Okay, so if u know me u know I like taboo/incest pairings. and I love Bates Motel so this one was only a matter a time. so, hope u enjoy. I may decide to continue with this or something. IDK. all depends on how u guys like it.
Once Norma had brought Norman home from the hospital, he had instantly went upstairs to rest on his soft bed.
Norma had watched as her son went up the stairs before hearing the loud click of the door closing. She sighed as she massaged her temples, walking to the kitchen as she kicked off her shoes. Didn't those doctors understand? Didn't they understand that she couldn't be away from him. That he had to be with her, no matter what. Norma poured herself some rum before downing the entire glass. Didn't they understand that they had to be near the other to survive? To live? To breath? That she relied on him for support. And, that he to relied on her? Or, so she hoped at least.
Norma took the entire rum bottle and walked over to the living room as she sagged into the couch. She took another swig of the rum before she turned on the TV and switched it to Food Network before she cuddled into a pillow.
Her and Norman were like two halves of the same person. They where soul mates and Norma despised any and all who tried to get between her and her son. Was that wrong of her? Was that a bit to motherly? Some may say yes, but Norma didn't care. It was her and Norman against the world. She liked it that way and those who tried to take him away from her would meet her wrath.
Norma sighed as she watched Diners, Drive Ins and Dives through half lidded eyes.
She awoke a few hours later, with the TV off and under a small blanket. She jumped up a bit, her head going this way and that. Her blonde hair whipping her face softly. She went towards the stairs and climbed up one step at a time. She got to the top of the stairs before she felt her head get a bit dizzy. She grabbed the railing for support before she used the wall as support and walked to Normans room. She eased open the door before stepping in with caution then shutting the door behind her. She found Norman laying face down on his bed.
Norma didn't know why, but she found herself straddling her sons back with both of her knees on either side of his hips. She found herself raising his shirt, her fingertips ghosting over his skin. Her hands went up and down his back, her tips touching his spine. Yet, Norman didn't move nor show any indication that he felt his mother on him. This encouraged Norma to go on. She itched her hands over all of his back. Her fingers doing scrunching motions over and over again. She then flattened her palms around his sides and pushed in. When that didn't earn anything from him, she got a bit more bolder.
She itched her way lower and lower down his back until she reached the edge of his pants. She then circled her hands around and around, like she was detangling invisible knots. After that a bit, her hands wrapped around his pants and itched them down. That's when she heard the faint sound of an intake or extake of breath.
Norma was out of there faster then you could say her name.
She closed her bedroom door behind her as she fell onto her bed. She screamed into her pillow. What was she thinking? Why did she do what she did? She had no idea really. She just felt like she had to do it, so she did it. She felt like she had to do it in order for her to know for sure that he was there. That he was real and she didn't leave him to rot at the Hospital. Or, that's what she kept on repeating inside her head as her hands raked over his back. When they lowered to his pants. That's what she kept on telling herself.
Before she realized what was happening she smelt sex in the air. And she realized that it was her. So lost in her mind, asking herself what she was doing or trying to do with her son, that she didn't realize that she had turned onto her back and her hands had traveled below her pants. Her middle finger going in and out followed by another and another. She moaned as she imaged that it was Norman. She moaned and bit her lip as she felt herself get closer and closer. She bit harder, drawing a bit of blood as she went from a high to a low in seconds. Her blonde hair sticking to the sides of her face as she brought up her hand and sucked her juices before going to bed.
Three Days Later
Norma opened the fridge as she heard Norman racing down the stairs. He came into the kitchen with a "Morning mother." And a kiss on the lips as she turned her head over her shoulder. She gave him his lunch with a "Have a good day at School!" The two have coming to an agreement that if Norman stayed in his bed and let her care for him that he would be able to go to School.
Norma walked to the door as she watched Norman walk down the path, turning around and waving at her as he turned and jogged.
Norma smiled at him as she shut the door, going back to the kitchen to clean up.