Disclaimer: Yeah right. I don't own Castle.

A/N: My second attempt. Not first person this time... I have a thick skin - don't worry, whatever your reaction you won't offend me. Have at it. [If anyone does review: please no spoilers.]

Newly minted Agent Katherine Beckett made her way through the glass doors of the nondescript building. No fancy glassed in offices here, just the drab taupe of yet another generic government building. She had spent the last so weeks going through some specialized training, not the full boot camp of a new FBI special agent, but the specialized, crash course reserved for the AG's investigative team.

The first official day on the job, and the first day she'd be meeting the other member of the team. Other than Agent Stack who was now stood outside his office waiting for her to approach.

"Agent Beckett, it is good to finally see you. Welcome."

Beckett had been waiting for this day, the day her more started in earnest. Her response was immediate, "Thank you sir, it is great to be here."

Stack started to guide Beckett across the open plan floor to a cubicle, "This is your spot Agent. Settle in quickly, I'll be sending your supervising agent over shortly to introduce himself."

She was jerked out of her reverie later, thinking of friends left behind, by a throat clearing behind her.

"Might want to be a bit more observant of your surrounding Agent Beckett." The man smiled as he stuck out a hand in her general direction, not appearing to really want to shake, rather that he felt some sort of professional obligation. "I'm Agent Adelman, and I'll be helping you out learning the ropes."

"Pleasure to meet you agent, where do we start?" Beckett was in no mood for small talk here, itching to get started.

"Let me start by giving you some advice Beckett, and listen up because I'm only going to say this once," Adelman glanced over to ensure she was paying attention.

"Yes, sir?"

"This job can change your life, and the lives of those around you. You have the potential to excel here or you would never have even received an interview. You understand that don't you?" She nodded as he plowed on with his clearly carefully rehearse advice speech.

"We bring down major crime rings, instigate national security issues, and never get the credit - but it's not about the credit Beckett. Our role is to make a difference, to do more than any other investigative branch can ever dream or. We are the cream that has risen to the top. When you get stuck with an FBI 'special agent' for a case make sure to let them know - they aren't that special. We are." He was positively smirking at that last comment.

"Last thing Beckett, the job is huge, hugely important. What we on this team ask of you is complete commitment. You do not want to be looking back years from now wondering how much more of a difference you could have made. How much more you could have done. You do not want to have regrets in your twilight years, wondering... If only I had put the job first, if only I had thrown myself into it wholeheartedly."