AN: Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter of another old friend, Den-O! I know you guys are expecting this and OOO so I'm going to try to update them more frequently. Now, Showtime!

Disclaimer: I do not own Familiar of Zero or Den-O.

Chapter 4: Tristain's Princess and Her Bodyguard

Negataros was looking into some of this world's criminals and were seeing if they would make a fine addition to the forces that they were building up here. He was looking at wanted posters and trying to hear any rumors that he overheard at the local pub. Soon Yuuki appeared behind him.

"Den-O just destroyed our Shark Imagin." Yuuki reported.

"Only a minor loss compared with what we have here." Negataros commented.

"Where's Gaoh?" Yuuki asked.

"He's been looking into artifacts that we could use to our advantage here." Negataros answered. "Also, rumor is that a nobleman's estate has recently been raided."

"So?" Yuuki inquired, not getting what Negataros is implying. Just then a Cheetah Imagin appeared.

"I know that the thief is called Fouquet and we can use her to our advantage with him." Negataros explained as he motioned towards to the Cheetah Imagin.

"I see." Yuuki answered. It seems that Negataros is planning to track this Fouquet and offer her assistance with the Cheetah Imagin, making her form a contract with the Cheetah Imagin.

"I want you to find her and make sure she forms the contract with this Imagin. Understand?" Negataros asked.

"Why not." Yuuki answered before he and the Imagin left through a Gray Mirror.

(Play Climax Jump by AAA)

{The train of time, DenLiner. Will the next station of time be the past? The future? } DenLiner starts moving through a cave and reaches the end.

{Jikan no name wo tsukamaete. Ima sugu ni ikou yakusoku no basho!} DenLiner travels through the time line, as Den-O SF approaches his bike in the cockpit. In Louise's Dorm, Saito grabs the Pass and leaves.

{Genkai mugen iza tobikome Climx Jump! (Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?! Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!)} Den-O inserts the Pass into the bike before disconnecting a cart and starts driving DenLiner through time as the title appears.

{Kanaetai yume ga aru nara. Shinjinakucha negatta hibi wo. } Saito stands in the middle of ruined future as burning calendars fall around him. A cake smashes to the ground in a dark room and Saito looks behind as he felt that. In the dark room, Louise walks away as her face was filed with the tears.

{Catch the Wave!} An hourglass resets.

{Mayoisounatoki kanzarazu. Moi no tsuyosa ga michibiku.} Saito gets the Pass and points with it as white lines appeared. Den-O SF was in a similar dark room, turning his back on the camera. Louise's cake was soon repaired and ends up in her hands as if nothing happened.

{Kimi ga nozomu mirai sude ni in your hands!] Saito scans the Pass with his belt while in the dark room, Den-O Plat form began transforming into Sword Form. Den-O SF does his pose as he prepares his Hissatsu Waza.

{Hajimari wa istumo tosuzen! Unmei wo tsurete yuku Time Tripin' Ride} Den-O begins running around slashing the air. In DenLiner, Louise and Saito were back-to-back while the camera was on Louise as she laughs and smiles. In the dorm, Siesta and Saito were back-to-back with Siesta laughing. Saito, in both places, smiles and laughs back. We then see Saito and behind him were his alternate personas when he is possessed by the Taros.

We then see Den-O's other forms as they posed.

{Dare yori takau! (Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!) Kinou yori takaku! (Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!) } We soon see the Saito and his other personas (The Taros) hanging around until R-Saito tosses Saito the Pass. Den-O SF backs up his bike as he is prepared to do something.

{Climax Jump! (Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?! Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!)} Den-O SF and his bike were soon launched backwards into DenLiner as it continues its route with each of the Taros dancing in each corner of the screen.

(A couple days later at Tristain Academy)

"Straighten you back more!" Louise commanded. It's been a couple of days since Ryuutaros fought for Siesta's freedom and for some reason Louise has been at bit pushy at her five Familiars, even more than usual. Right now, she's been commenting and telling them what to do about their postures.

"Oi, don't tell us what how to position ourselves!" Momotaros yelled before being whipped by Louise. "Itai!"

"You two need to work better!" Louise commented at Momotaros and Saito before looking at Urataros, who was posing and posturing real well. "You're surprisingly fine!" She then looked at the sleeping Kintaros. "You need to wake up!" She soon turned to Ryuutaros who was just coloring a drawing before Louise took it.

"Hey!" Ryuutaros said.

"Look, I don't think any of us can actually things like this…except Urataros." Saito said.

"Years of practice, my friend." Urataros answered as he patted Saito's shoulders.

Louise just then sighed before sitting down on her bed.

"What's the use? It's all terrible….Mannerisms, patterns of speech…No offense, Urataros." She said. At least someone can do all this.

"My pleasure, master. But if I may ask, what's with all this complaining and being picky about our pose and other such things?" Urataros asked.

"I've just been so careless…I forgot about the exhibition." Louise admitted.

"Exhibition?" Everyone inquired before Louise got up.

"There is a gathering that happens every year. All students exhibit their summoned familiars to the whole institute." Louise explained. The five understood then why she's like this, she really wanted to make a good impression on the other students but considering who her Familiars were…

"Sounds boring, can we skip it?" Ryuutaros asked.

"All second-year students are required to attend." Louise answered. There was no backing out of this. "In any case…I just want to avoid being embarrassed. I just thought you guys have some sort of witty speech or something."

"Are you kidding me!?" Momotaros gawked. "From start to finish, we're at a climax! We can handle a dumb talent show."

"Sempai does have a point." Urataros admitted. "We have done various things and acquired multiple talents." The four Taros have been together for years and have done multiple things outside of fighting Imagins.

"Ooh! Oh! We can do a concert!" Ryuutaros said as he jumped up and down.

"I don't think the audience will understand the language." Saito admitted. This was a different world and the only song that they know was in Japanese so there'll be a lot of confused faces at the exhibition.

"Why not show off your fighting styles?" Louise suggested. Saito was Kamen Rider Den-O and could use the Taros' powers to show off unique fighting styles.

