A/N: Hello all! So, after much deliveration and after reading your reviews, I decided to stop marketing this story to Jason fans. I took what was said into consideration and the people who said this isn't forJason fans are correct. I've made Jason kind of a reprehensible guy and I'd hate to waste someone's time by having them read under false pretenses.
That said, I haven't given up on Jason in this story and the potential for redemption. I wouldn't reccomend this story to Jason lovers but I would reccomend it to people looking for drama, action and more than just cookie-cutter Liason fluff. I have no issue if you like the fluff, but that's not me and to put it out there, that's not this story and I don't want it to be this story.
So I hope some of you will keep reading and will stay on board for the roller coaster ride of reveals and twists and drama that is yet to come. There is a lot of good stuff in store and as long as you aren't reading just in support of a character or pairing, I guarantee, you will not be disappointed!
Thanks for hearing me out (Oh and PS, the word program I used to do this chapter doesn't have a spellcheck so I apologize in advance if there are any aggregious errors). And now, back to the story:
Previously on, The Sins of the Father...
"Okay, so on the count of three, we both say the name."
"Alright, one, two, three -"
"Emily Quartermaine,"
"Sam and Danny Morgan"
"Wow," Michael said as he tried to comprehend what Liz just told him. "Hands down, you win."
"I was subjected to a very uncomfortable interaction with Jason's mistress and their love child," Liz retorted bitterly. "I wouldn't exactly say I was the winner."
"Right," Michael agreed without hesitation. "But I still don't understand. How was it that you and Sam ran into each other? I can't imagine either of you would seek the other out."
"You are exactly right," Liz said as she tried to eliminate the bitterness from her voice. It wasn't as if anyone, least of all Michael, would have blamed her for feeling the way she did. After all, Sam was the other woman and she was the least bit innocent in all of this.
But he was and Liz knew better than to judge a child for its parents' mistakes. After all, all three of her boys were born out of questionable circumstances and had others judged them, Liz never would have forgiven herself.
She thought about Danny. She thought about how innocent he was in all of this. She thought about how sweet he had been and how instantly she felt connected to him. That was before she knew who he was but that shouldn't have mattered and if she really admitted it to herself, it didn't.
"I was here, in the hospital, it was late and I thought no one was around," Liz finally continued. "I was outside Cam's room when I saw this little boy who looked like he was lost."
"Danny," Michael made the connection.
"Yeah, only I didn't know it at the time," she explained. "He wouldn't tell me his name because Sam, excuse me as her name seethes off my tongue, taught him not to talk to strangers. But when I told him I was a nurse and we started talking about the boys,"
"You talked about the boys, his uh, his brothers?" Michael interrupted awkwardly. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Liz said. "Its an undeniable fact. Cameron and Jake are Danny's brothers. And now that we've gone over that, yeah we talked about the boys. He noticed I was kind of off and I said it was because he reminded me of Aiden. So I told him about the boys and showed them a picture and smart as you would expect Jason's son to be, he noticed the names on the chart and said he was sorry my boys were in the hospital. He said he hoped they were okay and I hugged him. I knew I shouldn't because here was this little boy, alone in the halls, but I couldn't help it. And that's when he started to tell me his name but before he could finish, well, I think you can guess what happened next,"
"Sam found you."
"Yep," Liz replied. "Sam chastised him for wandering off and for talking to strangers. Danny told her I wasn't a stranger and practically introduced us."
"That must have been uncomfortable," Michael said.
"It got worse," Liz replied. "Danny told Sam he wandered off because he had to find his daddy's son and make sure he was okay. I was so floored by finding out who this kid was that it didn't click right away. He was looking for Jake, my Jake, but didn't know it. Otherwise he would have said something when I said Jake's name."
"Do you think Jason and Sam ever told him about his brothers?" Michael asked.
"I have no idea," Liz sighed. "I mean it s beyond me at this point to be surprised by anything Jason does but I really thought he would have told Danny about Jake and Cameron. He told me he thought about the boys, about us, every single day. Well, if that was true how and why would he never have made sure Danny at least knew his brothers existed."
"I think we both have the same idea as to why that happened if in fact it did," Michael mused.
