Okay... so yeah... I couldn't wait another week and a half to publish this. So here you have it, much earlier that I intended. Chapter One of Sovngarde Beckons! Starts out about eight months after the Epilogue of Two Halves: Walk in the Shadows. For those of you stumbling upon this for the first time, this is the third book in my Skyrim series, and much of this will not make any sense unless you read the first two books first.

I hope you enjoy this. Please remember to Fave/Follow/Review and be sure to share this story with your friends.

If you want to follow me socially, I have a Twitter account: NikkiNicole159 and I also have a Deviant Art account: Nicky-Nightmare

Chapter One

"You must stop him."

The woman's voice seemed to whisper directly into his ear, but Einarr could see nothing in the dark void. He turned every which way, trying to find the woman who spoke to him. Her voice sounded so familiar to him, and though he should have felt nervous, completely surrounded by the inky darkness, he felt extremely safe.

"Einarr, you must stop him," the woman repeated.

"Stop who?" he called out. "Where are you?"

Her voice was behind him now. "Einarr."

He turned on his heels and felt his whole body go numb with terror. His heart began to race and he almost forgot to breathe, staring right into the glowing, blood red eyes of the dragon. It was the dragon from Helgen. Suddenly, the void around him turned into a blazing inferno and Einarr recognized the buildings smoldering in the flames. The void had turned into Helgen itself. He could smell the bodies burning and hear the people screaming in terror, but knew that they were not there. It was just him and the dragon facing him.

"Zu'u fen du hin sil, Dovahkiin," the black dragon spoke to him, flashing his fangs in what only a fool would call a smile.

"Why?" Einarr demanded, his voice a furious whisper. "Why do you still continue to torment me? Torment my family? Why can't you just leave us alone and erase from our memories?"

"Dahik hi los sahlo."

The flames around them died out and the black dragon flew into the sky, disappearing over the mountain. Einarr was left completely alone, surrounded by the haunting memories and the overwhelming destruction the dragon had left in its wake. Helgen was nothing more than a town covered in ash and burned wood, and Einarr was standing all alone in it.


He turned at the sound of the voice again and his eyes widened again. While the rest of Helgen was completely decimated, there was still one part of it that looked exactly the same, as if it hadn't been touched by the flames. Einarr walked right up to it, his whole body tense and shivering as he stared at the chopping block, completely unscratched and still covered with fresh blood.


Einarr sat up right in his bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. He looked around, relieved to find himself in his room in Jorrvaskr instead of that horrible place full of bad memories. Swinging his legs off the bed, he braced his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. He felt exhausted, like he got absolutely no sleep at all. Then again, Einarr couldn't remember the last time he had gotten a good night's sleep, but he guessed it was somewhere around two years ago, right before he had become a werewolf. Nightmares and restlessness were a regular thing for him now and it hadn't bothered him much before, but now that he was being plagued by this recurring nightmare, the lack of sleep was starting to get under his skin.

Growling softly, Einarr got out of bed and walked over to the wash basin in the corner of his room. It was something he found himself doing every morning now, thanks to the nightmares. He quickly washed himself off with a wet cloth and put on his armor once he was clean. As much as he would have liked to spend the day lounging in his room, trying to get a bit of rest, he had a job to do. As Harbinger of the Companions, he had to take care of Jorrvaskr's expenses as well as look through the incoming contracts and have the rest of the Circle distribute them among the other members. Sighing heavily, Einarr stepped out of his bedroom and into his anteroom, only to find his closest friend and forebear, Aela, already sitting at the table, eating some breakfast while she sorted through papers.

"Good morning, Einarr," she said, looking up from a paper long enough to smile at him.

"Aela, you're up early," he nodded, taking a seat beside her.

"Randulf woke me," she explained, nodding at her one-year-old son, who was sitting on the floor, playing with a stuffed toy Einarr's daughter, Kiraya, had given him. "And I noticed you've been falling behind on some of the work, so I thought I'd help you."

"It was a lot easier doing all of this with Vilkas helping."

"Aye, he was always good with all this mindless paperwork, but good luck trying to get him away from Lassarina these days."