"Not a bad idea, master. We have left quite an impression when Ryuuta faced the Count." Urataros commented.

"That is true." Louise agreed. "But to be honest, this is quite strange." Louise commented.

"What do you mean?" Saito asked as Louise sat back on her bed.

"Considering what one of my Familiars did, it wouldn't be strange for me to be scolded but nothing ever since…" She then shook her head as she got up. "Anyways, we don't have time to waste. You guys need to be prepared by the time class is over." She said before leaving.

(Later outside)

"So we're just supposed to fight? Doesn't sound so bad to me." Kintaros added as he sat on the floor.

"But the problem is the targets we need to make our show look good." Urataros added. "Otherwise, it'll seem like an abnormal dance." He commented as he and the others were watching Saito and Momo spar.

"And where do we get these dummies?" Kintaros asked.

Just then Urataros noticed Guiche minding his own business and that was when an idea when off in Urataros's head. Urataros then walked up to Saito and jumped into him.

"Hey!" Momo called to see Saito with his hair straight and calm with a blue streak, his eyes glowed blue, and was wearing black-rimmed glasses. U-Saito calmly fixed his composure as he sheathed Derf.

"Hey, I was in the middle of something!" Derf complained

"What's the big deal, Kameko!?" Momotaros asked.

"Relax, Sempai. I'm just going to borrow him for a bit. I'll be right back." U-Saito said before walking towards Guiche's direction.

"What is he up to?" Momotaros wondered.

"Excuse me." The other three Taros looked and saw Siesta.

"Siesta-neechan!" Ryuutaros recognized as he stood up.

"Hello, Ryuuta." Siesta greeted before Momo and Kin walked up them. "Are you guys practicing for the exhibition?" She asked.

"Hai! But how did you know?" Ryuutaros asked.

"All the second-year students are working very hard. And this year, Lady Henrietta will be coming as well." Siesta answered.

"Henrietta?" The three Taros inquired.

(In Osmond's office)

"About preparations for tomorrow's exhibition…" Ms. Longueville started as she was in front of Osmond. The princess was coming over and the staff here had to make everything perfect for their arrival. "From cleaning all areas of the institute, setting up the guest seats, preparation for the banquet. Under Mr. Colbert's guidance, everything is moving smoothly without any issues." She then noticed a mouse looking up her skirt and Osmond was eyeing it. "Concerning other potential problems…" She started before stomping on it.

The mouse ran away just in time and went to Osmond's hand.

"Oh, that was rather close, Motsognir." Osmond sighed in relief before brining Motsognir to his ear. "So, what was today's color?"

The mouse squeaked as it shook its head.

"What!? You couldn't get a look!? That's unfortunate." Osmond said as he and Motsognir were a bit depressed. He then looked up and Ms. Longueville had a smile while surrounded in a dark aura,


"You're supposed to be kinder to your elders…" Osmond muttered. During the beating, some sand fell from Ms. Longueville.

(On campus)

Siesta led the three Taros to where the other second-year students were while explaining to them about Henrietta. To the Taros, it looked like the students were getting their familiars ready for a pet show. They even saw U-Saito still talking to Guiche about something but they decided to ignore him for now.

"So this princess lady is coming over to watch all of this?" Momotaros asked, hoping that he and the others heard right.

"Lady Henrietta is a symbolic existence to all citizenry, ever since the king passed away." Siesta explained.

"Sounds like she's really popular." Kintaros noted.

The four soon heard arguing and some foul play involved.

"And that everyone has their own agenda here." Kintaros also noted.

Siesta then turned to face the Taros.

"We're terribly busy getting ready to welcome her too. See you later." Siesta said before leaving.

"Bye, Siesta-neechan!" Ryuuta said as he waved his hand goodbye and Siesta did the same.

"Good luck at the exhibition, Ryuuta! I know you'll do your best!" She said before she was gone from sight. Ever since what happened at the Count's, Ryuutaros's relationship with Siesta was closer and there times that Siesta does treat Ryuutaros more like a younger brother.

The three just watched her go before U-Saito approached them.

"Well what were you doing with that guy?" Kintaros asked.

"Oh, just cutting a deal with Guiche. He said that he'll summon some more of those Valkyries for us to use." U-Saito explained.

"And what do we have to do in return?" Kintaros asked.

"Oh you let me worry about that." U-Saito assured before Urataros emerged from Saito's body.

"Next time, ask before you jump." Saito advised while Urataros just shrugged.

(Later at Night)

Miss Longueville was strolling around the premises and notices Colbert talking to a guard.

"Make sure to guard the gates on the actual day." Colbert ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The Guard saluted before he left.

"Mr. Colbert." Ms. Longueville called before walking up to him. "You are taking the guards from the vault to guard the gates?"

"Why yes." Colbert nodded. "We don't nearly have enough people to cover everything since this was so sudden." He explained.

"But didn't you hear that Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt was after the treasure here?" Ms. Longueville asked. Fouquet was a very renowned thief and stole fortunes worth of treasure from noble estates. Rumor has it the treasure in Tristain Academy was her next target.

"Even so, what thief would choose the precise time that the Royal Princess' guards were on the premises? In the first place, not even Triangle-class mages would stand a chance against this door." Colbert explained as the two looked at the big door in front of them. "Even this Institute's guards have to show off to the palace.

"That's very true." Ms. Longueville stated.

(The next morning)

Students were lined up in aisles outside waiting to see the princess.

"Princess of the Kingdom of Tristain. Her Highness, Princess Henrietta has arrived!"

Soon carts were coming in and stopped at the entrance. Soon a servant walked up to the most elegant cart and opened the door. A maid and a hooded bodyguard stepped out first and allowed the princess to walk out as well. Everyone looked at her in awe and started talking amongst themselves.

"What beauty…" Guiche remarked.

"That's the princess of Tristain? I'm more beautiful than she is! Don't you think so?" Kirche asked Tabitha.

"Well…" She started but not really wanting to give an answer.

Soon Saito and the Taros got a good look at her as well before making questions and comments.

"That's the princess?" Kintaros asked.