"Yeah, her," Elizabeth seethed again. "Look, I don't mean to be a vengeful person but Sam is part of the reason why everything was taken from me. And trust me, Jason is not innocent in this and I'm not just going to throw all the blame at Sam when he deserves his fair share. But I can't stop thinking about how things would be different had she never come into our lives. I don't want to think that way though because as much as it pains me to say it, if not for Sam, that sweet little boy, your cousin, wouldn't be here and that's not fair of me to wish that."
"I often found myself feeling the same way," Michael confessed. "I barely know Danny but he is family. Although on the other hand, Sam did play a part, kind of a big part, in breaking up you and Jason. And you guys were so happy and you gave those boys a family. I know sometimes people break up, but I can't help but wonder the same thing you do. I can't help but wonder what would have been had Sam never come to Port Charles."
Elizabeth took a deep breath and turned away from Michael to wipe a tear from her eye. She didn't want to tell him that it was all she could do not to think about it. That she fantasized about the life they could have and should have had more often than not. That seeing Jason again brought back all of the memories and emotions, both good and bad. That it brought her back to those crazy dreams and what could have beens.
No, she couldn't burden Michael with that, not now, not again.
"I'd rather not talk about that," she simply said she tried to straighten her thoughts.
"Right, I understand," Michael said, lamenting having brought it up. "So Sam, if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to."
"There's no sense in pretending her and Jason didn't happen and there's no sense in pretending she isn't in Port Charles to support Jason because he cares about the boys," Liz responded. "I mean, I don't get it. When baby Lila was still born, I didn't really know Sam but I felt for her. No parent deserves to lose a child. She couldn't even offer any sympathy and on top of that, she acted like she didn't care about the boys. They are her stepsons and she just dismissed it as if it never mattered, as if they never mattered."
"It doesn't matter what Sam says or thinks," Michael comforted Liz. "Don't let her get to you."
"Sometimes she just knows the buttons to push," Liz sighed. "But as bad as this whole conversation, if it can be called that, with her was, there was an interesting moment as well."
"Oh, do tell," Michael smiled.
"She was looking for Jason and happened to mention that if I found him to tell her that she was staying at Alexis and Julian's place," Liz couldn't help but smile in return. "Now first off, her rudeness aside, why would Sam need me to talk to her husband for her? And why wouldn't she be staying with him at the old penthouse? Seems like there is some trouble in paradise."
"And you are absolutely loving it," Michael laughed.
"I know I shouldn't but I can't help it," Liz replied unapologetic. "I'm allowed to rightfully enjoy this a little bit. Besides, both of them deserve to feel even the slightest of what I felt eight years ago and every day afterwards."
"Until you and Nikolas happened," he suggested.
"Right, me and Nikolas," Liz said simply. She knew instantly by Michael's tone of voice that there was something to this mention of her currently not-so-present fiancee.
"Liz, this has been on my mind for a while and I didn't say anything because well, I didn't want to pry," Michael paused. "But the thing is, when I first got to the hospital, you said Nikolas was on his way. I know its only been about two days and maybe his flight got delayed or something but I have to ask, is there something you aren't telling me about why Nikolas isn't here?"
Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Michael, there's no easy way to tell you this but Nikolas, I didn't actually tell him about the accident yet."
"You didn't tell him about the boys?" Michael asked in confusion. "I don't understand, why not?"
"I wasn't lying when I said he was in Greece," Liz responded as she nervously began pacing. "He went to go visit Spencer who as you know, has been living with Morgan. Nikolas and I talked before he left. We came to a decision. We're ending our engagement."
"Oh," Michael said as he wavered between a slight bout of happiness and an overall feeling of sadness.
Happiness for himself because he never fully trusted Nik. Jake once accused him of being jealous and maybe deep down, there was some of that. But what it really came down was the fact that it always seemed like Nik was up to something and seeing Emily earlier, kind of confirmed that.
Of course most of him was sad or at least felt bad for Liz. This would mean that Nik just became another name on a failed list of relationships. And it would mean once again, Liz would have to deal with another child whose father was somewhat out of the picture.
And it wasn't as if Nikolas was a bad dad. Well, if Spencer living miles away at the family compound in Greece with Morgan was any indication, some would say he was. But Nikolas loved Aiden and Michael never doubted that. He never doubted that he loved Liz either. Which is why Michael thought that maybe just maybe it was Liz that ended the engagement and as much as he hated to think about, he thought he knew why.
