Authors Note- Ok im really sorry about the length of this one. You guys are reviewing faster than i can say "I don't own Kickin' it." (Haha see what i did there?) So guess what? After the next chapter is published at 20 reviews, you need to get me to 30 reviews before i post the next chapter. Or wait until tuesday. So enjoy this all dialogue fanfic!


"Kim you don't have to do this"

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"I have too!"

"No. You. Don't."


"Did Kimberly Crawford just give phhhhhbt me?"

"Well it wasn't exactly a fart, Jackson Brewer."

"Are we going by full names now Crawford?"

"Depends, Brewer."

"Come on Kimmy! You don't have to do this!"

"Dont. Call. Me. Kimmy."




"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes Kimberly."

"Thats even worse."

"Come on Kim! You don't need to do this! Lets go back to sparring!"

"Why not?"

"Why can't Grace or Mika?"

"I have to!"

"Fine. But you owe me."

"I hate you."

"Yeah right. Go get the dress on."



"Im starting to hate this."

"Kim you look... Beautiful."

"Thanks, but im not being forced to go to the school dance with you."


"What was that?"


"Is little Jacky jealous that i got dared into going with Jerry and not you?"

"Pshh... Noooo..."

"Jack your voice goes up high when you lie. Now if you excuse me, i have a date with *shudder* Jerry."

"You can't go on a date with him if you are on a date with me."

"Thanks Jack but i have to. I got dared by half the school."

"Well you can't go with Jerry if you have a boyfriend."

"But I don't have a boyfriend"

"What if you were to mysteriously gain one in the next five minutes?"

"Thats ridiculous. No boy would-"



"Kimberly Beulah Crawford? Will you be my girlfriend?"


"Well I guess you are going to the dance with me."

"You don't have a-"

"I can use that tux i borrowed from Rudy. He says the gravy is off."

"Haha. Let me text Grace and tell her I got her a date, so poor Jerry isn't there without a date."



"You ready?"

"Lets go."


Yay! All done! So yeah, review, and you all know the magic number! Im taking suggestions, but because of all the fanfics im writing it might take a bit for me to write them. So sit back, relax and review, fave and follow!

EAT LLAMAS AND FART CUPCAKES! Wait. Switch the two. There. •Xain