Einarr smiled at the mention of his half-sister. Though they shared different fathers, Einarr and Lassarina were as close as full-blooded siblings and spent a lot of time together, trying to make up for the sixteen years they had been separated after the death of their mother. They had only been reunited a little over two years ago but had been determined to make up for lost time once they were together again. He had told her about his time with the Khajiit caravan that adopted him and his short marriage to a Khajiit woman named Faraya, who tragically died while giving birth to their mixed-race daughter; and she had told him about her time at the orphanage before getting adopted by an abusive family in Cyrodiil. She had run away after accidentally killing the family's eldest son and joined the Companions shortly before Einarr found her.

They had hit several bumps on the road in the past two years. But their lives were finally getting better. Einarr was happily raising his only child at Jorrvaskr, training her to one day become a great warrior, and Lassarina was currently expecting a child of her own. His sister was about eight months pregnant at the moment and her husband, and Einarr's right-hand man, Vilkas, was reluctant to leave her side. He understood why Vilkas wouldn't leave her. They had a chance at being parents prior to this pregnancy, but sadly, his sister had suffered a miscarriage at the hand of a man named Mercer Frey and swiftly took her revenge on him. Afterward, she had disappeared for six months to mourn the loss of her unborn son. She had become addicted to Skooma, and they had finally found with her. Vilkas had stayed with her throughout her recovery.

"I can't even remember the last job he did," Einarr muttered, shuffling through the papers.

"I believe it was a month ago," Aela replied. "He took out a bandit camp nearby with Erendriel. I can't believe how tolerant Lassarina's being. If I had Vilkas standing over me for that long without a break, I'd probably rip his throat out."

"Actually, Avyanna told me that Lassarina's starting to get annoyed by it."

"Maybe you and Farkas should try and get Vilkas away from her before she snaps, then. Last thing Vilkas wants is an angry, pregnant Nord woman taking a swing at him."

"Aye, that might be a good idea," Einarr agreed, standing up and moving toward the door. "I still have a scar from when I tussled with my wife."

Aela chuckled as Einarr left the anteroom, walking through the hall of the living quarters and going over to Farkas's room. He tapped on the wood a few times but received no answer. He took a wild guess at where he might be and headed upstairs, greeting the other Companions who were already awake.

"Did Farkas sleep here last night?" he asked.

"Would you sleep here if you had a pretty woman inviting you to her bed?" Finverior joked.

Einarr shot a glare at the Bosmer, trying to ignore his crude sense of humor. Finverior was only a member of the Companions because he had befriended Lassarina during the six months she had gone missing and she had vouched for his skills in battle. The self-gratifying wood elf was a constant annoyance amongst everyone at Jorrvaskr, with his carefree attitude and lack of regard for the rules. He was also extremely lecherous and spent most of his nights trying to find space in someone else's bed, not caring whether they were man or woman. Though after a while, everyone had grown accustomed to his behavior and learned to ignore it, it still grated on Einarr.

"He's at Avyanna's house," Erendriel told Einarr with a nervous smile.

Einarr nodded his thanks to Erendriel. Hailing from Rorikstead, the Bosmer had shown little to no skill in battle when he first came to Jorrvaskr, but Einarr had allowed him into their ranks anyways. He had seen a spark of raw talent in Erendriel when he first arrived and he was happy to say he was right to follow that instinct. After months of training, the wood elf was a worthy opponent in battle, handling an axe as if it were a part of him. Though he was a good warrior now, the elf was still teased every so often on what he was like when he first came to them. But Erendriel had a good heart and friendly spirit, so any teasing was just laughed off and ignored.

"And what about Kiraya?" Einarr asked, surprised his daughter was nowhere to be seen.

"Rohan came to get her and Fang a little while ago," Ria answered from beside Erendriel. "They're probably running around Whiterun, playing."

Einarr nodded and headed out the door in search of Farkas and possibly Kiraya. His eleven-year-old was always at Avyanna's brother Rohan's side, mainly due to the fact that she was completely infatuated with the twelve-year-old. Part of Einarr was a bit annoyed that his precious daughter was already becoming interested in boys, but lucky for him, Rohan wasn't even aware of his daughter's crush on him. He had a feeling he'd have to worry about it in a few years, though.

He walked down the steps of Jorrvaskr and past the Gildergreen, now in full bloom thanks to Einarr having helped the priestess of Kynareth, Danica, restore it to it's former glory. He was shocked that the tree was still in bloom despite it being Evening Star and the snows having been relentless, but he figured that it must be some sort of magic keeping the tree so strong.