"Michael, are you okay?" she asked drawing him away from his thoughts.
"Tell me you didn't end the engagement because Jason is back," he said without hesitation. "I know you still love him and maybe somewhere he still loves you too, but its never going to work. And you shouldn't take him back anyway, what with all he put you and the boys through."
"That's all true Michael and I didn't end things with Nikolas because of Jason."
"If not Jason, then why?" Michael asked. "As much as I never trusted the guy, you always did and you two seemed so happy. Did he do something to you because I swear,"
"Michael, Nikolas is the perfect gentleman," Liz reassured him. "And things were good. We were happy for the most part. But then he started spending a lot of time in Greece and he took Aiden with him. It was never about not trusting him but it got lonely with the boys both moved out. I never intended for it to happen and it makes me a huge hypocrite and I can't believe I did it again but,"
Michael sighed. "There's someone else isn't there?"
"Its not what you think Michael," Liz tried to defend herself.
"Liz, I love you and you have been such an important person in my life," Michael replied. "I looked the other way when you cheated on Lucky with Jason. I understood when you turned to Nikolas. I have every intention of hearing your explanation but I don't know if I can support this, not again."
"I never slept with him," Liz explained. "I wanted to and he wanted to but I couldn't do that to Nikolas, not after everything he did for me and Aiden. But he wasn't around and I needed someone to talk to, someone who was there. It was purely emotional but it was an affair nevertheless. I felt horrible and I told Nikolas. He understood but he told me it was better this way anyway. He had been considering this for a while. Michael, he's moving permanently back to the compound in Greece. He's going to visit Aiden as much as he can. He wanted to move both of us there but he knew I would never leave the boys. So he never asked."
"Liz, I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Nikolas," Michael said with sincerity.
"Thanks but I still feel horrible about what happened," Liz sighed.
She was disappointed in herself and she hated seeing that look in Michael's eyes. He was the one person besides her own kids who she never wanted to disappoint and finally, bad decision after bad decision, she feared she had done just that.
"Are you still with him, whoever this guy is?" Michael had to ask.
"He wants us to be in a real relationship," Liz confessed, "but I don't know what to do."
"Well," Michael said as he put his arm around her, "its like you always told me. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart. Despite how it got there, if your heart is telling you he is your guy, who am I to say you shouldn't go for it."
Elizabeth smiled in relief. "You don't hate me? After I did the same thing to Nikolas that in effect I did to both your dad and your uncle, you don't hate me?"
"You should know by now Liz, I could never hate you," Michael said softly. "I might not always agree with your decisions but I know you don't always agree with mine. Its not my place to judge you and after everything you've meant to me, I never could. I just, I do have one question though,"
"You wanna know who it is?" Elizabeth asked for him.
"I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Michael temporarily shied away.
"I trust you more than anyone else, of course I'll tell you," Liz smiled. "i don't know if you're going to like it though."
"Hes not someone dangerous is he?" Michael asked in full on defense mode.
"Not per say, he's more, you know what, it will just be easier if I rip the band-aid off and tell you, okay here it goes." Liz took a deep breath. "The man I've been spending time with is your uncle."
"You said it wasn't Jason, I don't understand," Michael said confused.
"Your other uncle," Liz said softly.
"Carly's only brother is gay and there aren't any more Quartermaine kids that I know of," Michael tried to figure it out.
And that's when it hit him. The one person who made sense. The one person who Liz knew from the past. The one person whose name Michael was not ready to hear. And as a figure emerged from the doorway it was a name they weren't ready to hear either.
"Ric Lansing, you're seeing Ric Lansing?"
A/N - Boom! It was time to drop another bomb. Truth time, Liz and Nikolas really wasn't doing anything for me. At the time I started writing this I was pro-Niz but now I'm not. So I decided to break them up in the story. As for the new man in Liz's life, this idea was somewhat real-GH inspired. I liked the potential there before Ric was forced to go to jail.
So now on to the main question: Who overheard Liz and Michael's conversation? And what will this person have to say about Liz's newest relationship?
As always, I look forward to reading your thoughts, comments, questions or anything else on your mind. With this latest reveal, we are going to see a huge speed up in action, so if there is anything you need cleared up in the meantime, let me know.
Until next time!