"Sure looks like it." Momotaros answered.

"She's pretty." Ryuutaros commented and Saito nodded in agreement.

"I have to admit, she does appear to be quite a catch." Urataros commented.

"You stay quiet! You're Familiars, so stop being rude!" Louise ordered.

"Hai, hai…" They complied before noticing Louise's smile and a content look on her face as if she's personally excited for Henrietta to be here. The Taros looked at the hooded figure next to her and felt something familiar about him but shook it off.

Henrietta soon approached Osmond and the staff who knelt before her.

"Mr. Osmond, I apologize for this sudden selfish request." Henrietta apologized and she sounded humble from the look of it.

"Not at all!" Osmond answered. "The students and I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival."

"This one year, I really want to see it with my own eyes." Henrietta explained.

"Oh, is that…"

"A personal matter." Henrietta answered.

(At night)

"Ore sanjou!" M-Saito posed in front of Louise with the other Taros watching with Derf in his hand.

"Do you always do that?" Louise asked.

"It's my trademark thing." M-Saito said as he rested Derf on his shoulder. "Anyways, just relax, we have this exhibition thing taken care of."

"Just trust us." Saito assured.

"I hope so…for your own sakes." Louise said before they heard knocking at the door.

Just then they heard knocking as Momotaros exited Saito's body.

"Oh! Guests! I'll get it!" Ryuutaros said as he got up and skipped to the door.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Louise wondered. It was the middle of the night and everyone should've been asleep by now.

"Right, come in." Ryuutaros gestured before two hooded figures came in before they closed the door. Everyone seemed a bit nervous by their sudden appearance. Louise grabbed her wand and pointed it at one of the guests.

"W-Who are you!?" She asked.

"It has been a while…" One of the guests said in a female voice. Louise shook off her nervousness as she recognized the voice.

"Louise Françoise!" She said before hugging her. Louise recognized her. "Your Highness!" Louise recognized. Saito and the other Taros looked at the other hooded figure. "Now who are you?" Urataors asked. The hooded figure then just jumped into Saito.

"An Imagin!" The Taros recognized. Saito's hair was styled in cornrows and had several white highlights with one longer white and black lock on the left side of his face, was wearing a white feathered boa, and his eyes were white other than pupils. S-Saito looked at the Taros before smirking.

"Sieg/Tori-san/Chicken wings!" The Taros recognized.

"Yes, it is me, my retainers!" S-Saito said. "How fortunate fate must be for my presence to be with you!"

"How the hell did you get here!?" Momotaros asked.

"It is quite a story, really." S-Saito answered before he began to retell his tale.

(At the time of the Summoning)

Sieg walked into DenLiner and graciously walked in. "My retainers! I happily return to-!" Sieg then noticed the black hole in the center of the floor, sucking everything up. "Is this a bad time?" He asked before being sucked in as well.


"So you ended up here due to an unfortunate timing?" Urataros asked, making sure he heard all that right.

"Indeed." S-Saito answered.

"Then how come you didn't end up in the academy like us?" Kintaros asked.

"I don't know, I've only woken up in the palace where Princess Henrietta has taken me in. I now serve as her bodyguard and trusted servant." S-Saito explained.

"You mean you ended up with the princess while we ended up with pink-haired brat!?" Momotaros said. Louise would've remarked by now but she didn't want to make a scene in front of the princess.

"It's so good to see you again, Louise…" Henrietta smiled as she kept hugging her childhood friend but Louise pushed her away.

"You should not, Your Highness!" Louise stated before kneeling before her. "To come to such a humble abode by yourself!" Louise remarked. She did have a point, it's wasn't everyday that you meet the Princess of Tristain in your room.

"You can stop with the formalities, Louise." Henrietta said kindly. "We are friends, right?"

"Your Highness, those words are too much for me…" Louise said humbled before Sieg jumped out of Saito's body to walk to Henrietta while Saito walked to Louise.

"Um, how do you guys know each other?" Saito asked, seeing that these girls were obviously familiar with each other.

"When the princess was but a young girl, I was honored to be her playmate." Louise answered.

"Please say 'childhood friend'." Henrietta asked with a few tears of joy. "Oh, I've wanted to see you all this time."

"Your Highness…" Louise said as she stood up and Henrietta wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry. Ever since my father passed away, I haven't had anyone to open my heart to except Sieg." Henrietta admitted.

"As of course, young Hime. I am always here for you." Sieg assured. Louise grabbed Henrietta's hands. "Your Highness, I was surprised when I received a letter from you." Louise admitted.

"So you knew the princess was coming and wanted to show us off, right?" Saito asked.

"That does seem accurate." Urataros commented. Louise, out of anger, pinned their faces down on the floor.

"Just shut it." Louise said before looking at the other Taros. "Why are you guys there standing like idiots right before the princess!?" She asked.

"It is quite alright." Henrietta assured. "Sieg told me about you quite a lot about you guys. So please be at ease, Mr. Familiars." The two stared at her before Louise pinned their faces further into the floor.

"What are you two staring at!?" Louise said before looking at Henrietta.

"Please forgive all of them. They don't know any manners." Louise pleaded.

"I like to resent that." Urataros admitted.

"So much that he stands up against Count Mott apparently." Henrietta noted before kneeling down and looking at Saito and the Taros. "Actually I've wanted to see you people as well. I've been curious to see what kind of a Familiar would stand up against a nobleman." She explained. Most Familiars would obey their masters but Ryuutaros explicitly ignored his master's orders and possessed Saito in order to try to rescue Siesta. And no doubt that Saito and the other Taros would've done the same.

"Your Highness…" "Rest assured, Louise. It did caused quite a bit of stir in the palace, but there will be no punishment." Henrietta assured, much to everyone's surprise except Sieg.

"Wait, Your Highness…are you…?" Louise trailed off. "Did you forget? I promised you long ago that I would help you out when you were in a bind. I am a princess for now, you know." Henrietta reminded.

"Your Highness…there is no way I can thank you enough!" Louise humbly said as she bowed in deep respect.