Avyanna lived in a humble little home called Sparkshire, located between Ysolda and Olava the Feeble's houses. It was about the same size as Breezehome, Einarr's house where Lassarina and Vilkas were currently staying while Vilkas saved enough money to have his own house built just outside the city walls. As he walked over to it, he spotted Kiraya and Rohan looking around the corner at the door of Breezehome.

"Kiraya, Rohan, what are you doing?" Einarr called out to them.

The two children jumped, startled from getting caught, and looked at Einarr, shifting their weight from foot to foot.

"Aunt Lassarina and Uncle Vilkas are arguing," Kiraya told him. "We can hear them."

Einarr frowned and walked over, his heightened sense of hearing immediately catching the sound of his sister shouting at Vilkas from inside the house.

"I don't care where you go or what you do, just get out and leave me alone for the rest of the day!" he heard his sister say.

"Would you just calm down?" Vilkas growled. "You're overreacting!"

"I'm overreacting? How do you expect me to react when you don't give me a moment to myself! You're always standing over me as if you expect I'm going to trip and fall right onto a sword!"


"Vilkas, just go away! I don't want to see you for the rest of the day! I just need some gods-damned space!"

Einarr quickly pulled the children back and away from the corner, just as Vilkas opened the door and stomped out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. He could see the frustration and anger etched upon his shield-brother's face and knew that feeling all too well. Walking past Kiraya and Rohan, Einarr started to follow Vilkas.

"Vilkas," he called out.

The sound of his voice seemed to make Vilkas snap and he whirled around, glaring at Einarr. "Your sister's gone insane!"

Einarr tried hard not to smile. "Aye, I heard. Don't think too much about it, Vilkas, she's just stressed out. Kiraya's mother was a lot worse when she was pregnant."

"Aye, I realized she must feel stressed, but I was only trying to tell her to sit down and relax. She's been cleaning every inch of the damned house for the past week. I keep trying to tell her it's clean, but she won't listen."

Einarr couldn't help but sympathize with Vilkas, but his sister really couldn't control what she was thinking or saying at the moment. Vilkas was going to have to go through another month of this before his sister gave birth, and then they were going to have to deal with several years of raising the actual child. He walked up to Vilkas and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go get your brother and then head up to Jorrvaskr so you can vent your anger on a training dummy," Einarr offered, steering Vilkas towards Avyanna's house.

Vilkas grumbled but went with Einarr up to the small home. Rohan and Kiraya were sitting on a pile of stacked logs, avoiding Vilkas's gaze and whispering to themselves, causing Einarr to shoot them a warning glare.

"Anna and Farkas are still sleeping," Rohan told them. "I would have woken them, but Anna locks her bedroom door whenever Farkas is over."

"Don't worry, we'll wake them," Einarr smiled.

Einarr and Vilkas let themselves into the house and went up the stairs to where Avyanna's room was. Einarr didn't hesitate when he walked right up to it and pounded on it loudly.

"Farkas, if you can manage to peel your lazy ass off of Avyanna, get up and get dressed!" he shouted through the wood.

He heard Farkas groan through the door and heard Avyanna whispering to him. He looked over his shoulder and grinned at Vilkas, clearly very amused, before turning back at the sound of footsteps. The door opened a few inches and Farkas poked his head out, bleary eyes and his hair a sleep-tangled mess. A quick survey of the twin showed he had hastily put on a pair of simple trousers but didn't have time to lace them up.

"Did you need something?" Farkas grumbled.

"You'd think that now you were with Avyanna, you'd start getting up earlier," Vilkas sighed.

Einarr's eyes drifted down to Farkas's pants. "Vilkas, I get the feeling he was up before we knocked on the door."

Farkas's face burned red for a moment and he retreated back into the room, slamming the door shut, allowing both Einarr and Vilkas to burst out into a fit of laughter. They decided to go downstairs and wait for Farkas, taking a seat at the table and helping themselves to some of Avyanna's mead. They had each drunk about half a bottle when Avyanna came down the stairs, wearing a simple dress and glaring at both of them.

"Problem, Anna?" Einarr asked with a grin.

"Nay, I'm completely fine with having two men pound on my door in the morning and then take my mead without asking," she replied sarcastically. "What's so important that you couldn't let me and Farkas just lie in all morning?"

