Chapter 4: Older Hiccup.

This chapter is based on the trailer How to Train Your Dragon 2. But in my head I will always picture Jack and Hiccup as the same height (For some reason I can´t stand the idea of taller Hiccup) Any question? Any comment? Everything is well received.

Warnings: Kiss BoyxBoy (Don´t like, don´t read)

4 years later

Hiccup sat next to his window staring at his friends playing with the snow and with their dragons. Toothless was sleeping next to him purring in his sleep. Hiccup smiled at the sound of the soft breathing of his dragon and kept watching the snow fall over Berk. It had already passed four years, four years of snow but no Jack. He had disappeared at Christmas Eve leaving Hiccup partly confused and partly hurt. Had he done something wrong? Had he made Jack mad or something?

The 18 year old boy sighed on the glass and it was suddenly filled with a thin fog where Hiccup drew a smiling face. The Viking smiled back at it but he felt it was a fake smile: it was hard to smile during those days of non-stopping snow.

The smiling face disappeared some seconds later and Hiccup breathed over it again. This time he drew a snowflake.

"You don´t know how much I miss you dork." he sighed letting the snowflake disappear too. "You don´t know how much."

He felt a cold wind entering to his room and Hiccup hugged himself with his arms. Toothless also felt the temperature change and woke up with a jump.

"It´s okay buddy." he said to his dragon. A noise on the roof made the two of them look up. "Toothless, did you walked on the roof again?"

The dragon turned to his friend and shook his head softly. Hiccup nodded and looked up again. "Maybe something broke and there is where the cold wind is getting in." Slowly he stood up and looked at the roof trying to find out why it was so cold inside his room. Toothless followed him with his teeth already out and his claws ready to attack.

Suddenly something fell from the roof and landed over Hiccup´s nose. It was really small and cold, the boy frowned in confusion and tried to take it with his hand but it melted away. It was a snow flake.

"Jack Frost." he sighed in realization before turning on his heels towards the window where he had been sitting some second ago. Standing next to it, was sitting Jack Frost with his usual sarcastic smile, his blue jacket and his large staff. Hiccup couldn´t help to gasp a nervous laugh. He was there. He was finally there. "Jack!" he screamed and jumped over the winter´s spirit in a tight hug.

The white haired boy didn´t move at inch at first but when he got used to Hiccup´s warm body he hugged the boy back.

"I didn´t knew you had missed me that much." he tried to joke it out but he knew it was a lie. He had felt Hiccup´s pain and sadness every time he had gone to Berk to deliver winter but avoided his friend´s house. That was why he was so shocked about Hiccup´s sudden changes.

Jack was the one that pulled away from the hug to look at Hiccup a little bit more closely. They were of the height even though it was clear Hiccup had grown some muscles. His hair was a little longer and he had almost lost all his baby fat making his face a little bit larger and more adult. Jack made the math inside his head, Hiccup had now the same age he had when he became a guardian.

"Of course I missed you dork!" Hiccup´s voice hit him out of his own thoughts. "You were gone for four years!"

Jack shrugged. "Oh come on, don´t act like a lonely housewife. I had stuff to do."

Hiccup wanted to punch the spirit but at the same time he wanted to kiss him! Wait…what?

"I mean it Jack, where were you?" asked Hiccup really serious this time. Jack frowned and looked way.

"It´s complicated." he answered coldly. Hiccup crossed his arms up his chest.

"I have time." there was a long pause where neither of them knew what to say. "Do you have?"

Jack stared back at the boy and found it hard to keep his cool. "I guess so."


The frozen lake where Jack had found Hiccup had stood the same those four years. He had asked Hiccup about that to which the young Viking just answered with "It´s a secret". Jack was sitting over a big rock with Hiccup and Toothless to his right. The sun was almost completely gone and the sky´s colors had changed from bright blue to orange. Hiccup liked that part of the day, the minutes between the end of the day and the beginning of the night. Jack, on the other way, loved sunrises. In both events the color suffered of a metamorphosis but for Jack the sunrise meant the start of a new chance, a new beginning. Hiccup had learned to love sun rising and so Jack had learned to do the same with the twilight.

"I had a good day Jack." said Hiccup like softly. Jack smiled.

They had flown together. Well, Jack and Toothless had flew together while Hiccup rode the dragon most of the time. The winter spirit´s smile became wider as he remembered Hiccup suddenly falling from the back of Toothless. Jack mind had gone white as he saw the Viking falling down with his head pointing towards the sea. He flew as fast as he could to reach him but suddenly Hiccup made something with his hands and a pair of "wings" appeared over his back. Then was when Jack understood, Hiccup had planned that long ago. It was just another invention. Jack reached the boy and seconds later the two boys were flying together. Toothless stood over their heads the whole time but Jack´s eyes never left Hiccup´s as they flew.

