rancis smoothed out his sleeve and explained, "We saw how happy you were when you were talking about your game, and that gave us the idea."

Taffyta, who had come up beside Turbo, asked, "Is it as 'Turbo-tastic' as you remembered it to be?"

Turbo once again gazed at the cocoa track surrounded by bright green mint grass. "No…" he responded (and he thought he heard Candlehead say "Aw, man!"), "It's even better." He only wished the twins could see this. A tear slid down his face and he quickly wiped it away.

"Whoa, Turbo…" Felix leaned closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you crying?"

"No!" he lied at once, shrugging off Felix's hand. "I just… M-my eyes are just leaking."

Ralph winked knowingly. "Suuure, they are."

Turbo was about to continue protesting, but Taffyta nudged his arm and said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go try it out!"

He started to eagerly run for his car, when Vanellope glitched in front of him, hands firmly on her hips. "Hold it, Turbs! Before you get too excited, don't think that this means you're guaranteed to be a Sugar Rush racer."

Turbo looked at her hopefully. "So you're saying you'll consider letting me eventually become a part of the game?"

"Possibly consider!" she corrected snappily.

Turbo sighed. "Yeah, I get it…" He pushed Vanellope's head down so that he could leap over her joyfully. "But right now it's Turbo Time!" He hopped into the Turbomobile and drove onto the track. "Turbo-tastic!" he whooped, zooming around at top speed.

The other racers joined him, each looking almost as elated as he was. Turbo welcomed the sweet-smelling wind on his face, laughing delightfully. This was the best day of his life.

Even if it's not at first place, there might just be… he thought as he gave Taffyta a thumbs-up, …a place for me.

The End

Well, that concludes the Turbo Saga! I hope the ending was satisfying for you. I just wanna thank all of you dedicated readers/reviewers who read the whole series. You guys are the best! It really made my day to see all your supportive reviews and I'm so glad I could entertain you with my stories! I had a blast writing them, as it was the only fun part of my summer. Now, you may be asking, "Are you done with Turbo forever?" Well, for now anyway. But forever? Come on, even Turbo would know how ridiculous that sounds. I might end up doing a few oneshots in the future, if I get any good ideas. If I don't, I'm sure there will still be no shortage of Turbo fics on the Internet. Please review, and stay Turbo-tastic! =D