6 Months Later

She wakes up with his arms wrapped around her, making her feel safe and loved. It's hard to believe that six months ago she almost lost him for good. She still doesn't know what she was thinking… choosing a job over the love of her life. She is just happy that his is such a forgiving and loving man. She hears him yawn knowing he is waking. She turns around looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning handsome"

Smiling at her he replies "just think in two more days you will be Mrs. Castle."

"I know I can't wait", she smiles back at him. "Rick, can I ask you something?"

"Kate, you know you can ask me anything… remember no more secrets between us."

"Yeah, I know… I was just wondering what made you decide to go back to Richard Castle, you never really told me why?"

Thinking over her question her responds "there are actually a couple of reasons." Then he continues "after you left for DC… I felt that a part of me had died. I couldn't write, I couldn't face going to the 12th, I just didn't want to be Richard Castle anymore. So I sold everything, changed my name back to Rodgers and tried to disappear."

Her smile disappears and is replaced by sadness "I'm so sorry Rick"

"Kate I'm not telling you this because I'm trying to hurt her … I'm saying I did exactly what you did, I ran… I ran to North Carolina hiding from everybody… my friends, my family even from you. But now that I have you there is no more running, no more hiding."

"Okay, I understand" she replies. "But there is more to it, isn't there?"

"Yes, yes there is more to it. I also have started writing again."


"After we got engaged, when I was at the precinct helping… I was here writing. I decided that I wanted to give Nikki and Rook a happy ending so I started 'Reclaiming Heat'."

"Oh my God" she says as she leans in kissing him. "I'm so happy you are writing again… why didn't you say anything?"

"I just wanted to surprise you, plus I didn't want to get my hopes up. It had been nearly 5 months since I wrote anything."

"So does that mean you are going to go back to working with Gina at Black Pawn?"

"Actually I've already been talking to Paula. I asked her to reach out to some smaller publishing companies… to see if there was an interest in the book. I decided that I wanted to be able to make my own decisions with regard to book launches and signings especially now that we are getting married and hopefully going to be starting a family soon."

"That's wonderful Rick."

"Now there is one question I have for my future wife. I know where haven't talked about it… trying to get everything planned for the wedding. Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?"

"Rick, we don't have to go anywhere fancy. After all you bought us this beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom loft in So Ho. You are giving me the wedding of my dreams. And you are making me the happiest woman in the world. So, what I was thinking was we could just go down to our cottage in Ocracoke for 2 weeks."

"Sounds great to me" he replies leaning in to kiss her.

The East Meadow in Central Park- Two Days Later

Rick Castle stood in the center of an ornate canopy dressed in a black Armani Tuxedo with a champagne colored David Donahue Paisley vest and matching silk tie. Joined to his left are his best man Javier Esposito and groomsman Kevin Ryan. They are encircled by all the friends and family waiting for the bride to arrive. Luckily thanks to his friendship with the mayor and the NYPD the paparazzi and onlookers have been kept at bay.

Esposito leans in and whispers "you ready for this Castle?"

"Thirds times a charm right?"

Espo then jokingly adds "just remember if you hurt her Ryan and I can make you disappear."

"Right and Lanie will make sure nobody finds me."

Just as Esposito is about to reply, a horse and carriage makes it way bringing the bride, her father, the maid of honor and bridesmaid. Coming to a stop near the aisle laced with white rose petals, the first to exit is Alexis, followed by Lanie, then Jim Beckett and Kate. His eyes land on her he is unable to look away. She looks beautiful, wearing a Vera Wang Ivory Basket Weave Organza Gown with floral detail.

Once everybody is ready the string quartet begins playing A Thousand Years by Christina Perry signaling the start. Alexis begins making her way down the aisle, trying to smile up at her father while holding back tears. She is followed by Lanie the maid of honor, who quickly smiles to the groom before turning to his right focusing on Esposito. Finally Kate and Jim start down the aisle; her eyes are glued on his blue ones. She can see a tear slowly make it way down his cheek. Fighting her own tears she smiles up at him, she has never been happier in all he life. Reaching the canopy, Jim hands her off to Rick before stepping back and taking a seat next to Martha.

Castle leans over quickly whispering in her ear "I love you so much"

She whispers back "me too"

They then turn and face the minister, hand in hand. He begins "Do you Richard Edgar Castle take Katherine Houghton Beckett as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do"

"And do you Katherine Houghton Beckett take Richard Edgar Castle as your lawful husband to have and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do"

After the exchange of rings, they are pronounced husband and wife by the minister as he informs Castle "you may kiss you bride."