"Some crazy woman's replaced my sweet, loving wife and kicked me out of the house for the rest of the day," Vilkas grumbled, staring down at his bottle.

"I told you she would do that, the way you kept trailing after her. Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean she's going to collapse any time you take yours eyes off of her."

"Doesn't really matter now," Einarr shrugged. "He's been kicked out, and I thought that instead of moping around, he could come to Jorrvaskr and train with me and Farkas." Looking at the stairs he shouted loudly, "As soon as Farkas will have the decency to grace us with his presence!"

"I'm coming!" Farkas shouted back.

Einarr sipped some more of his mead and relaxed against the chair, managing to finish the rest of the warm liquid before Farkas finally came down, fully armored but still sleepy. He also looked extremely annoyed.

"Did I bother you that first month you and Lassarina were married and going at it like a pair of hounds?" he growled at his twin.

"Nay, but you encouraged Einarr to throw a bucket of ice water on me the day of my wedding," Vilkas retorted.

Farkas rolled his eyes and bit down on some bread. "So Lassarina finally had enough of you?"

"Tossed him right out of the house," Einarr chuckled. When Vilkas glowered at him he sighed, "Oh, come on, Vilkas, we're only ribbing you. Just give her the day to cool off. You'll see, once you go back this evening, she'll be crying and apologizing for having yelled at you."

"He's right, Vilkas," Avyanna added. "My mother threw my father out more times than I can count when she was pregnant with Rohan and Roran. But when he returned hours later, she felt so guilty and welcomed him back with a tear-filled apology." When Vilkas didn't look reassured she added, "I'll go over and get to work on calming her down. With any luck, Finverior will drop by and she can punch him in the face."

Vilkas seemed to perk up a bit at that and he smiled. "I'd appreciate that, Avyanna."

With a nod, the scarlet-haired Nord stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her, leaving the men alone. They sat in silence for several moments, shifting their gaze from one to the other, before Einarr finally spoke up.

"So Farkas, think you'll be able to train with us when you're on full alert like that?" he teased, nodding at his trousers again.

Farkas glared and tossed a balled up piece of bread at Einarr, hitting him right in the head. Einarr could barely contain his laughter as he stood up and headed out the door, both twins close behind him. They were walking past Breezehome when Vilkas cursed loudly.

"What is it?" Farkas asked.

"I left my sword in the house," Vilkas explained.

Einarr shook his head. "I'll go in and get it then."

Vilkas murmured his thanks and Einarr walked up to the front door, letting himself in without knocking. Right away he saw Lassarina and Avyanna, sitting beside the fire pit and looking right at him. He could already see the annoyed glint in his sister's pale, blue eyes and the tension in her shoulders.

"Just pretend I'm not here," he said, walking right past them. "Just came in to grab Vilkas's sword."

"It's right there on the weapons rack," she told him, pointing at the rack beside the bookshelf.

Einarr nodded and grabbed the greatsword. Right after getting married, Lassarina had learned how Einarr was forging dragon bones into weapons and had asked him to forge a greatsword for Vilkas so she could give it to him as a wedding present. He agreed to forge it, and with the help of Eorland, he turned out one of his finest pieces. After seeing Vilkas practice with the blade, he had grown envious and made one each for himself and Farkas, as well as a regular dragonbone sword for Athis and dragonbone bows for Aela and Lassarina. They were gifts to the Circle from their Harbinger, or in Lassarina's case, a gift from brother to sister.

"Is Vilkas outside?" Lassarina asked.

Einarr turned to his sister. "Aye, he is. He would have come in himself, but he's respecting your wishes and giving you some space."

Suddenly, his sister's eyes started to tear up and her lower lip quivered as she fought back tears. He shifted uncomfortably, but walked over to her side, placing one hand on her shoulder while Avyanna gently held her hand.

"I didn't mean to yell at him," she whimpered. "I don't know what came over me."

"You're just overwhelmed," Avyanna told her. "You're going to get like this several more times before your baby is born."

"Is Vilkas mad at me?"

"Nay," Einarr reassured her. "He understands you're not in a right state of mind right now. I explained to him how you're just emotional right now. Next time you feel like this, maybe you could just punch Finverior and feel better."

"That actually might be a good idea," Lassarina chuckled, wiping away a tear and smiling a bit.

