Sorry for not updating for TWO DAYS. DX The story was twisted just a little! But it'll still be awesome though. This is, sadly, the last chapter in this story. There will be a new story soon!

Shout out to CursedPhoenix94!

-Laney's POV-

I wake up to my phone ringing. Ugh, I think, groping for my phone on the nightstand next to my bed. I glance at its clock. Its 5:38 in the morning. Whoever that was calling had better be prepared to face my sleep deprived wrath. Grapping, it, I squint against the glare it makes. It's the Mayor. How did he even get my number? I answer it.

"Hello?" I say groggily.

"Miss Penn?" Mayor Mellow asks, his voice a bundle of nerves.

"Yea?" I ask, rolling my eyes. The Mayor has picked up the habit of calling us all "Miss" and "Mister" for some reason, and there was no talking him out of it.

"We have figured out why Carrie was so mad," he responds slowly.

I'm suddenly very wide awake. How did he know...? "Well? What is it?"

"Here, let me the tapes…" the Mayor responds, shuffling around. There is a recorded conversation? That's kind of weird. A loud click sounds on the other end of the phone, and a recorded message sounds.

"Carrie, why did you do what you had did that night?" Mayor Mellow's voice rang out with a technical ring to it, signaling that it was, in fact, recorded.

"Why should I like, tell you?" came Carrie's sneer reply.

"Because you are already going to jail," Mayor Mellow responded with a dark edge to his voice, "And there is no point of holding it in. You might as well get this off your chest."

I can just tell that Carrie is rolling her eyes. "Like arrgh and stuff. I don't have to say anything to you. It's not my fault that I have a problem with OCTB's. They annoy the heck outta me."

"OCTB? What may that be?" I hear the Mayor ask with a hint of victory in his voice.

"Oblivious Couple's To Be? He-lllllllo! Corey and Laney? They are like, SO annoying. They practically dance around each other with their feelings. It's about damn time they got together. And do you know how that makes ME feel? They are romacticing it up all day, and I'm in love with a guy who wouldn't know I loved him if I flashed a neon sign! I mean, you probably don't even know what I'm talking about. You know what? I'll shut up. Just take me to jail. At least someone's lifelong dream will come true."

The recording ends there. I sit in stunned silence for a moment before the present day Mayor speaks. "So that is one of the things I have called you about. Another is about your parents."

I widen my eyes. I had totally forgotten about them with the Corey situation. "What about them?"

"Police found them tied up in another part of the house, not harmed at all. Once they fill out a few papers, you are welcome to go back to your own household."

"Yes!" I cry. Finally!

"The last thing is that we, as a town, are terribly sorry for your loss."

Is he joking? Are we seriously the only people who know that Corey is alive? Well then again, we didn't exactly inform the whole town.

"Mayor Mellow, um, Corey isn't dead," I respond awkwardly, trying to sound as sane as possible while half sleep.

"What are you talking about?" Mayor Mellow asks clearly confused.

I explain to him the story of yesterday's reunion with our friend, excluding the personal parts. I blush just remembering. When I finish, there is silence on the other end of the line.

"Alright, I have a devised a plan that will work," the Mayor responded with determination.

I raise an eyebrow on instinct and smile, even though he cannot see me. "How are you sure it will work?"

"I'm the Mayor. Duh," he smugly responds, "I can have the town aware of Corey's existence within half an hour."

"Whoa, that's fast. Why?" I ask, yawning and deciding to get up. I stretch as I await his answer.

"Instead of the funeral, we will replace it with a "Welcome Back Corey" Party in the Town Square. It'd be great if Grojband preformed there."

I consider everything. Not a bad gig. But I needed to tell Kon and Kin while keeping this all a secret from Corey until the time comes.

"I've got to go talk with some of my band mates," I respond, the conversation suddenly getting very awkward.

"Ok. The town shall know of Corey's existence in half an hour. Call back anytime with your answers. Mellow out," he responds, and the phone shuts off with a click. How was this going to work? Trina's most likely going to be knocked out for most of the day (she has taken the advice of a beauty magazine to get most rest for beauty), and Corey isn't really writing his own lyrics yet.

Maybe breakfast will clear my head. I wash my face and apply my makeup. I stare in the mirror for a moment, looking at myself. My face has a few purple bruises on it that will never fade away. I try to cover it up with some concealer, but I fail, for some still show. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and head towards the door. Upon opening it, I hear no other that Kin and Kon.

