Just like a fairytale


Once upon a time it was a warm, sunny autumn day in New York. Whats the best thing you can do at such a day? That's right hang out in a Park and appreciate the golden nature before winter arrives. At least that's what Arya and Gendry did right now... well kind of.
"You are stupid." Arya said laughing, showed him and took of.
Gendry only faltered a few inches back.
"You will regret this my lady." he shouted after her, also laughing." He chased her for a couple of minutes before catching her around the waist lifting her up and twirling her around, both of them hysterically laughing. He set her back on the ground. "Now to your punishment.", he bent his head down to kiss her, Arya eager to meet him got on her tiptoes titled her head while closing her eyes. But in the last moment before their lips met, he suddenly jerked away and instead picked her up bridlestyle, catching Arya completely of guard, a rare thing to accomplish. He carried her back to their blanket and picnic basket, followed by a few cheers and catwhistles. Arya's face turned crimson red, and she hid her face behind her hands untill she felt herself lowered down again and on the plush picnic blanket, when she looked up Gendrys face was directly above hers just a moment later there lips clashed in a heated passionate kiss.
Gendry used the distraction to slip the ring, he had wanted to give her before there little run and catch season, on her left ring-finger. She felt it and pulled away looking at it with sparking eyes. It was a silvering with a small light green gemstone.
"That's your punishment. You have to ware the ring."
"Don't you think my parents will be a bit suspicious when the see a ring on my hand?"
"Nah you can handle them, you are a very skilled lyre after all."
"Now aren't you a clever one. But that's only one of my various skill set, should I introduce you a nother one?"she asked while pushing herself up a bit.
"Gladly."he answered as the ment at another passionate kiss, lost in each other.
"Get a room you two." Somebody shouted and the finally broke apart. Gendry rolled of her on his back, gathering her in his arms..
The stayed in silence for a couple of minutes just staring into the sky trying to make out figures in the clouds.
"How is "Operation Cobra" fairing on your End?" Ary asked him finally catching her breath.
"Why are we even calling IT "Operation Cobra", that's the dumbest codename ever." She hit him lightly at the chest.
"As so you now Henry the grandson of snow and charming came up with this name so don't ever insult it." Gods she loved Once Upon a Time.
He glanced at her: "You do know they don't really exist, do you?."
She looked at him with way overreacted shock. "You mean there is no real Storybrook in Main? Dam then I need to pick someplace else for "Operation Cobra"". The bursted out into laughter. Arya snuggled closer to Gendry.
"I'm saving up everything I can spare so if not something unpredictable happens as planed we can start IT in eight month. And on your End?"
"The same. I've taken all my spare money of my several accounts over the last couple of month. My parents don't suspect a thing so as soon I'm done with High School "Operation Cobra starts."
"Eight month then."
"Eight month" she repeated
She only had to wait eight month longer and the where finally done with sneaking around, lying and hiding.
Arya was the daughter of Need Stark, one of the richest men in New York and ambitious politician. While Gendry was just a orphaned street musician living from one day to the next. Her parents would have never approved their relationship. Both of them had known that when they became a couple, it didn't stop them though. But one day a couple of weeks ago Arya became sick and tired of all the sneaking around so she came up with "Operation Cobra". Gendry agreed to it, since he as well didn't want to hide anymore, but only if she married him, hence the ring. Arya was no romantic. Actually she was a downright realist with a distaste for everything girly and the desire to never get married and have children at all, but she was also a realist who was in love. And in order to be with Gendry she would give up everything the world could over a girl with her status, and even make a few sacrifice. As sappy as it sounded you did that when you are in love and Gendry will do the same. Giving up his music will be the hardest thing he ever did. But for Arya, puting away his guitar and never play an accord again, and instead getting a stable job, he will do it gladly, as soon "Operation Cobra" started.
The only had to wait untill next spring when she was done with highschool. Than they could start their new life together.