"M-Mordecai?" I whispered softly. "Hey, dude... It would be reeeeally sweet if you could wake up right now..."

The only reaction I got from that was a slight shift of his weight underneath his blankets. I guess I have no choice now, I thought to myself as I reached my hand up to poke him lightly. "Dude, wake up! Mordecai, please..."

Mordecai rolled over to face me, but was still sound asleep. I was greeted with a long exhale, followed by a slight snore. Whatever. If he won't wake up, I'll just go back to bed. My bed, which seemed so far away, and so dark... Was that pile of laundry there when I went to bed? Yeah, it had to be. There's no way anything could be hiding under it...

My heart was beating in my throat as I approached the mound. I kicked it and ran back as quickly as possible, not taking the time to look and see if there was, in fact, a monster hiding beneath the pile of old socks and unwashed jeans. And, of course, there was nothing now but a mess to clean up.

"Damn," I muttered to myself, leaning in slightly to Mordecai's mattress, as the wooden frame gave a slight creak against my weight.

"AH!" Mordecai's sudden arousal made me jump and yelp as well. "Jesus, dude, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I should be asking you the same thing! I've been trying to wake you up for like, an hour now!" my voice was as loud as whispering could be without turning into soft shouting. "You didn't hardly move at all when I was trying to wake you up! And then, the second I barely touch your bed and it creaks is when you decide to stop dreaming about Margaret and freak the fuck out!"

"Dude, calm down, you're going to wake Benson," Mordecai whispered as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Why were you trying to wake me up, anyways? Afraid from all those horror movies?"

His eyes narrowed and he smirked, knowing he was right. Gosh, I hate when he does this. "Uh, no, of course not," I laughed nervously. "I just... I wanted to um, yeah! I wanted to ask you something!"

"Yeah, sure, dude," Mordecai rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "Let me hear it."

"Um... Can I.. Can I sleep with you?" I was blushing fiercely and had to turn my face away so he wouldn't see. Not that it mattered, because the room was almost too dark to see anyways. "But uh, not cuz I'm scared or anything!"

"Why then, huh?" He did that smirk thing again, making me feel oddly guilty for lying to him. Shit. What should I tell him? I can't tell him that I'm scared, but the only other reason I can think of is...

"Because I wanted you to keep me warm!" I blurted it out in one word, didn't I. He didn't understand any of that, I'm sure. What the hell is wrong with me? I can't just say that! I mean, it may be true, but... Mordecai wouldn't get that! Damn it, what should I do?

Apparently, the correct answer was simply to do nothing. Mordecai sighed as he stood up to make room for me in his bed. "Look, this can't become a habit or anything. And you get the wall side. And, most importantly, if you take all the blankets tonight, I'll tell everybody about this, got it?" He planted a playful, but still powerful, punch on my arm. The only reason I knew he was messing around was because of the smile on his face.

Crawling up, I looked at him. "Thanks, dude," I mumbled. "You're a lifesaver." I faced the wall and expected to fall asleep soon after.

"Don't mention it." He followed me into the bed, getting under the covers. A few moments passed, the both of us lying together. Suddenly, though, he placed his arm around me and moved closer to me.

"You know, maybe you can make a habit out of this," he whispered into my neck. His hand gently followed my arm down toward my chest. "I kind of like having the extra warmth."

"I-uh... Yeah," I whispered toward the wall, wondering if he could feel me blushing from behind. Damn! He knows this is killing me. Why is he playing with me like this?

"I know you're scared, Rigby," he growled into my neck. "I would be scared too. But don't be. I'll take good care of you."