"This cereal is so good…I can eat it in a minute," I hear Kon say.

"I can probably eat mines in half that time!" Kin replies with a huff.

I go to the kitchen to see Kin and Kon with large bowls of cereal in front of them. They both stare daggers at each other. What is with them and always challenging each other?

"Hey Kin and Kon," I say brightly, and for once, it is real.

"Hey Lanes," Kin replies, smiling at me. My eyes narrow at him.

"I told you, only Core calls me Lanes, YOU GOT THAT?!" I seethe at him, yelling the last part; both of them are staring at me their eyes wide and faces shocked. I huff.

"Is Core up yet?" I ask, trying to steer clear of this awkward conversation.

"Nope," Kon says with a shake in his voice. Great. I actually scared the guy.

"Yay," I say, beckoning them both closer, "Because Mayor Mellow just called me and told me the craziest thing like, ever!"

"Drop it on us Lanes!" Kin says excitedly. I tell them what the Mayor had told me not to long ago. I can literally see their excitement growing with each word I say. I'm guessing they love the idea, just like me.

"That sounds completely awesome," Kon smiles widely.

"Yeah, and we can't tell Corey yet. We have to wait for Mayor Mellow to tell the town and get people to come! I I've got the perfect song in mind for him. And I know that he knows the lyrics by heart. We just need to get everything set up in the process. Could you two get everything wired?" I say in a rush.

"SURE!" they say unanimously. They rush to their rooms to get some equipment.

"Hey Grojguys and gal," calls a sleepy Corey from his room.

"Corey!" I squeal, running to him and wrapping my arms around his neck for a hug.

"Whoa Lanes, what's up?" he asks, detaching himself.

"I'm still really happy you're, uh, back," I cover up just in time. It wasn't completely a lie though, I truly was happy. I lead him by hand towards the kitchen.

"You should eat breakfast. Brb Core," I say quickly, running off to find the twins.

I didn't hear Core's response because I was halfway down the hallway already. "Kin? Kon?"

"Here and here!" some voices from behind me say. I jump and spin around to see the brothers saluting me, wires, speakers, and a couple of cases in their arms.

"Go to the Town Square! Set the stage up! Hurry, ten minutes have passed already. The rest of the interments should be at the garage. Hurry, get going!" I frantically whisper. Understanding the urgency, they nod and rush out the back door. I watch them go for a second and decide to go back to Corey. He sits in the kitchen eating Corn Flakes (which I don't own) and stares into space.

"Hey Corey," I say, sliding into the seat next to him.

"Hey Lanes," he responds, snapping back to Earth and smiling at me. Geez, how I love that smile.

I glance at my watch. Another ten minutes have passed. Only ten minutes to go. I had better get Core over there early. Hopefully, everything was set by the time we got there.

"C'mon Core, let's go to the…uh…Town Square. I have a surprise for you," I say nervously.

"Huh?" he mumbles, looking at me with a question in his eyes.

"Core, just come on," I giggle as milk dribbles down his chin. Corey smiles and wipes the milk off with a nearby napkin. "Alright Lanes, but this better be something big."

"Oh trust me, it is," I say, a mysterious glint in my eyes. "Go upstairs and change, Core. I'm pretty sure no one wants you to be in pj's where we're going."

Core fixes me with an unreadable expression. Before I can turn away, he kisses my forehead. I blush and turn away, rushing to me room. I change into my regular red pants and black combat boots. I switch my shirt for my yellow t shirt and black and yellow striped tank top on top. I happen to emerge just as the same time as Corey. We now have five minutes. We are almost late!

"Hurry Core, five minutes left!" I say to him quickly. I run towards the Town Square, Core close behind me.

"Where are we going?" he asks as we run. He's not even breathing any harder. Pfft…showoff.

"Town…Square," I say between huffs.

As we approach the Town Square, a red carpet has been rolled out, leading from where we stand to the stage. Kin and Kon are on the stage, at their appropriate spots. Hundreds of people stand on either side of the carpet, cheering that they see Corey alive. A large banner reading "Welcome Back Corey" hangs over the stage. The mayor stands on the stage, shushing the people.

"I would like to welcome everyone to the "Welcome Back" party for Corey Riffian!" The mayor yelled into the microphone. Everyone screamed in joy and looked at Corey. I stole a glance at him. He was absolutely glowing. I smile and offer him my hand. He takes it without a second thought. I blush, because we're doing this in public.