"Louise, may I say that you summoned quite a special splendid bunch of Familiars." Henrietta complimented.

"On the contrary, such vulgar and strange creatures are the biggest mistakes of my life." Louise answered.


"Strange?" Were only a few of the remarks that her Familiars made.

After further catching up, it was time to say goodnight. Louise, Saito, and the Taros were giving their farewells to Henrietta and Sieg.

"This was the most fun I have had on the past few years." Henrietta said before hugging Louise. "Thank you, Louise Françoise." She warmly said. It was nice to have a friend whom you can act as yourself to and not just recognize you as princess. Louise happily returned the hug.

"The same goes for me, Your Highness." Louise replied with a tender smile. The two soon broke the hug and Henrietta looked at Saito and the Taros.

"Mr. Familiars, please do your best tomorrow." Henrietta kindly requested.

"Don't you worry about it. Tomorrow, we're going to be at a climax!" Momotaros said but it somehow hit Louise's nerve.

"You idiot!" She said as she pulled out her horse whip before whipping Momotaros in the behind.

"Itai!" Momotaros said.

"Now master, calm down." Urataros advised.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She said before whipping him next.


"Hey, calm down!" Saito said before being whipped. She soon went on a whipping frenzy inside the room. Saito and the Taros were trying their best to avoid them.

"Such behavior in front of Her Highness should not be allowed! Damn it, stop dodging them!" Louise yelled. Everyone, except the sleeping Kintaros, was dodging them while Henrietta and Sieg were watching.

"What a unique group." Henrietta quietly remarked.

"It is part of their charm. Now Your Highness, it's best to leave now. We have a big day tomorrow." Sieg reminded.

"Right." Henrietta nodded as she placed her cloak on as well as the hood. They soon left and started to close the door and everyone else noticed.

"Your Highness?"

"Good night." She said before the door closed and she and Sieg walked to their room.

(The next day)

"We will now begin the presentation of this year's Familiars." Colbert announced. The crowd was cheering and Yuuki was one of the audience members. He was avoiding suspicion while watching all the students present their Familiars. Montmorency made a duet with Robin with the violin and some croaking. Kirche was having Flame utilize its flaming breath in different patterns. Guiche was modeling with Verdandy, earning a few squeals from the girls. And lastly, Tabitha was doing some aerial tricks on the back of her dragon. Louise was in the back and was panicking a little….or a lot.

"Oh my gosh, this is so nerve-wrecking! What am I going to do! What am I going to do!" She panicked.

"Master, calm yourself." Urataros advised. Soon it was their turn up.

"Last up is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Valliére." Colbert announced. The nervous girl stood tall and walked to the stage with Saito and the Taros behind her.

"Just relax and allow us to do the rest. Guiche will perform his job just as we planned." Urataros assured. In the back, Guiche was preparing his wand.

"O-Ok…" Louise nervously said as they stepped onto the stage. Saito and the Taros then noticed several people snickering, wanting to laugh at Louise. It looks like that they weren't around for their debut well now it's time for a second show. Louise soon faced the audience. "My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Valliére and these are my Familiars, Saito Hiraga, Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryuutaros." She introduced.

"It's commoner-type Familiars of Louise the Zero!" Someone yelled, bringing in a few chuckles from the students. Princess Henrietta looked down upon that person before watching. A lot was riding on this especially since Henrietta, the princess and Louise's best friend, was watching so there was no room for error here. "I-I will now have these five demonstrate their abilities!" Louise said before going down the stage.

Urataros looked at Guiche who nodded at him. Guiche got it and summoned his Valkyries through his wand. They all looked at Saito and started to surround him. The Taros stepped back and Saito had a calm look on his face before taking out his Pass and his belt materialized in his hand. He placed the belt on and pressed the red button. The center turned red and the belt started chanting. Saito then prepared the next step in this act.


He swiped the pass.


Pixels emerged from the belt before merging with Saito, becoming Den-O Plat form. That was when Momotaros transformed into a red light that surrounded Den-O before red armor was attached to Den-O. That red light went into Den-O as the peach visor scrolled down the railing of Den-O's helmet before unfolding. Den-O SF took the stage now.

"Ore…sanjou!" Den-O posed, surprising the audience. The Valkyries charged at Den-O but he dodged all of them while tossing some pieces of his weapon up in the air and combining the others. He dodged another Valkyrie before catching the pieces he tossed and combining them to form his sword.

"Are you ready, Derf?" Saito asked through Den-O.

"Are you kidding me? I was born ready!" Derf answered.

"Yosh! Ikuze, ikuze, ikuze!" Den-O SF said as he charged at the small force. He sliced through the golem before stabbing another one. The Taros watched as Den-O SF was tearing through the Valkyries.

"By the way, what kind of deal did you make with Guiche to assist us?" Kintaros asked.

"Oh details, who needs them now?" Urataros replied. Den-O continued slicing through Valkyries and kicked another one down before stabbing it in the abdomen. Soon another group of Valkyries emerged and charged at Den-O SF.

"Better make this showy!" Den-O SF said before getting the Pass and scanning it with his belt. "Hissatsu! Ore no hissatsu waza!"


Energy flowed from the belt into the hilt of Derf.

"Part 5!" Den-O SF said before the blade of his sword was ejected into the air. He then directed his blade to go through the group with a couple of horizontal slashed and then finishing it off with a downward vertical slash. They exploded and the blade flew back to Den-O SF.

"Momotaros, four comes after five." Saito said.

"I am not having this argument again!" Den-O SF snapped before more Valkyries appeared. "Guess it's time to-."


"Ugh, fine!" Den-O SF said before pressing the blue button on and swiping his Pass.


Den-O's armor detached from him and shifted while Urataros jumped into Den-O and Momotaros got out before joining the other Taros. Soon the armor was reattached while the turtle visor scrolled the Den-O's before unfolding. Den-O was now in Rod Form.

"Omae-tachi,boku ni tsurarete miru?" Den-O RF asked in a smooth voice.