Rick leans in planning on a simple but romantic kiss, but Kate isn't having it. As soon as he starts pulling away she grips he hands around the base of his neck pulling him back in as the audience starts applaud. Finally breaking away all Castle can say is "Wow" causing most of their guest as well as the minister to chuckle. They join hands and face their guest being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Richard Castle. Walking down the aisle as the quartet starts the wedding march their matching smiles telling all just how happy they are. Rick helps Kate back up onto the carriage and joins her as they ride off heading over to the Russian Tea Room to meet their guest for the reception.

After they are out of sight he comments "I just have to tell you how beautiful you look in your gown Mrs. Castle."

"Why thank you Mr. Castle, you're not so bad yourself" smiling as she leans in pressing her lips to his.

The ride is romantic. Castle has his arm wrapper around Kate's shoulders. She is snuggled into his side. Glancing at each other, their eyes meeting, not sure who is initiating it the kiss repeatedly until before they know it they arrive at the reception.

Everything turns out beautiful from the dinner to the entertainment to the cutting of the cake. The only time they have separated is when Kate danced with her father and Castle with his mother and then daughter. Other than that they have been inseparable. The night winds down and Rick and Kate sneak out into their car service as it takes them to the St. Regis Hotel, where they have the honeymoon suite booked. If though they have been living together for almost six months, Kate can't wait to get him alone. Tipping the bus boy, Rick lifts her up and carries her across the entrance, not putting her down he takes her straight into their bedroom. Obviously he felt the same as she did. Before they now it, all clothes are off and they are making love like they have never done before. It is a mixture of passion, love, lust and happiness. By the time they are finished with round 3, they are exhausted and snuggling into one another as sleep over takes them.

Their Loft – 2 months later

Castle just gets back from a meeting with his new publishing company. They were going over the final editing of 'Reclaiming Heat'. If all goes well it should be released within the next month. He steps through the door catching the smell of something wonderful. He heads to the kitchen enjoying the view of his wife moving around elegantly. Not wanting to startle her he just continues to watch.

"You know Castle it doesn't matter if we are married or not…. Staring at me is creepy."

"Sorry Kate, I don't know what it is but there is just something about you that I can't keep my eyes off of."

Coming up to him she places her hands around his neck pulling him into her for a kiss. Before smiling and heading back to cooking.

"Whatever you are making smells terrific" he replies.

"It's just my mother's homemade spaghetti sauce. I figured we could have it with meatballs and a tossed salad."

"Sounds great" looking around he finds the table set as well as candles lit "Are we celebrating something?" he asks.

"Something like that" is all she says.

"Did you close your case today?"

"Yeah I did, but that's not what this is about."

"Okay, but you have to tell me."

"Rick, good things come to those who wait."

"K-A-T-E" he whines, but she is still not giving in. "Alright I guess I can wait."

Dinner is wonderful, she tells him about closing the case she was working on and is surprised by who the killer actually was. He fills her in on his meeting and the release date of his new book. They then talk about their friends. About Jenny and Ryan's baby boy, and about Lanie and Esposito finally working things out and moving forward in their relationship.

After dinner he clears the table since Kate cooked, placing the dishes in the dishwasher when he hears music playing. Turning around he finds his wife watching him. "Is everything okay?" he asks her.

"Dance with me Rick"

Smiling he takes her in his arms and they move slowly to the rhythm. As the song stops she looks up at him "I love you so much."

"I love you too, are you sure everything is okay? I'm starting to feel a little nervous?"

"Yes Rick everything is fine… I'm just very happy. Now close your eyes and hold out you hand."

He does as he is told and feels a small rectangular box placed in it. He opens up his eyes looking over to her making sure it is alright to open it. She gives him an encouraging nod. He slowly opens the lid looking inside the box. He has to look twice to make sure he is seeing what he thinks he is. A huge smile covers his face as he looks up to her for verification. She smiles back at him and he can't help himself… letting go of the box he grabs his wife twirling her around.

"We're pregnant" is all he gets out before stopping and pulling her in and kissing her.

A/N: I wish this came out better. I knew what I wanted to cover in the first epilogue, but had trouble with it. Anyway thanks for all the support and reviews. The final epilogue will be out in a few days.