Previously on the Turbo saga (see Turbo Takes the Throne and Torque-it Turbo), we saw how the infamous racer invaded Sugar Rush and tried to destroy Vanellope before meeting his untimely demise. In this fic, we will see what he does once he gets brought back to life, in true believable fashion.

(Note: This isn't what I think the WIR sequel should be about, as it just focuses on Turbo's character development.)

Disclaimer: Once again, Disney owns the Wreck-it Ralph characters, and any cameos belong to their respective owners.

Turbo: Legacy


Chapter 1: Return of the King

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" screamed Turbo as he tried smothering out the flames with his hands. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT…" He opened one eye a crack. "Stop?" The scalding pain he had experienced a second ago had vanished as quickly as it came.

"…That was weird." Turbo checked himself over. Much to his surprise, he wasn't at all charred or melted. Not as surprising was the fact that he was now back to his original form; the Cy-bug must've gotten vaporized along with his King Candy disguise. Did that mean that he was still alive?

Turbo huffed at the darkness all around him. "Well if I'm dead, this is the most boring afterlife ever." He tried to walk, but he was apparently in a zero gravity zone, like the code vault. "What the…?"

Just then, short colourful streaks of light shot out from a single point in the distance in front of him. They flowed past his head and seemed to emit a low electric humming noise. Dumbfounded, Turbo watched the ribbons of light zoom by, changing colours and patterns. "My Mod, it's full of pixels..." he breathed in wonder.

He soon felt like he was moving forward in the direction of where the lights were coming from. Alarmed, Turbo flailed in an effort to stop. "Wait! Don't go into the light!" he cried, thinking he could convince himself. But this didn't seem like his mind forcing him to, like it was with the Cy-bug. Turbo quickly felt himself speeding up as if a rocket was attached to his back. The lights flashed by. The hum intensified. Just what was going on?

A background gradually faded in from black. It was almost too dim to tell, but Turbo recognized it as Diet Cola Mountain as seen from above. The lights and humming disappeared, though he hadn't noticed when they had stopped. His stomach lurched when he realized that he had been falling towards the open mouth of the volcano.

The racer screamed, now wishing he still had his wings. He flipped and flailed, but still plummeted like a stone into the volcano. Thankfully, all the cola had erupted, so he didn't get burned (again) as he fell through the bottle-shaped mountain. Is this really how it's going to end? Turbo thought, seeing a dark hole rushing up to him. His life flashed before his eyes, now that it had time to: Mostly all the awesome stuff he did, but also his fond memories of the twins and his relationship with everyone in Sugar Rush.

Then he hit bottom and blacked out.

When Turbo awoke who knows how much later, he was surrounded by darkness again. "Oh great," he grumbled. "Am I gonna do this every time I die?"

But something was different. For one thing, he was sore all over, especially his back. He also appeared to be lying on a hard surface. Turbo strained to sit up and when he did, he cast a gaze around. To his relief, his beaming eyes partially illuminated a chocolaty ceiling with stalactites hanging from it. He appeared to be inside a large, warm cave.

Wait, how was that possible? He had fallen into the volcano, so how could he have ended up in a cave? The fact that it was warm gave him the answer: He was under the volcano. And it was loaded. That glitch must've reset the game, he thought in dismay.

After struggling to stand up, Turbo wandered the cave in search for an exit. There was no way he was staying right under the thing that almost killed him, even if it was cozy enough to take a nap.

He eventually reached a larger section of cave where red licorice ropes hung from the high ceiling. "This must be right under the Twizzler Fields," figured Turbo. He tugged on a root. It felt pretty secure. After wiping his hands on his jumpsuit, he grabbed the rope and started to climb…

…And promptly fell on his back.

"OW!" Turbo groaned and rolled onto his side. He cursed his lack of climbing skills; after all, he was not designed to platform. Getting up, he tried again. This time, he tied the end of the rope around his waist to prevent him from hitting the ground. Many attempts later, he finally reached the top.

"Now all I have to do is dig my way out!" With one hand still holding onto the top of the root, he began to claw at the surface. Eventually, he decided to kick a hole in it because it was taking too long. Summoning all his strength, Turbo hauled himself out of the cave and onto a bed of licorice.

Sighing in relief, Turbo laid down for a minute to get his bearings. He was alive. Who knows how he survived, but he did. With Vanellope having reset the game, he was back to the beginning: No home, no new identity, and still breathing when everyone thought he was dead.