"Oh darling…" Kirche sighed in admiration. Den-O RF caught that and looked at her before pointing at her. "What is that idiot doing?" Louise wondered as she saw all of this.

"Urataros, please focus." Saito advised.

"Hai, hai…" Den-O RF answered as he rearranged the DenGasher before it went into its staff form.

"Never thought I would be used like this but as long as it gets the job done…" Derf commented on his new form.

"Don't worry, Derf. I'll get it done." Den-O RF assured as he swept the Valkyries in the legs with his staff. He then stabbed one while it was down while another was trying to sneak up at him but Den-O stabbed him in the back. He then whacked a few a few in a row before skewing one of them and lifting it into the air, making it explode.

"Hmph, show-off." Momotaros muttered.

"No one like a sore loser, Sempai. Besides you've had your chance." Den-O RF said while dodging a few of the Valkyries. He then kicked a few aside and then twirled his staff around and got a few more down. "I suppose it's time to end my act." Den-O said as he got his Pass out and scanned it.


Energy flowed from his belt into his staff. He then held it in a reverse grip and aimed it at the group of incoming Valkyries. He threw and upon impact, it turned into a hexagonal symbol. Den-O RF ran at them before leaping up in the air in a side kick position. He soon flew to the symbol before the impact destroyed the group in a fiery group. Den-O emerged unharmed and caught his staff while a few more Valkyries appeared. Den-O RF looked at Kintaros.

"Kin-chan, you're up now." Den-O RF said before pressing the yellow button and scanning the Pass.


Kintaros then jumped into Den-O next while Urataros got out and joined the others. Den-O's armor detached and did some more rearranging before getting back on him. Soon the axe visor scrolled down the helmet and unfolded.

"Ore no tsuyosa no…omae ga naita!" Den-O AF said as he cracked his neck. He then rearranged the staff and soon the blade of an axe appeared.

"Not the form that I'd go for but I'll take anything at this point!" Derf said. "Now let's get started!"

"Yosh! Here I go!" Den-O AF said as he charged. He buried his axe deep into the head of a Valkyrie before punching another one into dust. Den-O AF then pulled his axe out and threw it into the head of another one. That Valkyrie was stumbling back a little while Den-O AF punched and kicked a few more of the other Valkyries. He then ran to the wounded Valkyrie and pulled out his axe before smashing him. He then kicked another one. Soon he ran and pile dived into a group before he started smashing and slashing all of his opponents. He soon scanned his Pass.


Energy transferred from his belt into the axe, making his blade glowed. He tossed the axe high up in the air and Den-O AF was preparing to jump after it. He soon jumped up and grabbed it he soon swung it down on a group of Valkyries. They exploded and the explosion faded, leaving Den-O AF.

"Dynamic Chop." Den-O AF announced.

"He says his attack after it's done?" Louise inquired.

Soon a couple more of them appeared and Den-O AF looked at Ryuutaros, who was jumping up and down with excitement.

"You ready, Ryuuta?" Den-O AF asked.

"I'm ready, Kuma-chan!" Ryuutaros assured.

Den-O AF nodded and pressed the purple button on his belt. He soon scanned the Pass.


Ryuutaros ran and jumped into Den-O, ejecting Kintaros. The visor disappeared while the armor rearranged themselves before the dragon visor scrolled down and unfolded into Gun Form's natural visor.

Den-O GF looked at all Valkyries surrounding him.

"Omae taosukeba ii wo ne?" Den-O GF asked, with Ryuutaros' voice, as he did a little dance jig before spinning around once and then pointing his hand like a gun. "Kotae wa kiitanai!"

He then rearranged the axe to be a gun. Den-O GF quickly moved in a circle, shooting all those Valkyries square in the face. A Valkyrie then tried to slash at him constantly but Den-O GF was dodging them in a dancing manner before grabbing its arm, flipping it over, and shooting it with his gun.

A few of the bystanders were surprised since this was the first time any of them ever saw such a weapon. Some even thought it was a weirdly shaped wand that was making energy orbs. Some even thought this Den-O was a bit of a foreign with a bit of the dance-styled dodges and movements he does. Siesta was just happy to see Den-O GF as she was reminded of the day he rescued her.

Den-O GF soon fired at a few Valkyries in the legs before kicking them in the face.

"There we go!" Den-O said as he fired rapid shots. He soon dodged a backstabbing attempt before punching him away and shooting at him with his gun. He jumped on another and covered its eyes, making it move in random paths. Den-O GF fired his gun at all of them before jumping off and shooting his ride right in between the eyes.

He soon noticed the last group on its way and Den-O GF scanned his Pass.


Den-O GF aimed his gun as it charged and a huge orb of energy was forming at the tip of it. He soon fired it at the group before they were confused by the fiery ball and exploded. Den-O GF then went for his belt and took it off, dismissing the form and allowing Ryuutaros to exit.

There were now no more Valkyries left and Guiche placed his wand away while Saito and the Taros looked at the audience who were very silent. But they soon hear heard a single clap from Princess Henrietta, soon another from Sieg, and then everyone else started clapping for them.

"That was incredible!" One of them remarked.

"Never seen anything like that!"

"That was amazing!"

"Bravo darling!" Kiche cheered while Urataros bowed.

"My pleasure, darling." Urataros answered.

Soon the five went off stage and Louise was talking with them with a happy expression on her face. Then, it was announced that the princess and the judges will begin talking amongst themselves to declare the best familiar in the competition.

"Those were impressive fighting styles!" Louise admitted. "No doubt the princess and the judges are impressed."

"Now, now, master. We should wait for our trees to bear fruit and not pluck immediately." Urataros said. He did have a point, this was still anyone's game right now and they weren't the official winners, no matter what everyone thinks.

"But it was still fun though! I hope Siesta-neechan saw all that!" Ryuutaros said.

"I have to admit, it was good to get some exercise out of all that. But I would've preferred a trip down in the mountains." Kintaros admitted.

"For once, I agree with the pink-haired, brat. We did our best in that show, no question about it!" Momotaros said, surprising everyone. "We showed everyone that we're still on a climax to start with!" Momotaros always does wanted to be a show-off and this competition seemed to be no exception. The only downside is that his big head grows bigger than usual.

