Cardfight Vanguard: The Ultimate Limit
Chapter One: The First Ride Of Rivalry
The first leaders of Cray: Aichi Sendou, Toshiki Kai, Leon Soryu, Ren Suzugamori. There time is over. Now it is the time of the Zero Paladins, Arctic force, and Crimson Paladins. This is the new Vanguards story
In the far future the card game vanguard has taken its place in the world, with new cards, decks, and players every day, the game has reached its limit. But, all limits can be past.
"I RIDE THE VANGUARD! RISE FROM THE SHADOWS, ZERO PHANTOM!" Said Nico. "NOOOOOO! I lost." The energetic cardfighter Kamou yelled. This has been the twentieth game Nico has won in the past two days. Nico is Ren Suzugamori and Asaka Narumi's son, and the new leader of team asteroid. His best friend is Kemo Shinjou, Tetsu Shinjou's Daughter. The rivale of Nico is Drake, The son of Leon Soryu and Misaki Tokura. Now that the introductions are done back to the shop.
Just as Nico was picking up his deck, Drake Soryu walked into Card shop Kat. "Hey, how is it going. By the looks of things, Nico just won a game?" Drake stated. Kamou glared at Drake, then stated. "I let him win! The great Kamou won't lose that easily." Kamou is Katsumi Morikawa's son. "Cardfight, Nico." Nico nodded yes and got prepped. Drake did the same, then they simultaneously said. "STAND UP, THE VANGUARD!" Nico stood. "Phantom Knight, Liesus." Drake stood. "Ice Pack Dog. I go first, draw. Ride Ice Pack Wolf, Dog moves back, call Frost Goliath, end turn."
Nico drew. "Ride Phantom Knight, Hefero. Call Zero Hound. With support from Zero Hound, Hefero attacks at 13 K. Drive check, draw, power draw one." Drake Took the damage, it was a stand trigger. "Draw, Ride Frost Knight tri-dem, call two Frost Colossus. My first Frost Colossus attacks at 10 K." Nico took the damage, nothing. "Next my Frost Knight attacks at 16 K." Nico guards at 17 K. "Drive, nothing. Now Colossus attack!" Nico took the damage, nothing. "End turn."
Nico stood his units. "Draw, ride Phantom Hawk, Ikero. Call a Phantom Knight, Alesia. Ikero attacks at 16 K." Drake guards at 20 K. "Drive check, nothing. now Alesia attacks your Colossus." Drake does not guard. "End turn." Drake stands and draws, and looks at his hand. "Your white light strengthens my allies and defeats my enemies. I ride the Frost Knight, DIZAN!"
In the image of Nico and Drake, a beam of white light hits Tri-dem, and is replaced with the Frost Knight, Dizan. Nico looked at the unit drake had ridden. "Your avatar has taken it place on the field." Nico's eyes flashed red. "But i will still win." Drake smirked. His eyes glowed purple. "Your image of the end of this battle is different from mine." Most battles between Drake and Nico are like this, them both saying that they are going to win. That is because they both have Psyqualia. A power that links them to units on the planet Cray. They haven't turned evil because their parents won't let them use Psyqualia outside a cardfight. But when they use it the cardfight gets intense.
"Skill, when placed on vanguard, Dizan get's 5K till end to turn, now call, Ice Pack Wolf, Ice Dragon, Huragan, and Ice Ferret. Huragan attacks at 16K." Nico guarded at 20K. "FROST KNIGHT DIZAN! 22K!" Nico was thinking about what cards to guard with.
Kemo likes to watch them fight. She loves how passionate they are and how they can put one-another into a corner, but will always get out, she loves how Nico can keep his cool, how Drake can express his feelings for cardfight. She loves them, in the friend way of course.
"Guard at 25K." Nico had finally made up his mind and guarded. Drake glared at Nico. "Drive, First nothing. Second, nothing. Colossus go." Nico took the damage. "End turn." Nico then turned off his Psyqualia. And Drake enhanced his. Nico was now standing on a snow covered platform. He saw Dizan, then he saw himself as his avatar and got cut by Dizan's blades then he got hit by Expantra The Frost.
. Nico looked around and saw himself at Kat. He was shocked. He didn't know what to say. "That is my winning image." Drake said just soft enough for Nico to hear. Nico looked at Drake, thinking about what had just happened. "Your turn." Drake stated harshly. Kemo was getting scared. In all the fights she had seen, Drake nor Nico had been that harsh.
