As Naruto was training, having gotten out of the academy for the day, a young boy walked up with a large shark grin on his face, his black eyes glinting as he watched Naruto train.

"hello." He said as he suddenly appeared in front of Naruto as he was doing pushups, using only his hands.

"What do you want kid?" Naruto asked him as he kept going.

"I am not a kid, boya, I am only this short due to using most of my energy in a war that I waged. I want you to face me." He told him.

"fine." Naruto said before he flipped onto his feet. "let's get this over with." Naruto told him as he set himself.

The large grin on the others face never wavered as he vanished from sight and sent a devastating kick at Naruto only to have it dodged and create a crater in the ground where he stood. Naruto reacted to this by sending out his own kick that seemed to be nearly faster than the smaller males kick, with as much force behind it as well.

"I must give you more credit that was as strong as my own kick." The smaller of the two said to the other.

"You're strong yourself. What are you?" Naruto asked him as he glanced at the two large craters in the ground.

"I am Gid, from the planet of Deviluke. From your perspective, I would be an alien." He told Naruto getting a nod.

"I have seen stranger, very well then Gid, lets continue." Naruto told him accepting that the man was an alien, having never seen any human with a tail like his before.

"lets." Gid spoke as his grin grew even larger and a gleam shown in his eyes.

The two clashed with their kicks, neither giving way before their other foot left the ground and sent a shockwave through the training grounds as they clashed as well. Spinning to land on his hands, Naruto sent rapid kicks out at the shorter male, who in return used his lighter frame and tail to stay in the air and kick back.

The two kept up their kicks, which were exceedingly fast for any human, in Naruto's case, to do. The two's kicks seemed to send a sonic boom out when they were released and a large shockwave of wind as they clashed with the others. Not using their fists, seeing as they were fighting on even terms with only their legs, the two kept clashing, causing several trees to uproot as the moved around the clearing with impressive speed and agility.

This kept on for several minutes before Naruto blocked a stab from Gid's tail with his fist. Grinning along with Gid, Naruto proceeded to move to using only his left hand to keep himself up while he struck at Gid with both his legs and his fist. The small man was very strong as he simply blocked or countered each and every one of the attacks that Naruto had sent at him. As they fought, neither noticed the others eyes gleaming even more than they had before they started to fight seriously.

"What is your style called boy?" Gid asked him curiously.

"It matters not, we are fighting." Naruto replied to him, though his answer didn't make the others grin falter in the slightest, as if he expected that answer.

"Then let us fight seriously." He spoke as he started to gather a black sphere in his hand, Naruto gripping the hilt of his sword as he watched it cautiously. As he finished gathering it, Gid quickly brought it down onto Naruto, nearly causing him to slam into the ground as he used the blade of his katana to block the attack, something that shocked the man.

Using more force, Naruto sliced through the orb causing his sword to give off some steam, as if it had been set on fire. "So you wish to fight seriously, good." Naruto spoke with a large grin on his face. "So do I." he said.

When he spoke his words, Naruto swung his sword, still several feet from Gid after he cut through the orb, and released a wave of light at him. Travelling at speeds faster than he could match, Gid took the full brunt of the attack as he tried to dodge; for the most part it succeeded, only managing to hit his arm and leg. The attack didn't do much for physical damage but he knew that it would leave a bruise for sure, simply because of the force behind it. The bones and muscle in both his arm and leg that were hit were hurting like hell already and all he was doing was moving them to see how damaged they were.

Wincing slightly, the man grinned back at Naruto before he swung his tail like a sword and released a black wave at the same speeds as Naruto had with his sword and light wave. It seemed that they were perfectly matched as the wave hit Naruto nearly full on, only his sword taking most of the force behind it instead of trying to dodge it when he knew that he couldn't. the wave seemed to be focused on his arm rather than his middle, giving him the exact same damage as he had given Gid, though his was in a larger range than Gid's was.

"You have light while I have dark, quite fitting don't you agree?" Gid spoke his large grin still in place.

"Hehe, you have a point there Gid. We are like polar opposites." Naruto said as he laughed lightly at first.

Gid started to run at Naruto, using his tail as a springboard to give him more speed, while moving his fist back slightly. Naruto on the other hand, stood still and waited for Gid to close the distance between them before he moved. With lightning quick precision, Naruto spun around and caught Gid in the side with a spin kick, all the while calling out calmly "sword", as the attack connected with his body, Gid's eyes widened, if that was possible, before he was shot off to the side and into several trees, simply from the force of the kick.