"Eh? But the dragon was pretty cool to see as well." Ryutuaros said, remembering some of the other acts.

"Screw the dragon! Our act was the best, no doubt about that!" Momotaros said, with a huge essence of arrogance which is normal to him.

"Come on Momo, there's obviously nothing that we can do about it now though." Saito said. "All we can do is just wait until the princess and the judges make their decision."

"Very well, I suppose we can just walk around until it's time." Louise said and everyone was actually sort of surprised by the nice demeanor she had if it was only for a short amount of time.

They soon heard a noise and looked to see a giant being of rocks, trees, and dirt trying to smash the tower.

"Is that supposed to be a Familiar?" Kintaros asked, noticing it first.

"What are you…?" Louise trailed off before looking at it with widened eyes. "It's a golem!"

Just then a cloaked female with green long hair noticed them.

"Damn it, I've been spotted! Golem, crush them!" She ordered and the golem tried to crush it with its hand.

"Look out!" Saito said as he pushed her out of the way and rolled out of the way himself. "Momotaros!" Saito called as he placed the belt on.

"Right!" Momotaros said before Saito pressed the red button on his belt and got his Pass ready.



Momotaros jumped into Saito before turning into Den-O Plat form. Soon the armor pieces appeared and clipped themselves onto him. Soon the visor appeared and unfolded on the helmet. Den-O SF did his pose again.

"Ore…futabi sanjou!" Den-O SF said with pride.

"Ha! What's a mere swordsman going to do here?" The hooded woman asked.

Den-O SF didn't give an answer but instead got his Pass out and the Sword Form's jingle played. Soon DenLiner appeared and Den-O SF along with the others jumped on when it passed them.

"Is that supposed to be a weapon? How stupid!" The hooded woman said. "Golem, get it!"

(Inside DenLiner)

Den-O SF was controlling DenLiner and making sure that it won't get hit. Soon Louise appeared and Den-O SF looked at her.

"What are you doing here!? This isn't a place for you!" Den-O SF said.

"I'm your master and that gives me a right to be here!" Louise argued. She did made a point, they were Familiars and she was their summoner so, by default, she is allowed in here.

"Momotaros, this is no time and place to argue." Saito said.

"Fine, but don't touch anything!" Den-O SF warned.

"What are you going to do?" Louise asked.

Den-O SF chuckled a bit.

"Watch in shock and awe." Den-O SF said as he pressed a button on the console of his bike.


Soon all of DenLiner's cars started opening up, revealing various armaments. They all fired and the golem stepped back a bit from all the fire power.

"Such power!" The hooded woman said before the Cheetah Imagin emerged from her.

"What now?" The Cheetah Imagin asked.

"I don't think the golem can hold out like this." The hooded woman said before trying to think of a plan against this.

Soon DenLiner fired another round of its weapons at the golem, making it stumble back some more. The woman still needed to find a way into the vault and get what she needed but this mechanical dragon or whatever is going to end this even before she can get her hands on the treasure she wanted. Soon an idea popped inside her head.

"The princess! We can negotiate a ransom! You get her!" The woman ordered.

"Fine, but after this, remember the contract and you better fulfill it, Fouquet." The Cheetah Imagin reminded before jumping off the golem and using his fast speed to get away without being noticed.

Fouquet can only do nothing but watch before stumbling a bit from the golem taking the amount of firepower that it's taking.

(With the exhibition)

"We would like to announce the winner of the-." Osmond started before hearing an explosion. He and various other members, including the princess, looked at the direction that it was coming from. They saw DenLiner flying in the sky while firing at the golem nearby.

"What is that!?" An audience member said.

"Is that a dragon?" Another wondered.

"Maybe, it's another familiar." One more guessed.

Just then a few of the princess's guards were knocked down.

"Nani!?" Sieg said as he got in front of the princess. He soon saw the Cheetah Imagin.

"Is it a bad time to ask for an audience, Your Highness?" The Cheetah Imagin mocked before pushing Sieg out of the way and grabbing Henrietta.

"He's taking the princess! Guards!" Osmond called.

"One more step and she's history!" The Cheetah Imagin threatened. Sieg got up and saw Henrietta's extremely terrified face.

"Hime…" Sieg let out as he stood up. The girl he swore to protect and serve was being kidnapped and he obviously has to do something but what can he do? The Cheetah Imagin can easily harm and disappear fast unless…

Sieg snapped his fingers in realization and ran at them.

"Huh?" The Cheetah Imagin let out as he looked at Sieg.

"Sieg?" Henrietta inquired.

"Forgive me, Hime!" Sieg said before jumping into her.

Soon Henrietta's hairstyle changed, the boa was added, and her eyes turned mostly white. S-Henrietta looked at the Cheetah Imagin.

"Away with you!" She said before pushing him back.

"What the hell!?" The Cheetah Imagin said while everyone else was either shocked, confused, or both.

"I won't let you touch the young Hime." S-Henrietta said before she got a belt out. It was black and had Den-O's symbol in the buckle but it was gold with a light blue background behind it and was framed in a wing-like form. She placed it on and it started playing a harp playing tune from it. To everyone's surprise, she pulled out a Pass, like the one Saito has.


She then swiped it across the belt.


White pixels emerged from the belt before melding with Henrietta's body, becoming Den-O Plat form but the suit was a bright gold-like color with white outlines and the body resembled more of a female. Soon pieces of armor appeared and were clipped onto Den-O, which looked like Sword Form's armor but was white and silver. Soon a blue swan scrolled down the helmet to where the eyes were. It unfolded where the wings became eye pieces. This was Kamen Rider Den-O Wing Form.

(Play Double Action Wing Form)

Den-O WF raised her hand gracefully before gracefully putting it down.

"Korin! Man o jishite!" She said, in Sieg's voice.

Everyone around was completely surprised by the transformation.

"Another one?" Tabitha wondered.

