Dance to the End

days past since Kevin ask out Edd and things turn out pretty well for the two,they started to hang out more and more. Edd even skip the club meeting,she felted bad of course and she even try making it up to Rolf but he was okay with it. Friday came and everything turn out great"hey baby!"for a while


"aw you remember my name~"he move closer to her"so I was thinking we should hang out"

"i think not!"she pushed him away and went on walking,Mario follow her from behind"why not?you know you want this"

"whatever..look if you must know I'm going somewhere"

"let me guess..prom"she stopped and turn to Mario"how did you know that?"

he smirked"look baby..if you don't want to get hurt...i think you should come with me"

"a-are you threatening me?"

"no..I'm just making something clear"he grin and lifted the poor girl worried,Edd called up Kevin that day"hey what should i-"

"i do not think we should go"

"what?!why I thought you wanted to go"

"i do..but Mario"Kevin growled through the phone"look let me handle him okay?"


"oh got to go,bye!"he hang up,Edd looked at her phone for a while till she hang up. This is going to be bad

later on that night Kevin came over to Edd's,he was wearing a normal black suit with a red rose place near his chest. The door open and Eddy moan"dude really?"

"shut up and get her!"he let him in and called Edd,they sat down and waited"so..where his parent's"

"we are here mr!"

"Ed shut up"Kevin rolled his eyes and looked around,this was weird but in a good way. He fixed his tie and turn back to the idiots"look if you touch her!"

"i know!jeez!"suddenly a safe step came down,the three looked up. Edd was dressed in a long light red dress,she was wearing light makeup and she was wearing a summer hat"ready?"

"y-yeah"the two walked out and waved to the Eds"be back before 12:30!"

"me and your dad love you dear!"

"Ed shut up!"Edd giggled and walk with Kevin,Kevin was waiting on his new dirt bike. Edd first stop by the weird bike but sight and hop on,Kevin could see she was still wearing the same out shorts she wore when she was 10"really?"

they went off,Edd first panic because of the bike and how it was made but Kevin slow down a bit. The wind blow up near Edd,Kevin could smell roses and tea. They stopped at a fast food place and order some fries and hamburgers"so..whats with the hat?"

"i think it would be batter than my old one.."

"yeah but.."he stop when he sat Edd looking down,it was silly to wear a summer hat in the middle of the school year let alone in the fall"you know what never mind"


"yeah if you want to wear it do it!i don't care"he ate the last bit of his sandwich"i don't care what you look like dork"

"..thank you"she took off her hat and lay it down,her long hair lay down on his shoulders"y-your hair"

"yeah I know"her hair was black at the button but white all over,she move her hand around it"when I was little I was friends with everyone...i was a air head...i saw on TV a woman with blond hair..she seem to be loved by I did the same..but fail and my hair turn out white...people made fun of me and no one wanted to sit with I moved here and started to wear the hat...yeah"

".."Kevin touched her hair and moved it,it was so safe and warm. He bend close to it and kissed it"i think it rocks"

"ah!"she blushed and turn away

the two went to prom,it wasn't as Edd nor Kevin thought it would be but a lot of people greeted them. Edd was still shy with her hair but a lot of people loved it

meanwhile back at Edd's house the two were watching TV,well Ed was while Eddy watched to time. He didn't really wanted to send her away and that dress he got her was pretty good on her,he also feels like something is going to happen. Suddenly the phone ring and Eddy answer"hello?"

"Eddy is Edd their!?"

"Sarah?since when can you use the phone?~"

"shut up!..look I saw Rolf with Mario..and he had an axes with him..i think his going to hurt Kevin!"Eddy eyes widen"Ed!"

at school Edd and Kevin stood near the snack's,they talked to some of the team. It was good so far"alright everyone time to slow dance"the song started to play,Edd was about to go talk to some of the girls till Kevin hold her hand"come on"

"but Kevin"he pull her in and they began to dance,Kevin looked down to see if he wasn't hurting her"Kevin?"

"yeah?"he look up

"when did you learn to dance?"he smiled"Nazz...she kinda helped..."

"oh Kevin.."she lay her head on his shoulder,this was amazing. How can she fall in love with Kevin like this,she feels like she was in heaven

outside the school Eds came running,when they found Mario he was near the DJ"stop Rolf!"

"why?so Kevin can take her!"

"why work for him his just gone use you!and hurt Kevin"

"hurt him?no we were only going to do the 'throwing of old food'...right?"he turn to Mario and he rise his shoulders"well yeah what the fuck did ya think I was going to do!"

"no..this is wrong!"

"dude why the hell did you think I brought this"he hold the axes"I'm going to cut the lighting and let him get shock like a stupid bird"he smirked

"Rolf won't let you!"

"sisters~"the two came out,they blow kisses at the Eds. Both ran away,Rolf didn't seem to be scared of the two till he got punched in the face"go get them"Rolf began to run himself,what should he do?!he look over and saw Kevin

Kevin smiled at Edd"i won't make me,i mean I use to like Nazz..but I think I love you"

"Kevin.."the two lean close,Rolf turn and saw Mario ready to hit. He grin and hit the lights

"oh my god!"


Rolf was in the hospital from the after shock from the lights,he had one broken arm and leg and some burns on his back and legs. He also lost some blood but beside that he was lucky to be alive, the Karkers were send to jail for breaking and to act of murder but their mother got them out and send them to their pap in Iceland. Edd took care of Rolf for almost a mouth,she later found out he was a part of it but also he liked her. She turn him down

Kevin and Rolf became friends again and even though it hurts him to see them together he still friends with them,years past since that very night. Rolf even though he was alive had some leg problems which cause him to not work at the farm,May who wasn't send to her paps because her mother didn't know her real father took care of him and the farm,after high school they got married

Eddy and Nazz became a couple as well,after she saw how he took care of Edd. she saw the man that was inside of him,they aren't married but they are doing business with the Jawbreaker component

Ed never got married but he did became a comic book writer,mostly horror. He even got to help make the movie Carrie and I spit on you grave which both weren't his favor's any way

as for Edd and Kevin,well Kevin is now rich from making dirt bikes and for Edd. She is now working for Walt Disney and is now helping make Disney land,it wasn't as great as she wanted to be but she also is once of the few woman to help make it. The two indeed got married and had a few kids,Edd now old is helping the move for woman's rights and along side spoiling her grandsons and daughters

"jeez we're old.."Edd giggled at her husband"oh what a cute little boy"a couple of boys ran by their house"Edd..that's a girl"

"really?how do you know?"he smiled"i can tell by how I can tell when you are wanting some kisses"

"oh you...81 and still wants some"she lean in and kissed him"oh I forgot"he pull out a box and open up"your hat"

"where on earth?"he place it on her old dry up hair and pull it together,he smiled"great"

"oh you"

"never change babe..never change"

The End

(yes!i did it!it's fucking done!i know its sucks and all but I don't care anymore!it sucks!but hey I know its not great but its all I got and I know I said they'll be some...more stuff but its already bad so I can't do much to it! anyway thanks for everything,you guys are so fucking great!i mean it,if you wish to rewrite this by all means. I may do that but it be for a very long time!I'm now on Hetalia but since all you pretties went through in this shit hole I'll write something,it won't be as long as this but I'll work on it!THANK YOU ALL!)