MJC: I just realized how unconnected to the Elsword fandom I am... (would this be an appropriate place to put a hashtag-introvertproblems ?)
Anywho, last chapter. Wow, this is awesome. As pitiful as it sounds, this is only my second finished multi-chapter fic. It's been super fun, but I guess now is as good a time as ever for it to come to an end.
Disclaimer: I don't own Elsword.
Chapter Twenty-Five:
Even though I won't ever be able to finish even one year of high school, and even though I'll probably never have a silly teenage love story, and even though I won't be able to live my life with all of the friends I made these past few months, I'm not sad.
It was not hard to fight off today's batch of glitter demons. There was only a few of them this time. Their numbers had gradually diminished with Ran's disappearance.
They were bothersome like flies. Like buzzing bees, and prickly rose bushes. She had her mind on these nuisances, and nothing else.
She did not think of Angkor's whining, or of Rena's nagging at her to get a boyfriend. She did not think of Speka's rude attitude, nor how Elsa had stared her down intently.
She didn't even think of never getting to know Raven. Not even of Elsword's neverending argument with Conwell.
When she returned to her own home, she did not run down into the cellar, dash over to that strange rune, and immediately set about transportation to Elisium.
She simply sat down on her plush red chair, flipped a slightly wrinkled book open, and began reading as intently as anything.
Now, you may think that 'perhaps she just does not wish to feel sadness.' This is not so, however.
Aisha did not think of her friends from Os simply because she did not remember them.
As sad as that sounds, and as unlikely as it seems, that was the only reason why.
It, of course, did not bother Aisha. Well, not her forgetfulness specifically.
There was something that nagged at her conscious, something tiny and obscure. She would not have noticed it if it were not for it's completely annoying attitude.
It poked and prodded at her head, begging to be heard. Finally, she allowed it entrance to her mind, albeit subconsciously.
And in a strange flash of an epiphany, she decided to go down into the cellar. So, she placed a bookmark between the slightly crinkled pages of her slightly damaged book, and stood from her chair.
It was dark and musty in the cellar. She remember her grandfather telling her something very important about this cellar. She couldn't quite remember it, though.
When she saw that odd rune enscribed onto(or perhaps into) the wall, she cocked her head. What was that strange thing?
So, she did what any curious mage would do. She activated that rune. It did not take long to figure out. Only a few minutes.
She was immediately engulfed in cacaphony of color, of dancing lines, and elegant swirls. They spiraled around her conscious, and lifted her from that dimension.
Even though there is a lot in that other place that I wanted to see, I don't think I ever will be able to. It doesn't not sadden me, though.
She found herself in a tranquil plane. A place of solitude, and peace. But she wasn't solitary. There was another girl here, seeming to be Aisha's same age.
In fact, the girl even shared Aisha's violet hued locks. She had the same piercing purple irises, and the same nose, and the same structure entirely.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Aisha, Aisha Ostrum. I'm you, but from somewhere else." There was a saddened look in Aisha Ostrum's eyes. Like she was thinking of an old friend. Aisha cocked her head.
Even though there are many things I had wanted to do in that place, I probably won't ever. I still don't feel sad though.
"It's a place called Os. Actually, you named it Os." This confused Aisha.
"I did?"
"Yes. You live in a place called Ri. There's another place, too. That one is called Eli. There are three dimensions; they make up a triangle. This place is called Elisium. It is the paradise in between the three dimensions. It connects them. Altogether, they are called-"
I do not feel saddened, nor regretful. I hope none of my friends do, either. I hope they remember me, even if I don't remember them. I hope they smile, too. Smile because this is the time to be happy.
"Elsword!" Aisha Ostrum dashed up to the porcupine headed boy.
"I talked to Aisha today." She smiled at him.
"Really?" He suddenly became interested.
"Yes, but she doesn't remember anything." His face fell, even if only a little. "She doesn't remember you, or me. She seemed happy, though. She seemed very satisfied!"
"That's good." And with that, he walked away. Aisha Ostrum sighed. He had such a forlorn look, despite the smile on his face. What a sad ending.
I hope they can smile.
"How was school today, Aisha?" Rena asked with her usual smile when Aisha Ostrum entered.
"I'll tell you if you tell me how things are going with Raven~." The violet haired girl sang. Rena's cheeks tainted pink, even if only a little.
"That's a secret~!" The women put a finger to her lips and 'shh'ed. Aisha rolled her eyes, and skipped up the stairs. She didn't much like elevators.
Down to room 216 she went. When she entered, a very fat and lazy bat sat proudly on the counter. He had found the potato chips again.
"Angkor!" Aisha whined, swatting him away. He chuckled deviously, flapping away into her room. She bit her cheek. What a stupid little bat.
Beside the discarded(and now empty) potato chip bag was a stack of papers. That was all the homework she had to do over Winter break. What a nuisance.
The girl sighed, and pushed the stack away, figuring she could do it all on the last day of break pretty easily.
The room was very quiet. Quiet and empty. Moreso than it used to be. Or at least, used to feel. She had gotten so accustomed to the little town that everyday when she woke up, she peeked out the window in order to observe the town's quiet streets.
All she saw was a bustling city filled with dirty air and fast food restaurants.
No, scratch that, a bustling city street, and nothing beyond the towering buildings surround that her tiny little apartment window.
Aisha Ostrum glanced at her work schedule on the fridge. She had to work in less than an hour. So, she dragged herself to her bedroom and changed into her uniform.
She bid a goodbye to Angkor, locked the door, and scampered down the hall to the stairs.
"See you Rena, Raven!" She called as she exit the building. When she arrived at her workplace, Speka greeted in her usual way.
"Aisha, tables eight and two are in desperate need of cleaning. Get your butt out there. So, Aisha Ostrum worked. And everything was normal.
And I really, really, really hope they can just stay out of trouble.
Because they really seem to have a hard time with that particular task.
Because connections are deep, deep things, and one like ours can't every be broken.
MJC: I'm getting all nostalgic now because I was just recently looking at all the reviews I've gotten(There were as many as ten on one chapter. That makes me super happy :DDD) on this story and it reminded me of when I first joined fanfiction. It was almost two years ago. Wow. Well, I had a bunch of fanfiction friends, but now I don't talk to them anymore. It actually kind of inspired the theme of this chapter. It makes me pretty sad. Oh well, I'll stop rambling about myself now.
... So... Sequel?
Thank you all for reading,