Ok, I am so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long. I am a horrible person. But heres a new chapter, i have been crazily busy all week and sick with a chest cold. I am better now so i will continue with this fic, please enjoy and review!:)

I'm running as fast as I can, but Kylar beats me to the elf and collapses by her side, cradling her bloody head in his lap. He hunches over her, stroking her face, Raina stands by, shedding quiet tears. Erius and Viene watch, their expressions stony. I crouch next to Kylar, my fingers desperately searching for a pulse.




Kylar glances up at me, his green eyes bloodshot and filled with fear. "She's dead. Isn't she?" he asks, his voice dull.

I can't meet his gaze.

Kylar gently rocks the elf's body, "not again…I can't loose her too" he whispers, a single tear tracing down his cheek. The red haired Nord leans down and kisses Silva gently, his tear falling on her golden-brown skin.

And that's when I feel it. Her heart.


Its beating against my fingers, as strong as her fiesty personality. A grin spreads across my face, splitting my features. Kylar looks up, his face brighter, hopeful. Silva opens her slanted eyes.

"Hi…did I miss anything?" Silva jokes weakly, her slender fingers resting on Kylar's cheek.

I help her up, "nothing much" I smile at her.

Kylar is shellshocked, his jaw hanging open. Silva laughs at him and gives him a light kiss on his cheek.

"You-how-what?!" Kylar finally splutters.

Silva shrugs.

"Weeell, now that drama is over…can we move on oh 'great and powerful leader'?" Erius sighs, rolling his eyes at Silva and Kylar.

"Yes, but please, be careful, I can't loose another friend" I beg, my mind drifting to memories of Telkus's death.

They all nod and we set off, Kylar helping a dizzy Silva, Erius watching our backs with Raina, and Viene in the lead. My nerves are on edge, my fingers resting lightly on my sword hilt, every shadow could hold danger. We walk on and on, twisting and turning down corridors and hallways, past dusty statues and piles of rubble. I grow steadily more worried and impatient.

"Are we there yet!?" I hiss at Viene, immediately regretting my tone of voice.

She gives me an icy glare, "not yet" Viene snaps back at me.

"Alright, Raina, Erius, go down the left corridor and stay together" I order suddenly, "Kylar and Silva, stay here and guard our backs. Me and Viene will keep heading forward"

"I know where it is!" Viene yells at me, her voice echoing around the ruin.

I look back at her, "no you don't. It will be faster if we split up" I explain gently.

Everybody nods and separates, and I march off, into the darkness. I hear Viene running to keep up with my fast steps, her face angry.

"Why do you do this?" She asks, her voice painfully sad.

I whip around to face her, my fury barely controlled. "Do what? I haven't done anything but kindness to you!" I yell angrily.

"You ignore me"

"I'm not the one giving the cold shoulder" I snarl.

Viene rests a cool hand on my jaw, crystal tears tracing dark tracks down her cheeks.

"Kodlak, you must know that I-" a loud boom inturupts her words, I am on red alert.

I creep forward silently, the only sound is the light scrape of my iron boots on the ground and the sound of our breathing. I see two centurions marching down the hall, their feet making the loud boom. I growl softly under my breath, my blade sliding from it's sheathe. The gold giants lumber by, obivlious of our huddled forms in the shadows. I exhale the breath I had been holding, my sword slinks back into my belt and I stand. My feet bang against the cold stones, echoing though the empty halls. I ignore Viene's warm presence behind me, my heart like marble. We enter a huge domed chamber, a pedestal made of gold rising in the center of the black marble floor.

I give a broad grin.

"Easy" I say as I grip the precious pendant in my fingers. "Now we leave."

Viene looks nervously around, her thin brows creased together with worry.

"Something should happen. The Dwarves shouldn't leave the pendant unguarded..." she whispers to me, her whole body on edge.

I slap her on the shoulder, "we're still breathing, we're just f-" I am cut off by a golden net sweeping aound us and dragging us both us into the dusty air.

Something sharp digs painfully into my ribs, making me hiss in pain.

"Oww! Stop...moving...woman!" I howl furiously at Viene who is wiggling around the net.

"Well...you...shouldn't be such a...baby" she grunts, twisting around and bashing her knee accidentally into my groin.

I feel tears spring into my eyes and I feel an overwhelming urge to strangle Viene.

"I hate you" I moan to her, trying to be as small as possible.

Viene turns and flashes me a bright smile. "I know you don't" she smirks, drawing her knife.

I scowl and shuffle as far away as possible in the cramped quarters. Viene is sawing away at the evil net, her face determined. I begin to wonder if I could grab a nap when the net starts to descend, the marble opening up into a boiling pit of lava. I swallow what little is left of my pride and I scream.


Viene looks to see what I'm yelling on about and then joins my chorus of screams.

Not like this, anything but this... I think to myself, sweat beading on my brow from the burning heat of the molten rock. Thats when I see my saving grace, er well, more like graces. My friends sprint into the room, their eyes huge and mouths open.

"Get me out!" I roar at them, feeling the hairs on my neck wilting from the heat.

They scatter, scanning the room for something to stop my looming death. Erius finds a control desk, dozens of levers and buttons on it. He yells to Kylar, Silva and Raina and they start to all frantically pull and push the buttons and levers. The net moves and starts to whirl faster and faster all while jerking up and down. I now wish I had been burnt like a crisp by the lava. I concentrate on not throwing up everything I had eaten for the past nineteen years.

The net suddenly stops and dumps me and Viene on the floor, both of us green and very, very relieved. I stumble over to my friends, trying to summon up enough fire to give them my death glare. It doesn't work. I instead pass out on the floor next to a moaning Viene.

"I hate Dwarves."

Oh ya! I'm back! Hope you liked this chapter, I enjoyed writing it and especially the end. Please review and keep an eye out for more!