AN: Hello again. I know this story was supposed to be over, but I realized the other day that for a cat lover, I didn't put half as many Toby references in there as I should have done. And then this little idea just sprang into my mind. I considered making it a one-shot, but though it made more sense here, so am giving it to you guys as a Bonus Chapter.

A Not-So-Average Day In The Life of Toby the Cat

Toby the cat awoke, slowly opening his eyes. He gave a huge yawn before getting to his feet, stretching first his back feet then his front feet. His fur was a bit ruffled from sleeping, so he turned to give a few licks to his side, straightening it out before jumping down from the end of the bed where he'd been napping.

He walked across the sunbeam falling from the window, determining that it was roughly midday by the position of the sun. Still a while before Mummy came home, still a while before dinnertime. He headed for his food bowl anyway, sure there were a few biscuits left over from his breakfast. His memory had served him well, and he snaffled them up. The water in his bowl was boring and tepid. His ears swivelled to the sound of the kitchen tap dripping, and jumped up onto the draining board to access it. Cool and fresh, much better. Tap water was his second favourite, after the water left in pots and pans Mummy was leaving to soak overnight. That wasn't exactly fresh, but it was certainly not boring either. There were no pans left soaking today though, so tap water would have to do.

Now, Toby had important work to do. Last night a host of new objects had arrived in the flat; mostly in the bedroom, but some scattered around the living area too. It was Toby's job today to investigate them all, give them a good sniffing, and if he liked them, rub his scent over them. After all, if they were here, then they were his.

The biggest change was to the spare bedroom, so it was here Toby investigated first. The desk had been transformed into some kind of laboratory, glass beakers all over it, and a microscope, smelling very strongly of chemicals. So strongly in fact, Toby passed up a closer sniff, quickly leaving again. The main bedroom held the most telling scents. There had been a new wardrobe built a few days before, though it had remained empty at the time it was now full of clothes, all smelling very strong of someone who was not Mummy. It wasn't an unfamiliar scent though; it was the scent of Tall Man. Usually his things belonged in the other room. Strange, that they should now live in here.

Back out in the living room, Toby noticed the pattern that all the new things had Tall Man's scent on them. The large range of books on the bookshelf, the case containing some kind of instrument, rather a few shoes on the shoe rack, and on the mantelpiece (which after years of practise, Toby could now successfully navigate without knocking anything off) a human skull. After successfully cataloguing and scenting all these new items, Toby went to investigate the latest change. A change only made that morning, but with significant meaning.

Over by the door were two suitcases. One usually lived under the bed. Mummy had pulled it out that morning, and filled it with things, leaving it by the door, where the other one had been dropped off by the Silver-haired Man that morning, just before Mummy had left. The suitcase only smelled faintly of Silver-Haired-man though, only from his recently carrying it. Mostly, like all the other new things, it smelt of Tall Man. What that meant he had no idea, but he knew what Mummy's bag being by the door meant; she was going away for a longer period than usual. Two days, a week, it varied. Toby didn't like it much when she went away. He would be fed, that woman who smelt a bit like mummy, but wasn't mummy (some kind of relative) would come by to make sure of that, but it wasn't the same as having mummy home. Still, what could Toby do it about it? Very independent creatures were these humans, they'd come and go as they pleased. As long as he was fed there was no point making a fuss.

Finished with his investigations, Toby jumped up onto the sofa, padded around for a bit to make it comfortable, cleaned all the dust and strange scents off himself, and settled down for another good nap.

Toby dosed on and off for hours. By the time he felt like moving again the sun had gone down completely. It was late. Too late in fact, on an ordinary day, Mummy would be home to feed him by now. Today did not seem to be an ordinary day though. Toby jumped down from the sofa and padded over to the window, effortlessly leaping up onto the sill, where he could watch the street below.

He watched as cars drove past, watched the occasional moth bump into the window, then continue on its way. Watched a few people walking past, though there were never as many at this time as there would have been earlier in the day. His ears swivelled, picking up the sounds of city life, as well as the sights. A baby was crying in another flat, sounding almost like another cat. Toby knew the difference, but that didn't stop his ears turning automatically towards the sound.

Finally after some time of watching and listening, Toby saw a sleek black car pull up outside the flat. His ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voices coming from it. Tall Man got out first, walking round the car and opening the door to let out Mummy. Finally, she was home. Toby got up, pacing backwards and forwards on the windowsill a couple of times as they walked up towards the building. Just before they reached the building door, Toby jumped down, knowing it would be no good watching from there now. He paced in front of the door to the flat instead, meowing impatiently.

The voices and giggles of the pair approached the door, and Toby made room for it as it swung open. At first he was confused. He could smell two people, but only see one set of legs. Looking up he saw that Tall Man had Mummy in his arms. That was a new one, but then nothing surprised him from these humans. He meowed in greeting to them, then ran over to his food bowl expectantly, turning to see if they followed. Neither seemed to be paying him any attention however. Tall Man still didn't put Mummy down, carrying her across the flat. Some of the material from her long white dress seemed to slip, cascading down to the ground, dragging along beside Tall Man's footsteps.

Toby's eyes dilated, viewing the way it dragged across the ground as an invitation to play, to hunt. He chased after them, trying to pounce on the silky material, that always slid away just before he reached it.

As they approached the door to the main bedroom, Toby crouched down, focusing on where the cloth would be in a few seconds time, ready for one big pounce. His opportunity was stolen from him though, as Tall Man Kicked the bedroom door closed behind him and Mummy.

AN: No prizes for guessing what Sherlock and Molly are up to ;) You may also be pleased to hear, that despite the fact I thought I was out of ideas before, a new wave of inspiration has struck. Yes that's right, as soon as I have the idea's straightened out in my head, I will be starting on a sequel! (dun dun dunnnn) So if you're interested, keep your eyes peeled for that one.