"Me too." sighed Jack as he stopped playing with this staff. "I missed having someone actually talking to me."

"I wish you could come a little bit more often."

Jack gave him a half smile. "I don´t think your girlfriends is going to like you spending more time with the invisible spirit." He said invisible spirit as he made quotes with his fingers. Hiccup turned towards Jack confused.

"I don´t have a girlfriend Jack."

Toothless raised his head from the ground and stared at the two boys curiously.

"Yes you do, the blonde one, with big eyes and string fists."

Hiccup thought about it for a moment. "Do you mean Astrid?"

"I don´t know her name. I just saw you four years ago on Christmas and I…"

"We stopped dating three years ago." Hiccup interrupted him. Jack couldn´t help to smile; this time truthfully.

"Really; why?"

Toothless carefully stood up from and started walking away from Hiccup which luckily was too focused on Jack to pay attention to the dragon.

"I don´t know. I was attracted to her but at the same time I couldn´t quite love her."

Jack nodded not surely if he understood his friend but he didn´t want to interrupt him.

"I mean, I liked her but I was already in love with someone else."

"Really? And who is the lucky girl?"

Hiccup looked down and left the question unanswered. Suddenly colorful lines of light appeared on the sky making the two boys look up.

"The Aurolea." sighed Hiccup as he stood up from the floor and stared at the colorful colors that decorated the dark sky. Jack followed him. "Toothless!"

The dragon appeared from behind a tree and smile at his friend with his toothless smile.

"What are you going to do?" asked Jack as he saw Hiccup climbing on the dragon ready to fly.

"We are going to fly through it dummy." said the Viking like if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Jack frowned confused.

"Can you do that?"

Hiccup put his helmet on and made a final check of Toothless tail mechanism.

"Of course you can. Maybe you can´t touch it but still you can fly with it and see the color a little bit more closely. It´s fun."

Jack thought about it. The wind was soft that night and there were no clouds that could cause a snow storm. It was great night to have a last fly with his friend by his side.

"I will only with one condition."

"What is it?"

"You will tell me with who you are in love with."

Thank god the helmet was able to hide the blush of Hiccup´s cheeks from j



"I had a lovely night."

"You still use weird words?"

Hiccup punched the winter spirit on the arm. "Some things never change Jack."

"You did."

Hiccup stood quiet for a couple of seconds. "I know…"

Jack looked down and both of them tried to think what to say anymore. In the sky the full moon was illuminating the whole village making Hiccup´s blush visible for the young spirit. Jack wanted to ask him again with Hiccup was in love with. He knew it was masochist but he needed to know if the person that had Hiccup´s heart was worth it. All he had ever wanted was making Hiccup happy. It was like an indirect way to be happy himself.

"So…" started Hiccup.

"So?" Jack imitated him but this time it didn´t amused the Viking.

"Am I going to see you around?"

Jack made a face like if he was considering it. "I am not sure yet but if I need to leave before, you will be the first one to know." The only one to know.

Hiccup faked a smile aware that was the best he could ask at that point. Suddenly a black shadow appeared behind Jack. It was big and it moves so slowly Hiccup wasn´t surprised Jack hadn´t noticed it. Hiccup tried to focus on the figure but it was too hard to distinguish anything.

"Hiccup, what´s wrong?" asked as he saw Hiccup leaning over him trying to get a better view access to the shadow when suddenly the spirit felt a paw pushing him forward. Jack, unable to keep his balance tried to hold on Hiccup´s shoulders causing their head to land just inches away from each other. The shadow moved quickly behind Hiccup.

"What the…"started Jack but before he could finish the sentence something pushed Hiccup back against Jack making their lips meet. Both of them opened their eyes in shock. Jack´s hands were still on Hiccup´s shoulders keeping him in place with Hiccup was supporting his weight on Jack´s chest. The two boys took some seconds before one of them, Hiccup, decided to make the best of it and started kissing Jack softly, almost shyly. Jack responded to the kiss happily.

"Wow." sighed Jack as they broke apart. Hiccup looked down trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"I know." Hiccup closed his eyes trying to put his ideas in order. "About the promise I made before."

Jack could hardly remember his name in that moment.

"About with whom I was in love." Hiccup rested his forehead against Jack´s and whispered. "It was you."

Hope you liked it and I hope to be updating soon.