"Stand and draw." Nico regained his composure. "You rise from the shadows to seek your revenge, I ride the Zero Phantom! Counterblast, retier one rearguard and soulcharge one. I retire your frost colossus, and soulcharge." It was a stand trigger. "Call Phantom Dragon, Ginma. Alesia attacks at 10 K on your Huragan." Drake does not guard. "My vanguard attacks at 27 K on your vanguard." Drake smirked. "Perfect Guard with Frost Shield!" Nico grimaced. "Twin drive, first critical, all effects to Ginma, second draw, Ginma gets the power and I draw one. Ginma attacks at 20 K and plus 1." Drake takes the two damage, First was a stand then nothing. "End turn."
Drake chuckled. Nico looked at him. "No matter how hard you try you won't beat me." Nico looked Drake in the eye then stated. "And how do you know this?" Drake chuckled again. "Because, my dear friend. FINAL TURN!." The crowd gasped. Nico was getting scared. In all fights they have had, neither of them had ever called final turn. They were equal in power.
"Call Freezer Burn, skill activates, counterblast give myself one point of damage. now its time for Dizan's, LIMIT BREAK!" Nico flinched. Kemo was looking at Drake. "For every unit with frost in the name in my soul or damage zone I can retire one rearguard." Then his soul and damage zone flashed. four rear guards are to be retired. Nico took all cards except for his vanguard. "Now my goliaths skill. When I have more rearguards then my opponent I get to superior call two rearguards by retiring him." Drake was getting worse and worse by the turn. Nico knew he had to win.
"You are weak Nico." Nico flinched. "You didn't see that I had taken three damage and that I had gotten Freezer Burn on the last drive. Now watch me destroy you." Drake said far too harshly. Nico didn't know what to say to that. "Freezer Burn attack his vanguard at 15 K. Nico took the damage. Nothing. "Now, DIZAN DEFEAT HIM 22 K!" Nico looked at his hand and mumbled to himself. "If he gets a trigger and a grade three, I am done for but am going to risk it. Guard at 26 K." Drake laughed. "Just as I had seen, drive check. First, Expantra The Frost. second." The card came up slowly. and a green light flashed over the card.
Nico gasped, Kemo put her hand over her heart. "Heal trigger." Nico took the damage. Nothing. "Now due to Ice Pack Dogs skill I move him to the soul. And superior ride a grade three. Rise Expantra The Frost. Skill, when superior rode he get 5 K, and now he attacks." Nico looked at his hand, he didn't have enough to guard. "Twin drive, stand trigger, stand Huragan, second, CRITICAL!" As Nico took the damage, Drake's Psyqualia deactivated
. Nico picked up his deck and asked Kemo. "Are you going to be by my side or go with Drake." Kemo looked at Drake, he looked bad. He had his hand on his forehead and was looking at his deck. Kemo didn't want to be near Drake if he got that cruel in a cardfight. "Sorry Drake but I just can't be around you if you are going to be that cruel. Lead the way Nico." Drake looked at Nico, then to Kemo.
For about ten minutes Drake just sat in a chair thinking about the things he said regretting each word. Finally he went home, Card Capital. Up to his room and tried to call Nico, he didn't answer. After a few attempts he called Kemo. "Kemo?" Drake asked. "No, this is her father. What do you want." Tetsu answered. Drake told him the story and what had happened. "And why do you have Kemo's phone?" Drake asked. And Tetsu replied. "When Kemo got home, she threw her phone down and stormed to her room in tears. But I doubt that the reason she was crying was the cardfight you and Nico had. Do you want me to get her?" Drake gratefully said yes.
"Hello?" Kemo said. Drake then said. "What happened? Your dad said you ran into your room as soon as you got home?" Kemo then replied in a sad tone. "Nico doesn't want me to be around you any more." Drake was shocked. "What? Why would he say... Oh." Kemo then stated. "He just want's you and me safe, you know him. I am sorry Drake but you won't be seeing me around Kat much anymore. Nico told me we were going to find a different card shop to cardfight. Goodbye Drake." Drake quickly asked. "Are we still friends?" Kemo was crying now. "Yes Drake, we are still friends. We just won't be seeing each other for a while." Then she hung up. Drake knew that this day marked the start of a rivalry between him, and Nico.
The rivalry of the Ice and the Phantom.
Well how was chapter 1, tense. Just to let you know, next chapter is going to be a descriptive chapter. Where I describe what the characters and units look like. The chapter after that, will be a few months later in the story. Drake meets Nico and Kemo at the shop qualifiers for the national tournament. And just a certain someone enters the tournament. Next time on The Ultimate Limit: The Second Ride Of A New Team.