Having not generated energy into the kick, and knowing that the smaller male had a more durable body than any human that he had ever seen, Naruto knew it was only a matter of time before he came back at him again. Seconds passed into minutes before he watched the man stumble out while holding his head, obviously dizzy from the large amount of contacts that his head had made with several of the trees, even splitting a rock in half; however the rock had stopped his momentum all together.

"Now my head hurts. What was that kick anyway? It was too strong for normal humans to know." The man asked as he slowly made his way back to Naruto.

"That was a move called sword, normally I would generate energy around my leg as I kicked, thus being able to slice into the others body, but I didn't and seeing as your more durable than others, all you got was a hard kick moving at high speeds that knocked you for a loop." Naruto told him with a slight shrug.

"What is your name anyway?" Gid asked him.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Why?"

"Your perfect. Able to spar on terms with myself, and even injure me twice. You will do nicely." Gid spoke. "I like you and I have a proposal to make."

"What kind of proposal?"

"marriage." Was Gid's simple answer.

"Sorry, don't swing that way, besides I don't want to get married." Naruto said with a blank look on his face as the two sat down.

"Oh, not even when you would become the king of the universe?"

"Don't care. Would be too much work anyway."

"Are you saying you don't want to?" the king asked sounding scary.

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying." Naruto however, was totally unaffected by the tone that he had used making him nearly face fault if it weren't for his control. "besides, why in the nine realms of hell would you want me to be king for you?"

"Because the boy that my eldest daughter has decided to stay with, he is an earthling and can't even fight. You on the other hand are not from earth and can fight me evenly unless one of us gets distracted by the fight." He added the last part with a slight twitch of his grin.

"So, what would her marrying me do, other than force her away from him?" Naruto asked him.

"Oh, I didn't mean marry her, I have two other daughters as well. On Deviluke we do things a bit differently; any of my daughters could become the queen should they marry before the other two. You would marry before Lala, my first daughter, could thus making you the king instead of a weak human." The king told him with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Say I agree, what would I need to do?"

"Basically, just be there, you could let the one you marry aide you in running things or simply let her run them. You could even be off training with the troops or sleeping and she could run the kingdom. All my daughters know how, in case there was someone that married them and didn't care for running the kingdom all the time, or couldn't." he told him getting a nod.

"I can understand that." Naruto said as he looked at the sky. "If I do accept, I would like to meet them, before we wed. Both the girls, that way I know what I am dealing with, and can choose who if they like me as well."

"Ah, that reminds me, two of my daughters; they are different from the elder twin, Nana. Lala and Momo, the youngest, don't seem to care if they have a harem with their husband, while Nana is somewhat against it, though I have heard her talking about 'only If he asks me first and I approve' her own words. Also, I should warn you, she is rather sensitive, especially of her chest, or lack compared to her sisters." Gid told him, getting a nod.

"Trust me, if she likes me for me, then I will as well, that is if I accept this request of yours."

"Why wouldn't you accept anyway?" Gid wondered.

"Villagers. They don't like me, and it would extend to your daughters as well. I don't live a very luxurious life compared to the rest of the village, hell; I don't even have a nice place to live. It gets trashed all the time since the stupid villagers can't see that I am not this giant fox that attacked nearly fourteen years ago on my birthday." Naruto told him.

"Have you tried showing them that you have no tails?" the man asked him jovially causing Naruto to start to laugh at the sudden comment.

"That would be funny. 'You don't have the right person, see no tails, and have a good day.' Fantastic." Naruto said as he mimicked if he actually did that causing the king to let out a series of shark like laughs as well.

"So the only real reason that you don't wish to marry either of them is the villagers, right?"

"Not really, there is the simple fact that I just don't want to mainly. If I get married then they would want to make my life hell and try and force me to pass on what these humans call a bloodline, something that I doubt that I have." Naruto told him.

"What's a bloodline?"

"Something like your tail, special traits passed down from generation to generation. Say, like if you had a power like healing at a rapid rate and living longer than normal humans, and you yourself was a human, then they would say that you have a bloodline. There are also blood gifts, such as combining two elements and using them to create something else entirely. On this world, we use what is called Nin jutsu for the most part. We each have a natural affinity towards an element, like wind, water, fire, earth and lightning, however, there are some hat can combine two elements to create a different one. For instance, a person uses water and earth, they somehow make wood, no real sense to that one though." Naruto said to him.

"So these people are like, other species of aliens. Some have the ability to generate and control fire at their will, others shape shift. That sort of thing. It sounds like you all do these things but with the help of these jutsu." He spoke getting a nod from Naruto. "hmm, so do you have one?"

"Not sure, but I do heal rather fast, and can learn at an advanced rate when I put my mind to it. I found that seals are rather easy however. They let you do different thing, such as control the gravity around it, if done properly, and train better, or simply cause an opponent with the seal on them to be unable to move. I usually train with one of them on myself. I don't think that my light will be able to be passed on however." Naruto spoke.