"Den-O?" Siesta recognized although a bit shocked that this was someone new.

"Your Highness?" Osmond called.

"What's going on?" Henrietta asked in Den-O WF's head.

"I see, Hime! You're a Singularity Point!" Den-O WF realized since Henrietta is still able to be aware in this form.

"So what? I still get to kill you!" The Cheetah Imagin said as he charged while Den-O WF kept her arms behind her back. At the last second, Den-O WF stepped to the side and kicked him in his back, making him fall on the ground.

"I promise to explain this later, Hime. But, will you please allow me to eradicate this lowly creature?" Den-O WF asked as she turned to face the Cheetah Imagin.

"You have my permission…just be sure I get my body back. This is a very new experience for me." Henrietta said, trying to get used to this position.

"With pleasure, Hime." Den-O WF said before the Cheetah Imagin charged at her with his claws. When he was close, he tried striking her but she kept dodging all of his attacks before smacking him in the face. He growled in anger.

"You bitch!" The Cheetah Imagin called while trying to slash her again but all he got was another smack and a slight kick in the lower leg, making him move away.

Den-O WF got pieces from her belt and threw them up in the air before dodging another hit attempt from the Cheetah Imagin. She soon then kicked him away before getting two more pieces out and caught the other pieces with them, becoming a boomerang and a tomahawk.

The Cheetah Imagin charged again before being slashed by Den-O WF's boomerang. Den-O WF quickly turned around and repetitively slashed the Cheetah Imagin with her weapons. The Cheetah Imagin tried slashing her back but it was useless as she blocked the claws with her boomerang before slashing the Imagin back with her tomahawk.

"So powerful…" Osmond remarked. Everyone was indeed of awe of this Den-O's abilities and fighting style like the others.

She then slashed him with both weapons, making him fly and roll on the ground. Den-O WF looked at the Cheetah Imagin.

"Those who intend to harm the young Hime must be punished!" Den-O WF said before throwing her boomerang, which the Cheetah Imagin dodged. Den-O WF acted calm before getting her Pass and scanning it.


She caught her boomerang so it and the tomahawk may be charged with energy supplied by the belt. The Cheetah Imagin got up before Den-O WF threw her glowing weapons at it. They slashed him before flying back to slash him again and again. Den-O WF ran up to the Cheetah Imagin before catching her weapons and digging them deep into the Imagin's chest, seeping in painful energy.

Den-O WF grabbed her weapons and turned away before the Imagin fell on the ground and exploded.

(End Double Action Wing Form)

Everyone clapped and praised her name while Den-O WF did a curtsy that was before she remembered seeing DenLiner and decided to investigate on what was going on.

(Inside DenLiner)

"What the hell does it take to kill this thing!?" Den-O SF said before noticing the golem throw huge balls of dirt at them. "Oh boy…"

"Dodge them!" Louise ordered.

"I know!" Den-O SF answered before turning the bike around, making DenLiner move around to dodge all the giant balls.

"It's not going to be standing up for much longer though." Saito stated and it was true, the golem looked like it can't stand much longer and only a few blasts got to do it.

"Well then, let's put this thing out of its misery!" Den-O SF declared before firing again.


The golem dodged a blast, making a hole in the wall. Fouquet quickly jumped in without being noticed. The golem was trying to cover her as it tried throwing more stuff at DenLiner. It kept dodging before firing some more and this time, pieces of the golem fell apart.

Soon Den-O WF arrived and looked at the scene.

"What is a golem doing here?" Henrietta wondered before focusing her consciousness on DenLiner. "And what is that? It looks amazing."

"Whatever it is, it cannot be good. Also that is DenLiner, remind me to talk to you about it." Den-O WF said before noticing someone jumping on the crumbling golem and jumping off. Den-O WF saw her and noticed she was carrying a long case. "A thief! Halt!" Den-O WF said before trying to chase her.

Just then, DenLiner fired again before the golem exploded this time and Fouquet looked up at DenLiner. Inside, Den-O SF and Louise noticed her.

"Impressive, the legends are true, Gandalfr. Remember this as a day in which you nearly caught Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt." She said before she blocked an oncoming boomerang from Den-O WF. Fouquet smiled before vanishing from the scene.

"Curses!" Den-O WF said before DenLiner stopped in front of her before Den-O SF, Louise, and the Taros came out.

"You!" Den-O SF and the Taros recognized.

"Another Den-O?" Louise said surprised.

"It appears that a thief managed to get away, but if you had me-." Den-O WF started.

"We didn't need you!" Den-O SF and the Taros said before they noticed some of the princess's guards, the teachers, and a few of the students arrive.

"Sieg, you kept the Pass you were given by Owner?" Urataros inquired.

"Of course, it does come in handy." Den-O WF said.

"But who the heck are you possessing?" Den-O SF asked.

Den-O WF just looked at Louise.

"I'm just glad you guys are safe." Henrietta said through Den-O WF, surprising Louise and the others.

"Wait, is that…?" Louise started before Den-O WF tore her belt off, allowing Sieg to eject. Her armor and belt shattered away, revealing Henrietta. "Your Highness! Are you okay!? What has this feathered idiot done to you!?"

"I'm quite alright." Henrietta assured. "Sieg did that to save me. I owe him my life."

"Young Hime, you owe me nothing. I simply live to serve you." Sieg humbly said. "And to think that you, my dear, are a Singularity Point."

"She is!?" Saito and the Taros said.

"Yes, it came off as a surprise to me as well." Sieg said before they all noticed the students checking out the scene and DenLiner while the teachers were talking with the princess's escorts.

"A thought just occurred to me, how come we didn't use DenLiner for the exhibition?" Louise asked, causing Saito and the Taros to facepalm themselves since they didn't think of it.

Saito stopped himself when he thought of the golem.

"So what kind of mage does it take to something like that?" He asked.

"At least a Triangle Class." Louise answered. "We cannot let the situation stand." She said before facing Henrietta and kneeling before one leg. She then gestured the others to do the same and they did, even though Momotaros reluctantly did so. "I am deeply sorry, Your Highness. I was not able to stop the brazen attack of this thief."