"May the couple please make their way down the aisle?" Mayor Mellow asks with a shy smile. I blush furiously and glare at the twins. They are a little too far away, but I swear that they both winked at me.

Core and I walk hand and hand down the aisle, shaking hands and waving to people that came to see Corey alive again. They all look extremely happy.

"As you all may know, Corey is obviously alive and here with us, thankfully," the Mayor continues as we make our way down to the makeshift aisle. A few people were actually throwing flower petals. I can't seem to stop blushing. I can't believe they planned all of this and didn't tell me. So it was a surprise for both of us.

"So we all would like to express our love for you by throwing this party for you!" The mayor said.

Corey and I finally made it to the stage and walked up the steps in the front. We join the mayor's side, still hand in hand.

"Corey, how do you feel about all of this?" The Mayor asks, holding out the microphone for Corey.

He takes it with enthusiasm. "First of all, thank you all for coming out today!" He says with a smile.

The crowd roars, and the noise is deafening. "Thanks for caring about me," Corey continues once the noise dies down a little, "And thanks for believing in me."

The crowds roar once again as Corey hands the microphone back to the Mayor.

"Now, since this is a party, Grojband is going to perform for us all!" Mayor mellow says which gets another roar out the crowd. Corey turns towards me in a panic as he picks up his guitar and walks towards the microphone.

"Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold. You can do it Core," I whisper with a reassured smile as I pick up my bass.

Corey smiles at me, a sign that he has confidence now. He starts to sing … (Song: Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold)

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen.

So unsure but it seems, 'cause we've been waiting for you.

Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.

Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right.

Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be,

Arrived too early.

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong,

I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far.

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.

'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.

A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain.

Can leave this place but refrain, 'cause we've been waiting for you.

Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.

Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall).

No pain or sign of time (I'm much too young to fall).

So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign.

I've made up my mind.

Gave me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye.

Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life.

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.

'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.

This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,

Take me back inside, when the time is right.

Loved ones back home all crying 'cause they're already missing me.

I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening.

Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be.

(I am unbroken, I'm choking on this ecstasy.)

Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me

(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live.)

[Screams and laughter]

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.

'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.

This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,

Take me back inside, when the time is right.

When Corey finished the song, most of the crowd is in tears. The Mayor wipes a tear tears also. "Thank you Grojband, for that amazing performance!"

"Thank you Mayor," Corey says. He walks towards me, picks me up in his arms, and twirls me around. I blush, laughing me head off because it tickles. Core slowly lowers me down and leans in slowly. Too eager, I lean forward and my lips join with his. The kiss shares everything and anything I had felt in the past. It is delicious and I only want more. I lick his lips and start probing, asking for permission. I'm denied. I open my eyes to whoops and whistles. He backs off and says, "More later." Blushing, I back off, remembering where we were.

"This goes out to my new girlfriend, Lanes," Core says, his voice filled with emotion. I gape at Corey, my whole face heated. I look at Kin and Kon to see their reaction, which, strangely, is proud. I raise an eyebrow at them, and they snicker at me. I roll my eyes and blush. Of course they had planned this all.

"Everybody, GROJBAND!" The Mayor bellows. The crowd goes wild once more, and Grojband exits backstage.

"That was awesome!" Kon says as soon as they are out of sight.

"We got the gig!" Kon laughs happily.

"And I got the girl," Core says, looking at me with that sparkle in his eyes again.

I blush and jump into his arms happily. We kiss, a heat surrounding us that keeps me warm despite the slight chill in the air.

-Corey's POV-

Lanes is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. After the party, we got back to our house and watch a movie. We cuddle on the couch, kissing every few minutes. She tastes delicious. I try to sneak another kiss, and she grants it. We kiss, and I lick her lips and try to tongue wrestle her. She grants permission almost too easily. After a wrestle match, I win. We laugh together, and it is a beautiful melody. I love Lanes more than I think I love myself. She's amazing. We lay on the couch together after the movie, me rubbing small circles at the small of her back, while her head lies on my chest.

"Core?" she says, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, Lanes?" I ask, peering down at her.

"I love you," she says her voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too," I respond with equal emotion, and kiss the top of her forehead.

I hope you guys enjoyed that story! As I said in the beginning, MEGA-HUGE shout out to CursedPhoenix94 for the song. Thanks so much 333 It fits perfectly. This is the end of Laney gets in BIG Trouble. Please watch out for my NEW story, which is coming up in a few days or so. More info on that in my profile soon.