Okay, I've decided to start a new story, which is this! But I'm still writing Life at the Wilderness School so this will just be updates when I'm bored. So don't get excited. But maybe when I'm done that story I'll pay more attention to this one.
Anyway, the topic is just the missing bits of HoO. Sometimes they're super minor, or something that someone mentioned. But either way, I felt that I needed to do this.
(And, NO, this isn't the story from a different POV. This is what happened in between.)
Enjoy the first chapter!
(During The Lost Hero, when Piper is unconscious with hypothermia after their encounter with Midas.)
Leo awoke, blinking his eyes to focus. He was sitting next to a river, while a few yards away Coach Hedge helped Jason dunk a solidified Piper into the rushing waters. He was wrapped in a blanket, and his hand hurt.
"Hey, Leo!" Hedge yelled. "Good to see you back in the land of the living."
"Sure." Leo sniffled. "What happened?"
"Well," Jason told him, "Midas turned you and Piper to gold."
"I always knew I was a golden star," Leo muttered.
"Can you remember any of it?" Jason asked, resting Piper on the grass and sitting down next to his friend.
Leo thought about it. "There was a bright white light," he decided, "and I was walking toward it. I was thinking, is this the end? Is this the end of the wonderful and handsome Leo Valdez? Then, suddenly something yanked me backwards off my feet, and I see you guys, trying to drown Piper while she's a precious metal."
Jason blinked. "Seriously?" he asked.
"No," he admitted. "I was reaching for some sort of epic screwdriver to defeat the evil overlord when the creepy king touched my arm. Now I'm here, still watching you guys trying to kill Piper."
"I knew it," said Hedge, sitting down next to the two boys. "If Hades is a bright white light of inspiration then I'm Justin Biebs. Although..."
"We're good," Jason interrupted, turning away from the goat.
Something loud and shrilly screamed from inside the mansion, along with the sound of something breaking painfully.
"We should probably consider leaving," Jason decided.
Leo remembered Festus, and how he had been decapitated. "How?" he asked.
Jason thought for a moment. "The wind spirits," he decided. "Maybe we can harness them somehow."
"Good luck," Hedge snorted.
"WHOO HOO!" Hedge screamed into the wind. "I'M A GOAT, AND I'M FLYING, BABY!"
Well, Jason had done it—somehow. But the fact that he did didn't make it any less terrifying.
Of course, Coach Hedge was loving it. Leo and Jason, not so much. But at least if Jason fell he could fly himself out of there. Piper was still sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the chaos around her.
When Leo had asked where Jason was steering them, he had replied that he was just following the glittery air trail he had seen the previous day. But they had no idea where that glittery air trail led to.
"Uh, Jason!" Leo yelled. "Mountains in the distance, and coming closer at a speed not recommended for human beings! Get us out of here!"
The wind spirits kept flying toward the mountainside. "Bring it on!" Hedge yelled to it. "I'm readier than a satyr about to crash into the side of a mountain painfully! ...Yeah!"
Leo yelled as Jason pulled back on the wind spirits and forced them to fly in any other direction. Unfortunately, though, they chose downwards. The crash landing wasn't pretty.
Leo landed headfirst into the snow and sank in up to his ankles. He struggled to righten himself again, but the snow wouldn't allow him. He decided to try a different tactic, and melted everything around him into water. He broke above the surface, gasping for air.
"I'm alive!" he yelled, and only then did it occur to him that getting himself wet in the middle of winter was not such a hot idea.
Jason was just finishing wrestling the final wind spirit into their bag. Hedge was skipping around and kicking the snow, yelling, "Take that, cupcake!" Piper was still dozing calmly in the corner, though every once in a while she'd flinch and mutter, "No... scary donkey-man..."
"What now?" Leo asked, crawling out of the snow awkwardly.
"We go to that cave," Jason decided, pointing to a small shelter in the mountainside. "And then we rest. Hopefully we'll find that wind master's castle soon."
"Good enough for me," Hedge decided, skipping over. Leo shrugged and followed him at a slower pace, sneezing every once in a while, leaving Jason to deal with lugging Piper over. Jason didn't mind. Leo was soaking wet and just under half an hour ago he'd been dead. And Hedge was busy kicking the cave walls and searching for random booby-traps, yelling out 'cupcake' every once in a while. Jason sighed and slung Piper across his back, following his friends.
Great, he thought. Now the crazy goat is a friend. My life sucks.
I have the next chapter planned out, but no guarantees on the update. Remember? LatWS is still the bigger one.
...Although, that doesn't mean you shouldn't review.
Also, feel free to PM me or just to include in your reviews ideas, just bits of HoO you found missing. (But, no, I'm not making up scenarios just if you want to see some romance fluff. Go to a different story for that.)
PS: I didn't make up Piper's nightmare. It actually says it, right in The Lost Hero, Piper had a nightmare with some sort of donkey-man. (I'm too comfortable in my seat to go see what it actually says.)