Disclaimer: Ace Attorney and all characters are copyright by CAPCOM; I'm just a fan imitating. The stories presented are influenced by the multiple games as well as the comic (Manga written by Kenji Kuroda).
The song "True Love (feat. Lily Allen)" is written by P!nk. Copy right Sony Music Entertainment.
Paper clips
"Miles Edgeworth, I am your superior, and I'm order-!"
"Superior? Superior what?"
I'm looking at him, he's turning back to his desk.
I hate every...
"Are you just..."
He's ignoring me.
"Yes good afternoon, this is Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth-"
Now, he's on the phone, trying to-no he's not even trying...
"We are short on paper clips..."
stupid word you say...
"Yes of course! Promptly."
He's definitely acting like I'm not here. He's always telling me that there are better ways to do this...
But he rarely leaves me any other choice...
A/N: I'm road tripping for the next few weeks and I don't have time to write.
These are so short, I don't even know if they count as drabbles... But they are iPad friendly. This song makes me think of Edgeworth and Franziska... So I started jotting little things down... Don't expect plot, I've too much of that in the other stories I write. (Even I need a break from me-lol) I hope someone enjoys these as much as I did...