"There's that smile we all love," Einarr grinned. Placing a hand on her heavily rounded belly he added, "Try and cheer up, sister. Last thing we want is for your child to come out scowling like Vilkas."

Avyanna snorted and covered her mouth with a hand, trying to hide her smile. Lassarina rolled her eyes and softly smacked Einarr on the back of the head.

"That's my husband and child you're talking about," she said, placing her hand on her belly.

His sister was eight months pregnant, but she looked like she was farther along. Her belly was so large that everyone at Jorrvaskr was suspecting she was giving birth to a giant. It was an idiotic joke, but even Einarr was starting to find some truth in it.

"Well, I'll be going then," Einarr said, walking toward the door with Vilkas's sword in hand.

"Tell Vilkas to come home tonight," Lassarina pleaded.

"Aye, I will."

He closed the door behind him and walked over to the twins, who were waiting patiently for him. He handed Vilkas his sword and smirked at him.

"She's already feeling bad," he informed his brother-in-law.

Vilkas immediately frowned. "She isn't crying, is she?"

"She was, but just leave her with Avyanna. You can go back this evening after you've trained with us for a bit."


Vilkas wiped the sweat off his brow and sat down in one of the chairs on the porch as he watched Farkas and Einarr spar. It was already late in the afternoon and they had spent the whole day going through drills and sparring with anyone that came by. He honestly really needed this, since he had been starting to feel a little out of shape. He hadn't trained much in the past month, spending all of his time with Lassarina.

Part of him had known he had been overwhelming her with his constant presence, but he worried about her and wanted no harm to come to her. Like Lassarina, part of Vilkas's spirit was still scarred from the trauma of having lost their first child before it was even born. He only wanted to ensure that this time, nothing like that happened. He wanted this child to be born healthy and strong. It was bad enough he was being plagued by negative thoughts that he might be a bad father. Vilkas didn't want to end up like Jergen and just abandon his children without any hesitation.

"So Vilkas, have you and my sister given any thoughts on what you're going to name your child?" Einarr asked, finally finished with sparring with Farkas.

Vilkas looked up at his Harbinger. "I suggested naming it after someone we've lost, like after your mother if it's a girl, but Lassarina's got this mad theory that it's bad luck to name it after someone who's died."

"She's probably just shaken, since you picked a name for the last one," Farkas said.

"Aye, that's what I think too. So we don't have any names thought out yet. We'll probably wait until he or she is born."

"It'll probably be a lad," Einarr said, drinking some mead. "My sister's gotten too big for it to be a lass. That baby might grow up to be bigger than Farkas."

Vilkas chuckled, sharing the same thoughts. His wife's belly was a lot larger than it should be at this point in her pregnancy, according to Danica, but the priestess reassured them, saying the baby was likely going to be a strong one.

"Farkas, that reminds me," Einarr said. "We got a job to track down an escaped prisoner near Riften. Think you and Avyanna could take care of it?"

"Aye, we can do that," Farkas nodded. "We'll leave tomorrow."

"Good," Einarr nodded before looking at Vilkas. "It's nearly sunset; maybe you should get back to Lassarina?"

Vilkas nodded and stood up. "I was just thinking the same thing."

"Maybe tomorrow you can help me do some of that damned paperwork you're so good at. Give my sister a couple of hours of peace every day."

"Aye, that might be a good idea."

He waved goodbye to his twin and his brother-in-law as he skirted around Jorrvaskr and down the stairs toward Breezehome. He paused at the door, wondering if his wife was still in a foul mood, but figured the only way he'd find out was by going inside. He gently pushed open the door and stepped inside, surprised to find his wife was nowhere in sight.

"Rina?" he called out.

Vilkas saw her head poke out from the room beside the dining area. "Vilkas, you're home."

He smiled as she rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He dropped his sword and enveloped her in his embrace, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you," she murmured.

"It's alright, love," he told her. "I brought it upon myself, never leaving you alone for more than a moment."

"Either way, I'm sorry." She suddenly pulled away from him, her nose wrinkling. "You stink."

"Well, I did spend the day sparring with the whelps, my brother and Einarr."

"Which is exactly why I warmed up some bath water. So go and wash that smell off, or you won't be sleeping next to me."

Vilkas chuckled and ducked his head for a quick kiss. "Alright."

