AN: Hello, earthlings! Now, Edmund is my favourite Narnia character ever, I love him! And I began to wonder, he has such a crazy family and life, what's it like, being the only seemingly same person around? And thus, this fic was born...

And now, Ed will do the disclaimer for me...

Edmund: Yeah, *cough cough* no.

Alright then... I don't own any part of the Chronicles of Narnia. Except Edmund.

Edmund: No, you don't. Can I go now?

Rain fell in torrential sheets, washing the countryside in pools of mud, and drowning dozens of insects, all screaming for their wives and children. The four glum faces of the Pevensie siblings stared out of one of the fancier windows in Professor Kirke's majestic country house.

"I'm booooooored..." sighed Lucy, cupping her chin in her hands.

"It's alright, Lu!" her eldest brother reassured her. "We can play my really super-dooper fun rivetingly exciting game!"

"Okay!" Lucy cried, perking up immediately. "What is it?"

"Well, how it works is, I take a dictionary, right? And then I pick a word, yeah?"

His siblings leaned forward, eagerly awaiting the point of the game.

Peter continued. "And then, you have to guess what the word means!" He sat back, looking pleased with himself.

"Oh Pete!" cried Lucy. "That sounds wonderful!"

"It's sure to be brilliant," said Susan, smiling and looking generally pleased, patting her favourite sister on the head.

"Um... no offence Pete, but that sounds really boring. And just quite sad," said Edmund, wincing slightly at the eagerness with which his siblings seemed to welcome this ridiculous game.

Peter sniffed. "Well, really Ed! Trust you to be rude!"

"Yeah, Ed," whined Lucy, "you're such a spoilsport!"

"We're a family Ed," scolded Susan, "we stick together."

Edmund sighed, and took a step back, watching his brother and sisters comfort each other, and throw angry glances in his direction.

Ten minutes later, Edmund was lying on his back on the carpet, staring at the ceiling, wishing he was somewhere else, whilst Peter read words out of a colossal leather bound Latin dictionary.

"The next word is insulsus," announced Peter.

Lucy frowned, in deep concentration. "Does it mean... potato?" she guessed for the eighteenth time.

"Not quite," Peter said gently.

"Does it mean insult?" asked Susan, tentatively.

"Nope," grinned Peter, evidently enjoying himself.

Edmund groaned inwardly. At his age, he really should have somewhere more interesting to be. Even a mausoleum would work at this point.

"Your turn, Ed!"

He didn't bother sitting up to face Peter. "Is it Latin for... boring?"

"EDMUND!" yelled his brother, leaping up from the sofa. "I've had enough of you and your incessant rudeness!"

"He's right, you know!" cried Susan "You're just being intolerable!"

"Yeah, Ed," proclaimed Lucy, "you're mean!"

Edmund sighed, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes. "Peter," he said slowly, "insulsus actually does mean 'boring' in Latin. Check the definition."

Peter glanced down at the dictionary. He pursed his lips, and gave an imperious sniffle. "Well," he spat, "you're still rude and intolerable!"

Edmund rolled his eyes.

A.N: So, guys what do you think? Oh, I don't hate the others or anything, they're deliberately OOC for comedic effect! You can suggest scenes I could parody like this, if you like! If you enjoyed it, let me know in the reviews! If you didn't, let me know in the reviews! If you have no opinion, let me know in the reviews! Please, please, please, please, please, please REVIEW!