AN: RIP Cory. Us Gleeks will always love you. Go ride that train 3
Kurt POV
I had experienced death once and that was plenty enough for me. I didn't imagine having to experience it again, so soon. That night is still clear as day in my memory.
3 weeks ago
Rachel's cell phone hadn't left her side from the minute she left her final callback of her Funny Girl audition. For three days straight, she sat idly, whilst staring at her phone waiting for that one call. At last, at 12:00 in the afternoon of July 13, 2013 her phone unexpectedly rang. The Caller ID showed a New York City number, but no name.
"Hello," She answered, her voice timid. She turned her back towards me, and spoke with a softer, barely literal sound. I anxiously waited for her phone call to end. I checked my watch; only 45 seconds had passed. It felt like a millennium. Finally, I heard the phone call end and she just stood there.
"Rachel?" I questioned, awaiting her to reveal the news. She turned to me, her face expressionless. I stared her down until finally,
"I got the part!" She squealed, running over to hug me. Tears of joy streamed down her face. Little did she know that within the next day, her tears of joy would morph into tears of heartbreak.
"Oh my god Rachel!" I congratulated, doing a little happy dance along side her.
"You've got to call Mr. Schue like, right now!"
She did just that. She dialed his number and put it on speaker phone. After 5 rings, he answered.
"Hey Rachel," He answered. Before he could say anything more, Rachel blurted out, "Mr Schue, Mr Schue I got the part, I'm playing Fanny!"
"Rachel, oh my god. I am so proud of you, you have no idea how proud I am of you. This is amazing. Congratulations." We heard him say.
There was a little more small talk before the phone call ended, and then she called her dads.
As Rachel was still on the phone, my phone had also rang. It was my dad.
"Hey Dad," I answered.
"Kurt, something happened..." My dad said through the line, his voice cracking. My mood immediately spiraled downward.
"Dad what's wrong?" I said, choking up. I didn't even know what had happened and I was already so emotional.
"It's your brother, it's Finn. He's dead, Kurt." It felt like the whole world had stopped. I couldn't hear Rachel chattering to her fathers, I couldn't hear my dad repeating my name through the phone, I couldn't hear the pit-pat of the New York rain.
"Dad what happened?" I asked fearfully, tears springing from my eyes.
"He overdosed. We found him this morning Kurt, an empty pill bottle laying on his table. You and Rachel, umm, need to get back as soon as possible." I agreed, told him I loved him, and hung up. I turned to Rachel, who had just gotten off the phone.
I spoke before she could say anything.
"Rachel we have to go back to Lima immediately." I announced, turned away from her. Confused, she asked, What? Why?"
I turned toward and from the look on my face she could tell something was wrong.
"Rachel, Finn is dead."
AN: I didn't even mean for this to be a multi-chapter story. Well, I guess it is! Review if you think I should continue!