So this was a birthday present to Magfreak a few weeks back. It's just a short ficlet in Pirate Sybil & Tom future. Un-beta'd!
Sybil opened the door to their room and grinned at the sight before her.
There was Tom in front of a water basin giving their precious little girl a bath. With his left hand just above her eyes he slowly poured the water out of the pitcher. She giggled. "You like that? Do you Moira?" She giggled again.
Sybil slowly closed the door behind her, not wanting to spoil this beautiful moment.
Tom rubbed some soap onto a washcloth and carefully ran the cloth against Moira's soft skin.
It was then as Moira started to splash water on her father that she saw Sybil. Quickly seeing the signs of a fit, Sybil rushed forward to the other side of the basin. "Shhh shhhh don't cry my darling, mama's here."
Moira's crocodile tears quickly stopped and her cheerful smile came back as she splashed her mother as well.
Tom laughed as he continued to wash her belly. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "I thought you and Gwen were looking at maps for our next hunt on the top deck?"
Sybil nodded, "We were but…" Sybil bit her lip as she reached over and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around their daughter and she lifted her up into her arms.
Leaning her head against Tom's shoulder she continued, "But I missed you two." Tom chuckled causing Sybil to giggle too. "I know I know, I was only gone for an hour but I just love her so much."
Tom nodded understanding as he gazed down at Moira, "Me too."