Hang on… If he was presumably dead, then no one would think of him taking over a game again. Turbo sat up, his mind working like a computer. Yes, he could try again. He could hack Sugar Rush's code to remake King Candy, re-brainwashing the inhabitants in the process. For good measure, he would lock up Vanellope, Ralph, and Felix so that they wouldn't interfere with his plans.

This time, he wouldn't take any chances.

The long walk back to the castle proved to be more strenuous than he thought it would be. Despite fueling his stomach with lots of candy, Turbo had to frequently stop to rest or hide when some racers drove by. His back was killing him, but still he soldiered on, confident that he could set things back to the way they were supposed to be.

Turbo finally reached his former palace—no wait, it was STILL his palace—and he ducked behind some candy shrubbery. The Oreo guards chanted and marched in front of the entrance as always, but he doubted they'd even let him get to the door this time. So he did his best ninja impersonation as he made his way around the castle to find another way in.

He was no Snake from Metal Gear Solid, but he did manage to sneak to the other side where the wall was lowest without being detected. Glancing around to make sure the coast was clear, he emerged from the bush and brushed off some sprinkles. Turbo examined the wall, trying to estimate how high it was.

"Too bad I don't have anyone to give me a boost," he grumbled. But finding a new accomplice was out of the question, as he was sure Vanellope told everyone about him. I wish I was taller again… He looked around, seeing if anything could be of use. Maybe if he stacked some gumdrops on top of each other, he'd be able to reach the top.

But when Turbo tried to pluck a gumdrop out of the ground to move it, it was pretty much stuck. "Argh!" He gave up and leaned on the gumdrop. "Nevermind. Hoo…" he panted. The racer saw a tall lollipop nearby and that gave him another idea.

Taking the lollipop out of the ground was easier, but he struggled a little with holding it up. "It'd be a lot better without this," Turbo grunted, hitting the candy part of the lollipop against the ground and breaking it off. Now all he was carrying was the stick, which was perfect for pole vaulting.

He set it down to squint at the wall and make calculating gestures with his hands, trying to figure out how fast he needed to run, when to vault, angle of trajectory and all that math stuff. When he felt ready, Turbo picked up the stick and exhaled deeply.

"Focus. Over the wall. I am lighter than a piece of unbuttered popcorn," he said, trying to calm his mind. With narrowed eyes, he took a deep breath and started to charge. As he ran, he kept the stick horizontally at his shoulder. When he felt he was at the right distance, Turbo planted the stick into the ground and leapt.

Come on, come on! At first he seemed to slow and he didn't think he was going to make it. But then he paddled through the air with his hands and made the stick lean over the wall. "Wh-whoa!" Turbo let go, falling into the courtyard on his face. "OOF!"

Spitting out sugar, the racer got up and looked back at the wall, seeing that he was indeed on the inside. "Yes!" he cheered, raising his arms with a wide grin.

A series of low growls rumbled from behind, and Turbo turned around.

The grin vanished. "No…"

Six Devil Dogs crept closer, snarling viciously.

Turbo gulped and started to back away slowly. "N-nice Devil Dogs," he said nervously. "It's m-me, King Candy…" I completely forgot about the Devil Dog enclosure!

But the dogs didn't let up. Once they got close enough, they barked and leapt at Turbo.

"AaaaAAAAAHHH!" the racer wailed, running away as fast as he could. He dashed to the only door he saw and frantically tried opening it. "LETMEOUTLETMEOUT!" But it was locked from the other side. Turbo glanced over his shoulder and saw the dogs coming at him again. "WHAAA!"

He ran around the whole enclosure, but the dogs kept pursuing him, barking madly. Turbo felt his legs burning and knew he couldn't keep this up for long. "HEEELLLLLLP! S.O.S! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!" he begged. He had been so close to getting back what was rightfully his. Was he going to be finished off already?

Just when he thought he would collapse from exhaustion, a licorice rope was lowered over the wall from the outside. Turbo beamed in relief and ran towards it with the dogs right behind him. He lunged at the rope and quickly scraped his boots against the wall to climb up. "PULLMEOUTPULLMEOUT!" He felt himself being dragged up, the Devil Dogs nipping at his heels.

Turbo tumbled off the top of the wall and landed safely on the ground, outside the dog pen. "Thank you," he breathed. "Thank you, thank you." But when he looked up to see who rescued him, he gasped.

In front of him were Wynnchel, Duncan, and Vanellope.

Busted! How's Turbo gonna get out of this one? Find out in the next chapter! In the meantime, I'd appreciate your reviews, pretty please! Constructive criticism is welcome! (That means you tell me what you like, didn't like, what I can improve on, etc. in a professional manner).

PS: There was a movie reference at the beginning. Whoever finds it gets cake.