He walked over to the back room and eyed the stone tub appreciatively. Einarr had explained that originally, the room was meant to hold an Alchemy station, but since he didn't know a single thing about making potions, he had the Jarl's steward put in a stone tub. Einarr had even improved it over the past couple of years and installed a way to drain the water out of the tub so it flowed outside. Vilkas was greatly impressed with the work Einarr had done to it, and Lassarina enjoyed the idea of being able to take a bath whenever she wished.

Stripping off his armor, Vilkas got into the tub, the water still warm and easing the stress of the day away. His eyes had drifted closed and he leaned back in the tub, only to jump slightly as a featherlight touch met with his skin. His eyes flew open and he glanced over his shoulder to see Lassarina gently massaging his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" he asked, relaxing once again as her thumbs began to knead into his muscles.

"You're shoulders are always sore after training, aren't they?" she said. "I'm just trying to make up for shouting at you."

"You don't have to, but then again, that does feel good."

His wife chuckled a bit and continued to rub his sore shoulders. For several moments that's all she did, but then he felt the course texture of a washcloth against his skin, lathered with soap as she started to wash his back. He released a happy sigh as the soapy rag drifted across his collarbone and down his chest. She rinsed off his face, getting rid of the sweat and grime, and even the black war paint she regularly complained about. When the cloth drifted lower, below the water line to his abdomen, Vilkas felt her full breasts against her shoulder blades and stiffened slightly.

His hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her, and he turned his head so he could kiss her. He could feel her lips were turned up in a smile and that her guard was down. Quick as a sabre cat, he pulled his wife into the tub with him, a good amount of water sloshing out and her dress becoming completely soaked.

"Vilkas!" she gasped, her face dripping.

"I couldn't help myself," he chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss.

She was stiff against him for only a few seconds, before her body relaxed and she was kissing him back, no longer caring that her clothes were wet. His hardened length was pressing up against her thigh and she moaned as he grabbed her breast, squeezing it gently. His other hand was pushing up the heavy material of her skirt, when she let out a pained gasped and he drew back.

"What is it?" he demanded, his heart racing with concern.

"Nothing," she replied, her eyes wincing a bit. "The baby just kicked me a little too hard is all."

She gasped again and touched her belly, frowning. Vilkas placed a hand on there as well and could feel their child moving around, its tiny feet kicking out inside her. He drew his hand back and smiled when he felt a jab right against his palm.

"Easy little one," he spoke to Lassarina's belly. "You're making your mother uncomfortable."

"He's been moving around a lot lately," Lassarina told him. "Danica wasn't kidding when she said he was strong."

Vilkas looked at her, his brows raised a bit. "He?"

Lassarina shrugged and relaxed, the movements inside her settling a bit. "I figured it must be a boy, seeing how fat I've gotten."

Vilkas frowned and kissed her. "You aren't fat, love."

"Ah, then the giant belly between us is just a figment of my imagination?"

"Nay, it's real, but it'll go away once you've given birth. Then you'll be as small as you were when I first met you."

"You said I was as thin as a twig when we first met."

"Then you'll be as small as you were when we first made love in the Underforge."

Lassarina's face reddened at the mention of their first time together and she shifted against him a bit. Vilkas smiled and stroked her belly through the wet dress.

"I can't wait to see him," he told her softly.

"I know, I'm already anxious," she agreed, her hand going over his. "Now why don't you finish bathing while I change into something dry?"

"Or you could just take the dress off and stay in here with me," he suggested, biting down on her lower lip softly.

Lassarina rolled her eyes, but moved her hands down to strip off her dress. One of the reasons he could deal with Lassarina's violent mood swings was because her sexual appetite had increased, which allowed him to make up for those couple of months when she threatened to punch him if he so much as touched her.

"I love you," she murmured as he slipped inside her.

"And I love you," he replied, making waves in the tub as his wife began to ride him.

Their cries of passion echoed around the small room and the rest of the house. Anyone passing by the house would no doubt be able to hear them, but they gave no regard to it as they lost themselves in the waves of ecstasy, their gasps and moans getting louder and louder until they peaked in perfect harmony and slumped against each other, perfectly content and sated.

Life is good, were Vilkas's thoughts as he kissed his wife.

Yay! We're starting off all happy!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and remember to Fave/Follow/Review!

Much love,
