Authors Note: These are drabbles. These aren't meant to be long. Don't get angry, ok?
Word Count: 150 words (Excluding the bolded part.)
They were in love; it was just a strange type of love.
Orange Juice
"I put bleach in your juice."
A pause as he held the cup of orange juice in his hand. He looked at it as if it had turned into a spider or something before slowly putting down the cup.
"Well you know you shouldn't have kept your bleach in the cupboard under the sink. It was an accident." She said cleaning a cup.
"You got orange juice from the fucking fridge how the fuck did you put bleach in it by accident?"
"Eh." She said shrugging.
"Are you trying to fucking kill me?" He asked
He groaned before grabbing his keys, putting on his coat and boots. "I'm going to the damn hospital."
"Just say you wanted a kick in your orange juice and you keep the vodka beside the bleach!"
"Yeah yeah whatever, you crazy psycho ass bitch." He muttered before walking out the door.