"Louise Françoise, this wasn't your responsibility." Henrietta assured as she knelt down to be at eye level with her childhood friend. "I am just simply relieved that you are safe. When I saw this…DenLiner, I was afraid you might've been part of casualties."

"My Familiars…proved themselves quite capable." Louise said, surprising her Familiars. "If it wasn't for Fouquet's tactics, we would've been able to capture her."

"I thank you then, Mr. Familiars." Henrietta nodded as she smiled. "Thank you very much."

"Well…we were just doing our job." Momotaros answered.

"Yeah, as a Kamen Rider, it's our job to defend to defend the world." Saito said.

"I see…" Henrietta said, recounting her time using Den-O WF. Sieg then knelt down to Henrietta's ear.

"Hime, it's time for us to go." Sieg said.

"I understand." Henrietta said before looking at Louise and her Familiars. "I'm afraid this is where I must take our leave to the palace. We will meet again soon Louise Françoise and Mr. Familiars."

Soon Sieg and the knights escorted Henrietta and she looked back at Lousie and the others. "I don't if it's a fortunate that the Exhibition was interrupted because, I had trouble deciding whether Tabitha's dragon or your knights were the winner."

She soon went in her carriage with Sieg following while the escorts get ready to leave. They soon did and Momotaros placed a hand on Louise's shoulder.

"See? We had this show in the bag." Momotaros said. "But why did you come into the cockpit while we had things under control?"

"It's obvious, you idiot." Louise answered. "A mage who abandons her Familiar is not a real mage."

Everyone was surprised that Louise wouldn't abandon them despite the times that she thought so highly of herself compared to her Familiars. They don't know if they should be happy that their relationship slightly improved or terrified that she would never leave them along. But either way, their relationship did slightly improve. Meanwhile, Yuuki just left with an interested look under his hood.

(In the carriage)

"Yeah, as a Kamen Rider, it's our job to defend to defend the world."

Those words echoed in Henrietta's head as she stared out the window of her carriage as they were moving. Sieg caught her wondering gaze.

"Hime, is something wrong?" Sieg asked, wondering if everything is alright.

"I just can't help but think about what one of her Familiars said about being one a Kamen Rider. That's the knight we became, right? A Kamen Rider?" Henrietta asked.

"Yes, young Hime." Sieg answered.

"And you called me a Singularity Point, what is that?" Henrietta asked, recalling what Sieg said.

"Basically someone who has the potential to be a Kamen Rider." Sieg answered.

"Then I want to be one." Henrietta said, surprising Sieg.

"Are you sure?" Sieg asked. Being a Kamen Rider was a big responsibility and it was no joke. It's a hard life and can really leave a mark on the mind, depending on events.

"I'm sure. One day, I'll have to look out for the people of this country but to know that creatures that terrorize them exist and that I have the potential to stop those monsters then I'll take it." Henrietta answered. Sieg could see into her eyes that she was serious.

"In that case…" Sieg handed her the Pass he held onto. "And know that I'll support you all the way as your bodyguard…and your partner."

Henrietta smiled as she held Sieg's hand.

"Thank you, Sieg." She said.

"I live to serve you, Hime." Sieg said.

(Omake: SHOCKER Meeting)

Everyone was settling in as the Great Leader was walking around.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." The Great Leader said. "We need to split this organization's budget in half and we're not leaving until we do. Is that clear?"

No one answered.

"Is that clear!?"

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Alright, I want you all to dig deep. I want your best answers and I need them now. Bee Woman!" The Great Leader called.

"Well, I looked at the budget and think we're spending way too much on transportation." Bee Woman answered.

"Transportation, huh? Colonel Zol, what do you think?" The Great Leader called.

"Sir, our online division is hemorrhaging money. I say we lose it." Zol answered.

"Okay, Cobra Man?" Great Leader said.

"I gotta give it to Zol here." He answered.

"Ambassador Hell?" The Great Leader called.

"I'd lose our tech support." Hell answered.

"Okay, Spider Man." The Great Leader called next.


"Water guy?" The Great Leader called.

"I don't work here." He answered as he left with the empty water jug.

"Right, Hell's twin brother."

"I agree with what Hell said." The twin ambassador answered.

"Uh, Mountain Joe?"

"Well, I suppose we could consolidate marketing." The lumberjack answered.


"Scale back IT." He answered.

"Chief Big Cloud."

"Long before-." A Native American answered.

"Not now, Gary." The Great Leader said.

"Sorry." Gary apologized.

"Chief Big Cloud." The Great Leader called again.

"I would cut accounting." A Shocker Combatman answered.

"Crazy Carl."

"Ha!" The restrained nut job answered.

"Sarah's nephew."

"Massive layoffs." The young boy answered.

"Gigantic turkey sub."

"I say we put mustard on it!" The talking sandwich answered.

"This is no time for joking, Gigantic Turkey Sub!" The Great Leader said in a serious tone.

"Cut human resources." The sandwich answered.

"Mounted Tiger Head."

"Longer lunch breaks?" The head answered.

"Did you even prepare for this meeting?" The Leader asked.

"No." The talking trophy answered.

"Alright, uh, Invisible Man?"

The seemingly empty chair did nothing.

"Invisible Man."

"He's out sick." Bee Woman answered.

"Captain Pajama Shark?"


"Nevermind, Shocker Riders." The Leader asked.

"Cut human resources." They answered.

"Hold on." The Great Leader got his phone out and answered. Soon he looked at everyone after hanging up. "Guys, I have some very bad news."

That was when their whole building collapsed.

AN: Alright guys, that about does it for Familiar of Den-O for now but let me be clear of one thing: I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON THIS STORY NOR DO I PLAN TO! Just a little heads up who thinks otherwise. Anyways, you know the drill. Don't be afraid to review this story or pm me about this story or anything else. Please favorite or follow this story along with my other stories if you can.

OrionGold: That has potential, I'll think about it.

Zen: Actually I didn't know about that.

Alright, that's it, I'm done. Goodnight.