
I'm tired, and this was a pre-written chapter, and so because I'm bored and tired I'm going to update it just for the heck of it.

(During The Mark of Athena, what happened while Annabeth, Piper, Hazel and Aphrodite/Venus were having their tea party at the guys' POV.)

AN: I've never been to this museum so I'm making up how it goes. Also, I have no clue about anything on the civil war in America, so I'm making that up too. Also, yes I did take theCurse you, Gleeson the satyr! from Phineas and Ferb. It's supposed to be funny.

Leo had thought the museum would be cool. It gave him a chance to be a part of the action off of the boat but not actually have to fight many people. I mean, how bad can a museum be? And things in a civil war museum are old. One spark and the whole thing would burst into flames, giving he and his buddies plenty of leisure time to stroll away from the exploding building behind them, pull on some epic back-pocket shades, and report their findings to their crew members… like a boss.

(Of course, the klutz Frank would probably end up poking his eye while putting on the sunglasses, resulting in him tripping over his own feet and crashing into Leo, who then crashes into Jason, and they'd all end up in an embarrassing heap on the floor.)

That, or they wouldn't escape the building fast enough and Frank and Jason would be turned into cinders.

Leo frowned. Okay, maybe he wouldn't try to use fire.

So, off to the museum. The trio woke up early to get a head start, when barely anyone was awake yet. They wanted to be in and out of that place as fast as possible—they were on a deadline, after all.

Why was it always deadlines? Leo wondered as they walked down the streets of Charleston. First it was the winter solstice with saving Hera, then the beginning of summer with finishing the Argo II, and now this.

Well, easy-breezy. It was only one museum.

Too bad Jason had forgotten how to find it.

That had turned out to be a frustration and a problem. They had to resort to asking Starbucks employees where the civil war museum was located, and Leo noticed the girl staring at Jason's face a lot longer than she should have.

Finally, the museum. Leo knew he had made a mistake the second he opened the door to find the only living organisms inside were old people.

They paid for their day passes at the front desk and grouped up near the washrooms. "Okay, guys, split up," Jason instructed, "but always stay in the same room. No one goes anywhere if they can't see at least one other. Make sense?"

They both nodded, and they began to search the first room for a map to the Mark of Athena. The giant's bane in the prophecy.

Leo got bored after, like, five seconds. His ADHD wouldn't let him concentrate on anything. He picked an exciting looking weapon and tried to read the plaque in front of it, but it was written in that long boring way that made you want to fall asleep just by glancing at it.

Looking around, he saw both Frank and Jason calmly reading the plaques of relics nearby, looking for clues to the map. Leo gritted his teeth and turned back to his own plaque.

In the civil war, weapons as such these were used to fire at enemy soldiers in the…

"Watcha looking at there, son?"

Leo turned to see a man older than his grandfather look interestingly past his shoulder at the relic. "Uh, this thing," he replied. "Did you know they were used to fire at enemy soldiers?"

"That's what you usually do with cannonballs," the man said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I could have guessed that," Leo said.

"I remember my grandfather was in the war," the man started, and Leo knew he was doomed. "He used to sit me in his lap and tell me war stories—tales of horrific men sacrificing their lives for others."

"That's… pretty wicked," said Leo, glancing at Frank nervously. Help me, his eyes pleaded, but Frank only shrugged unhelpfully.

"There was old man Thomson, who was my grand-pop's best bud in the war. He believed in cruelty in slavery, just like the rest of us folks. And then old man Plankton and his four sons, Ronald, Bobby, Stevie and Rob. He also had two twin brothers, George and Butler. And then there was his wife, Joanne, and his sisters Beckie, Clarrise, Maddy and Marie-Claire, and his daughters Cony and Mary. Then grand-pop was friends with Conner, who was married to Claire and had Jonathan and Jeremy as sons, and Madison, who pretended to be a boy just to join the war. And then there was Ruther, Peter, Gordon, Geronimo, Bartholomew, Liam, Arnold, Ralphie and a few others. Oh, and there was Fletcher, Mac, Colin… did I already say Ralphie?"

By the end of the hour when the boys regrouped to tell their findings, Leo could list the names of thirty-four soldiers in the war, if they died and how, if they were married or not, how many kids they had and all their names, and their military status. As well as pretty much every freaking thing you would ever want to know about Abraham Lincoln.

"I didn't find anything," Jason told the others. "Frank?"

The big guy shook his head.

"Don't even ask," Leo put in, holding up his hand. "I've got nothing either."

"Maybe we can search the second story," Jason said. "If we can't find anything there, we'll do another quick check of the place and then head back to the ship. Hopefully the girls will have done a better job with finding the map to the Mark of Athena than we have."

"I wonder how they're doing," Frank mused out loud as they climbed the stairs to the second story. There were less people in here, but still all elderly.

Leo began to read another plaque when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ugh," he muttered. "Not you again—" He froze when he realized the man he wasn't speaking to was not some old boring grandpa, but a glowing gray zombie. He held a riffle in one hand, and thrust the barrel at Leo's chest.

"You?" he croaked. "Who are… you?"

Leo didn't say anything for a moment, then summoned a quick fire and shot the guy in the chest. It stumbled away, screaming at the gaping hole in its front. The tourists didn't notice, but Frank and Jason did.

