Chapter 1

~ Academia Island, Grand Line ~

~ Grand Line Academy ~

The classroom was buzzing with talk, most of it surrounding the rumoured arrival of two new students - late tranfers. Despite the noise around them there were ten students who weren't joining in the gossip. That's not to say they weren't interested though.

A green-haired young man sitting toward the back of the lecture hall was blocking out the noise and trying to relax before class started. Despite his calm, anti-social demeanor he was rather intimidating with the scar across his left eye and the three katana currently leaning against the desk beside him. It's so noisy today. I'm interesting in these transfers too ... well I will be if they're strong ... but what's the point in talking and guessing when we don't know anything except that there's two of them coming. Ahh ... whatever. Maybe I can get a nap in before the teacher gets here.

A couple rows in front of the swordsman, in the middle-right of the hall, a young woman with long orange hair sat with a calculator in front of her. At her hip she had what looked like three separate pieces of pipe, on her upper arm she had a tatoo which was visible because she was only wearing a bikini top. That sale I went to the other day was great. I managed to get a 75% discount which makes my total savings this month ... about... 83%! That's 2% better than last month. I hope class starts soon, I'm excited to see who these transfers could be. Maybe they're looking for a couple maps. I've still got some available for sale.

On the opposite side of the room, by the large windows sat another young woman. Unlike the first, this woman had long dark hair and in front of her sat a rather large book. She was focusing on the pages in front of her and seemingly ignoring the rest of the class. Today should be interesting. It's obvious from the chatter this last week that no one has a clear idea of who these transfers are. I thought the school would know but even when I checked the school's servers there were many sections left blank. It seems the school hasn't been given much information either. Interesting...

Sitting in the front row munching on cotton candy sat a rather odd creature. Looking somewhat like a teddy bear with antlers he looked up from the medical book in front of him to study the people around him. Everyone looks so happy. I wish I could talk to someone about these new students. No one wants to talk to me though, probably because of my blue nose. Hahh ... maybe one of the new kids will be my friend ... yeah right.

A couple seats to the left of the little reindeer there was a long-nosed young man. He was wearing an odd overalls outfit without a shirt and had what looked like a slingshot with him. He was fidgeting and looking around him nervously like he was expecting to be attacked. I can't believe these people. They all think the lack of informating means that these people are weak. It's obviously the opposite. If they were just weak then someone would have told us that. The lack of information obviously means that they're super-strong guys who don't want anyone to know about them and have the connections to transfer in without letting people know. Just what this place needs ... more monsters. Ughh, I hope they dont show up.

At the back of the hall, on the opposite side from the swordsman sat a creature even more strange than the reindeer - a living skeleton. The skeleton seemed to be composing a piece of music while glancing out of the window every so often. What beautiful day. The sky is really helping get my creative juices flowing. The anticipation in the classroom keeps rising. Maybe one of the transfers will be a young lady. She might even be willing to show me her panties? Yohohohoho... That would be lovely.

Between the swordsman and the skeleton at the back of the room sat a blond-haired, suit-wearing young man. Despite the educational setting he was smoking a cigarette, the smoking rising to the ceiling steadily while he gazed at something a couple rows in front of him. Though, every once in a while he would throw a glare at the swordsman, who wasn't paying him any attention. The ladies are so lovely today. This is definitely the best place for me to gaze at their beauty! If only that shitty-swordsman wasn't so close. I hate him - he doesn't know how to be respectful to a lady. I could sit here all day and just soak in the loveliness, but I can't wait to see who these tranfers are. If they're women I will definitely offer to show them around. Uheheh, maybe they will be so grateful they will grant me a kiss from their maiden lips. Ah ... nosebleed.

A couple rows in front of the blond young man there was a robotic student. Literally, he looked half-human, half-robot. The cyborg had blue hair styled up in a wave, wearing only a hawaian shirt and speedos. He appeared to be making notes on the schematics of a ship. I think that about finishes up the designing phase. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the designs yet. I have no one to build it for. Hmm ... I hope something super happens today. Maybe these transfer students will be cool cats and liven the place up.

In the front row by the window, two students sat together. One had blond hair that looked like a pineapple while the other had some old, gangster-like pompadour. The weren't really looking at or talking to each other but they gave off the same aura and you could tell they knew each other. The blond looked up at his companion, "So today is the day that they are coming." His friend startled a little at the sudden comment, "Yup, oyajii did say that they would be coming today..." He looks around at all the students in the lecture hall and then back at his blond friend, "Honestly, look at all the commotion that their arrival has caused and we don't even know who they are. I don't know what pops was thinking." The blond looks out the window but addresses his companion, "I don't know either..." But I feel like something interesting is about to happen.