Katara watches the two benders move gracefully from form to form. Aang incorporates more waterbendering into gestures, so it's full of fluid hand gestures. Zuko, on the other hand, is all chops, slices, and kicks. Katara can't take her eyes off of him. His chest ripples as he deflects a wave Aang sent forward and Katara feels sweat beading on her back. She crosses her ankles and clenches her fists, watching them fight in the palace training grounds. Aang came to visit to two for some questions about rebuilding in the colonies, but of course he and Zuko had to practice. Not that Katara minded, she, of course, got to watch. Zuko kicked high in the air, his leg swinging dangerously close to Aang's face. Katara bit down on her lip and pressed her legs together. Aang tried to swing whips out at Zuko, but he deflected the blow with one arm and swung out with his other arm, bringing an arcing crash of flames down on him. Katara gaped at the veins dancing along his biceps and she gulped hard.
Aang laughed and bowed to Zuko, "Sifu Hotpants." Zuko smirked, but that was look that changed completely when Katara stood, "My turn." Aang waved his hand and turned to go, "I can't. I have to feed Appa and be on my way. Thanks, guys." He floated off on an air scooter and Katara watched him leave, "Too bad I didn't want to fight Aang." Zuko shook his head, smiling, "You know I don't hold back with you." She raised her hands, summoning her element, "I wouldn't expect anything less of you." Zuko took his stance and smirked, ignoring the hair falling from his topknot, "On the count of three. One, two-" Katara rushed forward with a wave, "Three!" He dodged and punched towards where she stood. A wall rose and steam crackled in the air. Katara skated on ice across to Zuko and tried to catch his feet in the rapidly spreading ice. Instead, he sent out whips of fire to disrupt her path and Katara jumped to avoid them. She rolled across the concrete, feeling scrapes rise along her arms and legs. Zuko froze, "Katara, I'm so sorry are you al-" He was knocked off his feet by a blast of water straight to his chest. Together they clashed, sending steam hissing into the sky until the air was so clouded neither could see the other. Katara breathed heavily, looking about for Zuko. She heard a small crack to her right and she sent a whip out and heard a yelp. Zuko barreled over to where she stood and Katara tackled him to the ground.
He lay beneath her and ice locked around his limbs, encasing him to the dirt. Zuko shuddered when she leaned back on his lap and his eyes grew dark. Katara leaned down and her breath ghosted across his skin, "I win." Zuko made to speak, but she rolled her hips against his groin and it turned into a low growl. Her legs slid down on either side and he could feel her heaving chest brushing his own. "I think I won here, Tara." She kisses him, slow and full. When she pulled back, Zuko's breath was harder than before, "I didn't know fire made you so… hot." As the steam began to dissipate, Katara was on her feet and pulling him inside, "I'll show you how hot it can get."