"Holy—!" Jason pulled out his gladius, and Frank loaded an arrow. Leo jumped over a barrel of gunpowder on display and slid underneath another cannon to get to them, stepping behind Jason.

A few more zombie guys walked out of the shadows and stalked toward them. "Frank!" Jason hissed, holding his blade out in front of them. "Talk to them. Leo, get the tourists out of here!"

"How the heck am I gonna do that?"

Jason didn't reply, but sliced his blade at a zombie dude when it got too close. Leo looked around, trying to figure something out, when his eyes rested on the fire alarm. He rushed over to it and pressed it down.

An alarm sounded, which hurt his ears a bit, but did the job. After a moment or two of confusion, the elderly began to make their way downstairs and outside the building.

"Peace!" Frank tried to tell the zombies. "We come in peace! Don't kill us!"

"Mark… of… Athena?" one of the zombie dudes asked slowly, leaning on its riffle as if it were a cane. They must have overheard them talking about it.

"Yes! Yes, we're looking for it!" Frank said. "Do you know where it is?"

The zombies stared at him for a moment, their expressions impossible to read, then parted away to reveal a fresher looking zombie, obviously the leader. "You search for the Mark of Athena?" it asked easily. "But you are not spawn of the goddess."

"No, but our friend is, and we super-duper-ultra-mega need to find it so that we can finish our quest and save the earth from mother earth," Leo explained.

The zombie ghosts began to laugh, which made the demigods begin to despair. "We fought the Greeks during the civil war," the leader began. "Greeks are our enemies. You search for the Mark of Athena? It will stay where it is, away from you dirty people."

"I'm Roman too," Jason tried.

"You don't understand how important this is!" Leo exclaimed.

"Dirty people?" Frank demanded outrageously.

The ghost man laughed. "Get them!" he yelled, taking out his riffle and shooting Leo in the head. Fortunately for his head, the thing hadn't been loaded and the machine just clicked.

"Oh well," the ghost laughed. "Guess we have to do this the hard way." He reached to his side and pulled out a wicked looking sword, thrusting it into the air. "CHARGE!"


Out the window to the ground,
down the street and into town;

Away from the ghosts, now here we run,
get caught and it will not be fun.

How many times had Leo been tried to kill in his lifetime? Way too many, he decided.

And looking back at it, downtown Charleston was not going to thank the three demigods any time soon. (Leo sincerely apologizes to the lady he had to sacrifice to the sewers. It was for the greater good.)

At that point they were just focusing on trying to get away. Then Piper Iris-messaged them to get back to the ship, and they were there in a jiffy. They stormed up a library staircase to the roof, where Frank turned into an eagle and Jason rode the winds.

"And what am I supposed to do?" Leo yelled at them as they flew off.

Frank turned back and grabbed him by the arms, flying up into the sky, just as the angry ghosts reached the rooftop.

"Aw, seriously!" he yelled, his feet flailing in the air.

They flew over to the docks, Leo cursing and screaming the entire thing. The Argo II finally came into view, just as something began to shoot arrows at them. Romans. Perfect. As bad as it seemed, it was all in control until Hedge shot an exploding spear at them.


Frank's wings were singed and he fell into Fort Sumter, dropping Leo. He yelled something in Spanish—probably Curse you, Gleeson the satyr!—when Jason grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and turned their fall more into a bungee-jumping free-fall.

Leo landed on a barrel of wine, which broke his landing (somewhat). He felt horrible, but the screaming Romans with pointy spears made him change his mind about that. (Also, Frank was an elephant. Of all the ways he could die, Leo was not planning on 'getting smushed by African wildlife'.)

Another giant eagle turned on him, and Leo shot fire at it. He shoved a lady out of his way and ducked behind another portico just as an explosion rang out behind him.

Someone grabbed his arm and Leo readied himself to punch whoever it was in the face when he realized it was Jason. "Oh," he said, shaking out the fire that had been beginning to form in his hand. "Hey."

"We're getting out of here," Jason said.

"What about Frank and Annabeth?" He had seen her around the fort as he had avoided being killed.

"Frank's coming. Annabeth told me not to wait for her."

Leo gave him a look. "If Annabeth doesn't come back Percy will kill you," he said.

Jason sighed. "I know. But that doesn't matter. We just have to get out of here, now."

Leo sighed. "I will not enjoy this," he said sadly.

"It won't be too pleasant for me either," Jason replied, and he grabbed Leo by the collar of his T-shirt, flying upwards. A Roman eagle came toward them but Jason stopped it mid-air.

Leo sent some fire down on the Romans below, hoping he didn't burn some innocent tourist by accident. Frank had turned into a cheetah and was racing to the ship below them.

Jason dropped down on the deck, and Frank turned back into a human just as he stepped onto the ship. But his momentum kept him going and he crashed right into Hazel and Leo, tumbling into an awkward heap on the floor.

"Nice," Jason commented dryly, turning and walking away from the scene with his hands tucked awkwardly in his pockets.

That wan't actually as bad as I thought it would be. Congrats to myself!

Anyway, review now. And because I neglected on doing it before...

Disclaimer: I'm too lazy to write it out.