Hey everyone! This is my first story so it's not very good. But eh, practice makes perfect, right? So here it is- Through It All! Happy reading!

Summary: Annabeth's father is diagnosed with cancer. In order to pay the fees, Annabeth gets a job as the backup singer and pianist of Rachel Dare, pop star sensation and girlfriend of Percy Jackson, the world-famous singer. But soon enough, Annabeth discovers secrets so dark and hidden so well that she can't ignore any longer. AU


"Father! Father!" Annabeth cried out, distressed and in tears.

"Annabeth, dear, don't stress out." Her father's soothing voice washes over her like a waterfall, effectively calming her quickly panicking spirits.

"But, cancer! Cancer! You only have a 40 percent chance of surviving!"

"I've beat the odds many times, haven't I, Annie?" Annie was her father's nickname for her, but only he was allowed to call her that. It brought back so many memories that tears started flowing.

"Annabeth Chase?" The doctor's kind voice rang out, and she jumped up instantly.

"Yes?" Her voice wavered, something she was scolding herself for. She taught herself to be strong; and now was the time to use it.


"Yes." Her mom had died from a car crash when she was three, so she never met her mom. But apparently, she looked a lot like her mom; since lots of people had mistaken her for a younger version of her mom, Athena.

"Well, as you know, Frederick Chase is diagnosed with lung cancer. His chances of living are 40 percent, and he will need to go through surgery." She nodded, she had read through the papers and knew that this was the best option for survival.

"What I'm worried about, is the cost."

The cost was jaw-breaking. What didn't help was the fact that Annabeth had just got fired from her job as an assistant architect because she decided to voice her opinions. Apparently, her boss didn't like her ideas at all, so she was going to get paid one more time, and then she'll be off on her own.

So much for trying to become the best architect anyone has ever known.

However, she nodded. "I can do this," she declared, confident.

"Are you sure?" The doctor's, Dr. Solace's, clear blue eyes peered out behind his thick glasses to sneak a glance at her. "Not many can afford this."

"Don't worry, I can and I will."

And Annabeth was confident that she could do it. It was her specialty.

Later in the afternoon…

"What am I going to do?" She asked her best friend, Thalia Grace. Thalia and Annabeth were very much opposites, Thalia being the punk, goth one with black, spiky hair and electric blue eyes while Annabeth had honey blonde hair and striking grey eyes, having an innocent aura following her wherever she went.

"Well, I heard that Rachel Dare needs a new backup singer and pianist." Thalia offered, her blue eyes concentrating on the bagel she was eating. Their coffees lay on the small table, simmering, forgotten in the midst of the conversation.

"She needs one again?!" Her voice attracted the attention of the people sitting in tables around them, but Annabeth paid no attention. "Seriously, that girl goes through backup singers as fast as tissues."

Thalia shrugged, taking a sip of her Starbucks coffee. "It's a chance, so go chase it. It will be enough to pay your hospital fee, that's for sure. Besides, you're great at singing and you've been playing piano since you were little. It's a perfect opportunity!"

"You think I should?"

"Of course, you have a great voice. Auditions are tomorrow at 9."

The next day… 9am…

So here she was, standing in the waiting line in front of the stadium. The New York streets have never been so busy, people filing in and out, hoping to cut in line to meet the famous Rachel Dare.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare- pop star sensation, fiery redhead, emerald green eyes, and lastly, one thing she prides over, girlfriend of Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson- the one every guy wants to be. The one every girl wants to have.

But Annabeth doesn't care about either one of them. The only reason she was auditioning was because she needed that money to support her dad. He raised her up for twenty years by himself, this was the least she could do.

Looking around the waiting room, she could see many different people.

In the corner, three almost identical-looking triplets sat in a perfect semi-circle, wearing the exact same outfit consisting of a grey blouse and skirt.

In another corner, a group of nerdy guys sat talking animatedly about a subject that was occupying all of them.

But what caught Annabeth's eye the most was a huge group in the middle, probably consisting of what people would call the "populars", all the girls wearing short skirts and very revealing shirt, and all the guys wearing sagging jeans. In the middle, there seemed to be a girl screaming her lungs out, and since all the people were cheering around her, Annabeth supposed she was singing.

It was nearing 3 when she finally reached the room where auditions were held.

"Hello," all three judges greeted her, along with Rachel at the end, studying her nails and checking Annabeth. "What's your name, age, and where do you come from?" The voice was monotonous, as if it were repeated one too many times.

"I'm Annabeth, I'm 23, and I come from New York."

"What will you be singing today?"

"The Best Day."

"Alright," they pointed at the piano, motioning for her to start.

She poured all her emotions into the song. She felt as if she was singing it to her dad, and in a way, he can hear her from the hospital he was staying at.

"Thank you." Walking out the door, all she could do was wait.

A few days later….

A letter came into the mail. It was addressed to Annabeth Chase, from Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

This was her moment. Her life depended on what was written on those sheets of paper. Taking a deep breath, she opened the letter, and out came a thick wad of paper.

Dear Annabeth Chase,

Your audition was astounding. I've never heard anyone sing like that before, and your skill on the piano also adds to the talent.

I have to say, when I first saw you, you reminded of one of the earlier girls who auditioned. She looked almost exactly like you, but she sang horribly.

You are nothing like that.

So, with no further due, you are hired as my backup singer and pianist. I have some songs I want you to be familiar with, and there will be practices every other day.

You will be touring with me, but that will be in a month. At the end of the month, we will kick off the tour with a concert in New York, and you will learn all the, let's say, tricks, that are required.

You will be paid at the end of each week, because in this month, there will be a few small concerts here and there.

I would like to personally meet you on Friday at 3. Please come to the same stadium you auditioned in, and we can get to know each other better, etc.

I hope to see more of you and your fabulous singing,

Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

Wow, Annabeth thought, putting down the letter. She wants to hire me! I got a job! I can support my dad!

Flipping through the rest of the papers, she recognized some of the songs but there were songs she were not so familiar with. However, that would change once she worked on some of these songs.

Thoughts of jubilance ran through her head as she picked up the phone to call Thalia.

"Thalia, guess what? I got the job!"

The screaming in her ear showed how happy Thalia was for her.

Things were falling into place.

So review, favorite, follow! Check out my other one shots in my profile, too! And if you review, in your review, state some songs you think might be in Rachel's concert! I'll be using 10 of them.