"Oh, do tell." The king told him.

"Well, I found this really odd fruit a couple years back, before I met Elle, a woman how taught me how to fight, and adopted me into her small family; sadly she passed away a while back. the fruit, while tasting horrible, was all I could find to eat that day, it looked like an apple, although it was a blue color and had what looked like mini suns on it. I later learned that after eating it I could literally change into a light man, though I only use it for attacks like the light wave I hit you with. I don't really care for unfair advantages unless I need to even the playing field, or simply travel a long distance within a short time frame." Naruto told him.

"I see. Well I can assure you, if you marry either of my daughters, then you won't have to bear any child until you and they are ready to, as you are all a bit too young for that. They are only fourteen as well." Gid told Naruto getting a nod from the teen.

"I understand what you are trying to do Gid, but another reason that I won't marry either of them is that the council will try to take them away from me and grant the Uchiha with them, like they are some kind of prize, or, excuse me for this, a whore." Naruto told him as a massive twitch formed in the king's eye.

Gid, however did not react badly in any other way to this, knowing that Naruto was only giving an example. "well, this council kind of sounds stupid if you ask me." He said bluntly causing Naruto to laugh slightly.

"You have no idea."

"Well, you could always say that if you don't keep them, and keep their suitors away, that I would destroy the planet, I could even have one of my generals back it up for you. Although I am half tempted to do that anyway and take you with me before I do." Gid told him a blank look in his eyes. "Especially if they think that they can think of my daughters as whores." He growled out at the end.

"That's nice and all, but, what would you gain from me becoming your son in law?" Naruto asked him.

"I just want to step down, the added affect that I can go check out women helps." Gid said causing Naruto to shake his head at the small man.

"Figures, the only person that wants to, in a way, adopt me is a small perv." Naruto said with a sigh. "I will have to meet the two girls before I decide." Naruto told him getting a nod from the king.

"I thought as much. Truth be told, I had expected you to accept right off, many people wish to rule the universe." Gid told him, a light shrug in return.

"Yeah, well I am not most people. While it would be a bonus, I just couldn't care about it." Naruto told him getting a nod.

"So boya tell me, what is it like here? How are the women?" Gid asked him suddenly causing Naruto to laugh at the sudden change in topic.

"The village itself is probably as large as one of those earth cities, pleasant people if you are normal and don't stand out. The women, well most of them, are rather buxom and nice. Steer clear of some however, they have no chest whatsoever. Added to the fact that they all sound like harpies mated with banshees, then were boiled from the inside out." Naruto told him causing the king to shudder at the mere thought of such a being.

"That… is an oddly… vivid description you gave." He said, pausing to think of the right word to use.

"Honestly, I would prefer a succubus trying to steal my life, rather than listen to a single member of their family. Though only the cute ones, that way I have something to look at when I die." Naruto said with a light smile as the king laughed.

"They must be very bad if you would prefer a succubus then."

"Yeah, but at least with a succubus you go out doing what you love to do. Besides I bet there are some cute red haired ones as well." Naruto said to him.

"True, not sure of the hair though." Gid said to him. "So what is your life like here?" Gid asked as he looked at the sky with Naruto.

"Meh, could be worse, could be a load better. Life for me is hell, even though I have light power, there are times that I still can't outrun the mobs that form on my birthdays. Though I don't get why they are allowed to go free once they are caught, it is a crime to attack anyone in this village, especially a ninja when their civilian." Naruto said to him.

"Hmm, foolish humans, they never know what they have until it is gone from in front of them. Sad really." Gid spoke with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, by the way, if I do accept, when would we need to marry?"

"Whenever, just sooner than Lala could herself." Gid told him, "I estimate at least a couple months to a year, most, maybe two years. Her plan for doing it herself and not letting me help is going to backfire, since it is taking a while to do anything with it really." He spoke a shrug accompanying it.

"Heh, why would she want a human anyway?" Naruto asked.

"Apparently, he told off my top swordsman, Zastin when he tried to take her back home. Sadly Zastin in the most gullible man I have ever met in my life. I bet she told him that she loved him in an attempt to escape having to see more suitors, and he most likely believed it." He told him getting a sigh from the two.

"That is just… sad." Naruto said, pausing as he sighed.

"Yeah, I agree with you. I should be getting back, see if something happened yet. See you around Naruto boya." Gid said as he stood up and rose into the sky in a light colored beam.


If you are wondering what Naruto looks like: deviantart /art/Bardock-color- swap-245203479

Just and look. He is the one on the far right, take away tail and change hair to Naruto's normal color and style.